Memories // Near

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Near x Reader
You sat in your chair, staring across the room at the small, white glow coming from the floor. This small white glow was currently stacking dice, making slow and precise movements, his dice tower slowly getting taller in front of him. You had been watching him for who knows how long, and you knew that he knew you were looking, but at this point you didn't care.
Near was your boyfriend, he had been since you were younger (before either of you knew what it really meant to have a boy/girlfriend).
Near never officially asked you out, but yet here you were together, anyway. The story of how you two met was very odd, and definitely one that no one else had. It was nearly (a/n: I could've said 'almost' but that wasn't NEARly punny enough.) so many years ago you couldn't count the number on one hand since you two had been brought together by that angry blonde boy and the raven haired boy with red eyes.
You turned your attention away from Near as you looked to your side, recalling the memories of that day.
It was a regular day in Wammy's orphanage. Nothing special, really, except that day was Beyond Birthday's birthday. (a/n: Birthday's Birthday. This story's pun quality becoming too much.) BB, being a bit wild [and scaring everyone in the process], decided since he was old enough now, he wanted a big party. (a/n: sorry for all the a/n but I wanted to clarify the ages I have not looked up. So everyone is young but like not 5 years old young. The youngest person there is like 14. And the oldest person there is like 17. Just that age range.) And BB didn't want just any big party. He wanted one with girls and boys that weren't in the Wammy's House, much to everyone's dismay, but let's be honest: you don't tell BB no.
So that morning, all the Wammy's House children gathered in the main dining room. It had been cleared out and now contained bright lighting, rather loud heavy metal music, and more (regular, not gifted) people than Wammy's House ever held at once. Some of the more confident and flirtatious Wammy kids, such as Matt and Mello, blended right in with the crowd, easily mingling with other people. On the other hand, the more awkward and shy Wammy kids, such as Near, took their place in the corners of the room, avoiding social contact at all costs.
You, being one of the more shy people, decided to try and mingle to get out of your shy behavior. You walked the floor where people were talking and dancing, not really saying much, but you were there and that was a big achievement for you: especially since you'd never been to Wammy's before and the whole place was unfamiliar. You just came because your friend wanted to come [she had told you something about cute boys that lived there and dragged you along to be her sidekick].
You were doing just fine until a boy, who you deducted to be the thrower of this party: BB, called out something about having cake. Most of the kids scattered out of the room and into the next where the cake was, but several stayed behind. Out of the several that stayed behind, you saw one that stuck out like a sore thumb, seeming to be more awkward and shy than the others. He was very pale, looked about your age, oddly enough he seemed to be wearing pajamas that were as white as his hair. He was figuratively glowing. He sat there, hunched in an uncomfortable-looking ball on the floor, his thumb and his forefinger twirling his white locks as he stared at the floor. You watched his rather odd behavior, looking over his chocolate orbs with your own [e/c] eyes. You were in a daze, looking at the interesting boy, until suddenly his gaze averted to your eyes. You froze as a dark pink dusted your cheeks and ears, quickly flickering your eyes away from the boy. You were embarrassed you had been caught staring. In the corner of your eye, though, you could see the small smirk that had appeared on the boy's pale features. Little did you know that someone had been watching when you stared at the mysterious albino boy.
"Ha! No way that sheep was just getting checked out by that kid!" A voice said behind you, which you would later find out belonged to a certain chocolate-loving blonde. The albino boy raised his eyes at the voice, not showing any emotion, and he looked rather bored.
"Oh sweetheart you could do better than that fucking emotionless brat!" The blonde boy said, walking over to you. You frowned at what the boy was saying, but the albino simply stared in utter boredom. "Why you frowning? Do you actually like him?" The blonde scoffed.
"I-I think he's cute.." You replied, trying to toughen up your demeanor, which the blonde boy was surprised about. The albino looked slightly surprised, his eyes widening only a small bit as pink was dusted over his cheeks.
"Oh my god! You actually think Near of all people is cute?!" The blonde fell into a fit of laughter and pulled a chocolate bar from his back pocket. "Well if you think he's so cute, why don't you ask him to be your boyfriend?!" The blonde taunted in a childish manner [you guys were young at the time, after all].
"Enough." A quiet, shrill sounding voice broke the blonde's taunting and yelling. The blonde boy bit the end off of his chocolate bar in a dramatic manner. You turned to see that the voice had come from the one that was apparently known as Near.
"What are you gonna do about it, sheep?!" The blonde said, you noticing that this boy must not have an inside voice. Near didn't even seem to be annoyed by him, he just rolled his eyes at the blonde's anger and slowly stood, hunching over as if his joints were stiff [which you assumed they were from his odd sitting position].
"Oh?! You finally gonna get the courage to throw some punches?! Bring it on!" The blonde roared. Near walked over to you slowly, gently taking your wrist in his small, cold hand. He gently tugged you along behind him as he left the room with you. You glanced back at the blonde boy just in time to see a red headed boy with goggles walk over to the blonde and smack him in the head with a NintendoDS, causing the blonde to yelp and tackle the red head. You blinked, turning your head back in front of you to see the albino boy walking backward and watching you. You blushed, noticing he still had a light hold on your wrist.
"Do you really think I'm cute?" The boy asked in a monotonous voice.
"What did you not understand about my question? Do you really think I am cute?"
Near nodded and simply turned around, continuing to lead you down the hall and into a room filled with all sorts of toys.
"I'm Near by the way." He said.
"I'm (y/n)." You said shyly.
"(Y/n)." Your thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice calling your name. You snapped from your daze and turned your face to where the noise was coming from. You saw Near, your Near, standing beside you, being very close to your face as if he had been observing you.
"Oh, hey Near." You said and smiled softly. Near watched you for a moment then turned his gaze where you had been looking, then back at you.
"Why were you smiling at the wall?" He asked monotonously.
"I was just thinking." You smiled at the boy before you, leaning forward and wrapping your arms around him, hugging him as you nuzzled into his stomach. Near was slightly taken back by your sudden actions, not really sure what he should do [he never did, no matter how many times you hugged him/kissed him/etc]. He, after a short moment of stiffness, slightly relaxed and rested his hand on your back. He rubbed your back awkwardly, trying to come off as caring which you found adorable.
"May I ask what you were thinking about?" He raised an eyebrow and looked down at you curiously.
"Just about how much I love you." You stated simply, holding on to your boyfriend.
"I love you too.. But that still doesn't explain why staring at the wall made you think about how much you love me." He stated which made you giggle.
"The wall tells me things, Near." You teased and rolled your eyes, pulling away from him and looking up at him. He made a noise somewhere along the lines of 'hmph' as he looked at the wall.
"Did the wall tell you to be so sassy and sarcastic with me?" A ghost of a smirk trailed across Near's face.
And with that statement, the great sarcasm war of [calendar year] had started.

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