Burn for Scar

279 25 5

Nov. 27

Dear Alex,

When we showed up at the hospital, Emery dropped me off and told me she'd come get me in a couple hours. When I got to the third floor, you were waiting for me by the elevator. You smiled and wrapped me in your arms.

"Ooooh, Alex, is that you're girl?"

We both turned and an African-American elderly lady with greying hair was smiling at us, missing a few teeth.

"Yes, Patty, this is Carrie," you said.

"Well, aren't you a cutie," said Patty, looking at me. "Okay. I'll leave. Go forth and make pretty little babies."

"Patty!" you said, horrified and blushing, as she hobbled down the hallway.

"Just voicing your thoughts for you!" she called over her shoulder as she turned the corner.

You turned to me. "I'm not-"

"Don't worry," I said, laughing. "Not offended."


You brought me to your room again and showed me some art you've been working on. Then we kissed. I kept my eye on the time, and when we'd spent two hours together, I told you I had to go. You rode the elevator down the first floor with me and saw me out, watching me go from the window next to the door. I blew you a kiss as I wandered out into the parking lot, searching for Emery's car. 

Suddenly, someone grabbed my arm. I spun around and found myself facing Sean.

I screamed and tried to yank myself away, but he folded my arm backwards and pressed me to the hood of his car. 

"Running away from me?" he hissed. "Don't you love me?"

"I hate you," I shouted.

He slammed me down with his forearm and I lost my breath from the impact. I gasped and tried to squirm away, but he had me pinned down hard.

He yanked my sleeve up and rubbed his thumb over my wrist.

"Oh, I see," he said. "You're too good for me, aren't you? You were always hopeless like that- selfish and worthless." He dug his nail into my burn scar. "Is this Alex's mark? Is it?"

I gasped in pain and bit the inside of my cheek.

"I didn't want you, anyway." He threw me down and I caught myself before my face could hit the ice. Suddenly, footsteps were flying to us and Sean yelled as he was tackled to the ground. I sat up and spun around and saw you pinning him down, blackening his face with your fist. He was screaming in pain and you were screaming in anger, and somehow he was no match for you.

You were spitting fire and breaking him and I wrapped my arms around you and tried to drag you off of him.

"Alex!" I screamed. "Stop it! Stop it!"

"He deserves it!" you yelled. "You think you can hurt her," you spat at him. "I'll show you pain."

Suddenly, people were flying from the building and dragging you off of him and back into the building. They helped Sean up and pressed cloths to his broken face and he glared at me through the mess. I turned and walked away, back towards the building, where you were sitting in the waiting room, sulking, a man and a woman scolding you fiercely.

I walked up to you and stood beside the woman. She turned to look at me.

"Not now, sweetie," she said.

"I just wanted to tell Alex thank you- and don't ever do that again," I said, looking at you.

You dropped your head. "Sorry."

"I have to go- I'll try to come tomorrow."

You nodded.

I feel bad. You got in trouble for defending me. But even though Sean deserved it from the inside out, that doesn't make me want to see him bloody and broken. (I know I'm not making any sense).

Why does this have to be so hard?



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