
406 30 4

Oct. 25

Dear Alex,

You came into the diner while I was taking some lady's order.

"Two pancakes," she was saying, "syrup on the side and a coffee, no cream..."

I was trying not to be distracted by you, but you were standing by the door and I couldn't help but look over the lady's greying head and see if you were looking at me. You weren't. You were looking out the window. I swallowed and looked back at the lady. "Is that all?"

I hurried to get the lady's order- two pancakes, syrup on the side, coffee, no cream... how many sugars? I dumped one spoonful in and stirred it, splashing a bit on the counter, and barely remembering to grab cutlery and a napkin for her. I set the food down carefully in front of her, and wiped my trembling hands on my apron. I felt your presence like a dramatic change in the atmospheric pressure as you moved towards me and sat down at the counter. I froze. You waited patiently.

Slowly, I unhinged my joints and stepped towards you, never looking at you. "May I help you?"

"Carrie," you said, and the way you said it made it sound smooth and beautiful, like honey dripping off a spoon. "What happened to you?"

That's when I looked at you. That's when our eyes met and my heart leapt as I was pierced with those beautiful blue gems- and that's when I knew I was stuck. I couldn't look away.

"Alex," I whispered, and stopped myself from saying more.

"Carrie, I missed you," you said, a smile spreading your lips apart.

And that's when I broke the contact, gasped at the floor as you rubbed my heart between your fingers, turned and walked out back to get my breath back.

Stop stalking me at the diner. Leave me alone, Alex Kassian. Goddammit, leave me alone.



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