Home Sweet Farmhouse

301 29 7

Nov. 17

Dear Alex,

Today we went to buy groceries. We split up to get it done faster, and we must have looked dreadful, because while I was picking the cheapest cereal (plus a box of Mini Wheats, because what's life without Mini Wheats?), an old lady made her way over to me and said, "Lovely November we're having, isn't it?"

"I guess so," I said, feeling awkward with a cart full of canned beans, cracker, tampons, and Mini Wheats next to me.

"It's nice to see such young faces out and about."

I smiled at her. She looked up at me and smiled back, the wrinkles at the sides of her eyes crinkling up.

"Do you live in this neighbourhood? I could really use someone to help me out around the house now and again- I'm getting a bit too old for my time, if you know what I mean." she winked at me and I suppressed a giggle.

"Actually," I said, "my boyfriend and I just arrived a few days ago. We haven't really settled in yet."

She smiled.  "That's what I suspected. I am willing to exchange meals and rooming for work."

"Wait- what?"

"I said-"

"Oh, sorry, I heard you. I just- didn't believe my ears for a second. You would do that?"

"Of course! I love helping the wayward souls I come across."

I arched my eyebrows, then smiled at her. "Thanks so much. What's your address? We'll drive over."

She rummaged in her oversized purse for a slip of paper and a pen, scrawled her address in shaky cursive, and handed it to me. "The name is Emery," she said.

"Carrie. Nice to meet you."

"Don't bother buying all that, hon. I have enough food to spare."


She just winked at me, then walked away, carrying a basket on her arm, and turned into another aisle.

"Wow," I said under my breath.

I speed-walked through the store until I found you in the frozen-food section, and I took a bag of frozen peas from your hands. "We have a place to stay," I told you.


"An old woman told me she would give us room and board for labour."


I waved her address in your face.

"You're crazy," you told me, and laughed.

After lunch we drove down all the back roads, into the middle of nowhere, until we somehow located Emery's house- a small, two-storey farm house with a barn out back, surrounded by field and forests. A couple horses were grazing off to my right and I grasped your arm excitedly. We walked up to the door, where Emery was rocking on the porch swing, reading a thick hardcover. She looked up and smiled at us.

"Well, if it isn't the wayward lovers."

I giggled.

She gave us a tour of the yard first- barn, fields, tool shed, garden, chicken coop- then she showed us around the house. We get separate rooms. Mine is about the same size as my living room while I was living with Sean, so when Emery said, "Sorry they're quite small," I almost died. But I just bit the inside of my lip and thanked her profusely.

I'm laying on my borrowed bed right now, facing the window. It looks out onto the barn and the field with the horses. Alex, I think we might have nearly reached perfection.



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