Old Friends

360 32 0

Nov. 2

Dear Alex,

Lydia came over today with a plastic bag full of fresh veggies and a baby on her hip. When I opened the door the first thing she said was, "oh my gosh, love." She came in, I took the baby from her, and she sat down on the lumpy sofa. "I told you Sean was bad news. Come here and let me see."

I knelt down in front of her and she brushed the bruise around my eye. "Did he do this to you?"

"I fell," I told her.

"Mmm. No use lying." She tilted my head up to examine the damage from a different angle. "When did this happen?"

"Couple nights ago, I guess." My voice hitched in my throat and I inconspicuously pulled my sleeve father down over my left wrist.

She sighed. "You need to leave him, honey."

"I can't. I just... can't."

"Promise me you won't let him hurt you anymore."

"I promise," I lied. How was I supposed to promise her that? If I was capable of that, I wouldn't have had to make the promise in the first place!

"Good. Now," she said, turning to the plastic bag, "I brought you some cucumbers and garlic and tomatoes, a few onions and green beans and a couple gourds for decoration."

"Thank you so much." I set the bag on the counter.

"Take care of yourself, now," she said, taking her baby back.

"You too," I responded as she slipped out the door and down the breaking stairs.

I miss having her around more often.



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