His Name // Mello

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His Name
Mello x Reader
You sighed once more, looking around the room you were in. You had gone a week and seen nothing but this room. The walls were bare and the floors were always cold. If this wasn't a torture chamber, after a while of being in there it could turn into one.
Truly this wasn't an abnormal sight. Your dad was a Mafia leader and you always were getting threatened and taken. What better way to intimidate a Mafia leader than take his kid? Well, apparently, everyone against your father's group had the same idea.
Normally you were kidnapped by tall guys, very muscled up, and tattooed head to toe. The typical Mafia look. But something was different this time. You had been kidnapped by a scrawny blonde man (whom of which you would've thought was a woman if it weren't for his deep voice).
You had almost cackled when you saw him. No more than 5 foot 6 and probably not much over 100lbs. Long blonde hair, a leather vest, and the tightest leather jeans you'd ever seen a man- or anyone for that matter- wear.
You had no idea how motivated and strong this man was. His looks were very deceitful to his power. He had run in and shot 3 of your dad's coworkers and scooped you up like it was nothing. And boy, could this man run.
You were thrown into the back of a red car that was being driven by, who you assume, was an accomplice of the blonde man.
After mumbles between the two, you were blindfolded and brought into the room in which you currently sat for the past week.
The blonde man had certainly been more generous than your other kidnappers. He fed you well and seemed to speak to you in a soft voice so you wouldn't be startled.
You were smart, you could tell behind his blue eyes there was a lot of pain. And over the past week you had become excited for this man to bring you dinner. 
You could tell that deep down the blonde wasn't a bad person, maybe he had gotten into bad things, but he wasn't a bad person. Most criminals who kidnapped you had never kept you over 3 days, that's how you knew this man was sneaky. And definitely smart.
Sometimes after midnight, (or which you assumed was after midnight, you didn't have a watch or clock), this man would sit in the room with you and just talk.
You never asked him questions about his life, you simply let him tell you what he pleased. You were actually surprised he was talking to you at all. It was as if something about you made him comfortable.
It was only tonight you realized that this man had developed feelings for you.
The way his eyes scanned your eyes when he talked, the way every night he would end up sitting a little closer to you, and the way he spoke.
You looked up, not even noticing how late it had become. The blonde man walked in and sat down right beside you. But instead of his usual rant about something called a "near", he started differently.
"Can I ask you something?" He spoke up, looking over to you and scanning your eyes. You simply nodded. "Why did you stay?"
You were confused by what he had asked.
"What do you mean?" You queried.
"Why did you stay here?" He asked once more, scanning your eyes for emotion but only ending up with your confusion. "(Y/n)," this was the first time he had said your name, it kind of surprised you. "I uncuffed you from the pipe over there 2 days ago while you were sleeping. And I left the door unlocked. You could've easily escaped. Why did you stay?"
You looked at your wrists. You hadn't even taken notice to the fact that he removed the handcuffs. Especially the fact he did it several days before. You had been too distracted. Every day you had waited for him to show up and talk to you, you didn't even notice you could've escaped!
"I.." Was all you could say at first, you really had no idea why you didn't notice. "I didn't even notice you had taken them off. I guess I never really checked the door either."
"So you weren't concerned with leaving?" The man seemed confused.
"Well, yeah." You thought about it. "I guess it was just relaxing to have a break from all this Mafia business. And to have someone talk to me without wanting something from me." You finished quietly.
The blonde gave you a smirk that could only be described as devilish.
"So you're saying you like me?"
You froze. You guess that you did like him. Stockholm Syndrome had taken you over and you never even noticed.
"I guess I do.." You whispered and were quite surprised about the fact.
The next thing you knew, the blonde man was hovering over you, his lips dangerously close to yours.
"Wait-" You put your hands on his chest to stop him. You had to ask him that one question that'd been burning in the back of your mind since you'd first seen him.
"Hm?" He mumbled.
"What's your name?" You looked up at him.
"Me-" he paused. "Mihael. My name is Mihael."
With that last spoken sentence, he kissed you.

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