•Lemon• I Missed You // Matt

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(a/n): hello!~ so as the title says this will be my first lemon in this book. i thought I'd give it a go. it's been years since ive written lemons so bare with me. this thing is really long, too. over 2.2k words. prepare for lots and lots of Matt. either way, please enjoy! requests are always open!
until the next a/n!
Gotta Blast~ 🚀

I Missed You
Matt x Reader •Lemon•
You sat all alone once again on your couch. It was a Saturday night and you had nothing better to do than stay in your apartment and stare at the ceiling.
I'm so bored you thought. What is there to do? I mean, I could watch tv, but even that bores me at this point.
As if your mind had been read your cell phone vibrated on the coffee table in front of you. You picked it up and swiped the screen, lazily holding the phone to your ear.
"Hello?" You said into the phone, letting a bored sigh leave your nose.
"(Y/n)!" A familiar, cheery voice replied. "What's up, buttercup?"
Matt. You thought and rolled your eyes. He's probably drunk off his ass.
"Hey Matt." You said simply.
"Aw, someone doesn't sound too happy. Why don't you let daddy take care of you." The words fell from his mouth with a sly confidence.
"Matt what the fuck are you going on about?" You mumbled, feeling your cheeks heat up. You heard laughter on the other end of the line.
"I'm just teasing you, damn. What's got your panties in a twist?" Matt chuckled, making you sigh.
"Matt what do you want?"
"I want a lot of things."
"You know what I mean. Why did you call me?" You ask, propping your feet up on the coffee table in front of you.
"Because I'm bored." Matt replied and paused for a moment before adding, "And I'm in town."
"You're here?" You ask. "I thought you were following Misa Misa around for the Taylor-Swift-Look-Alike."
That statement caused Matt to chuckle.
"I am." He clarified. "She's just doing some kind of stupid model thing in town."
"So you called me? For what?"
"Maybe I wanted to see you."
"Matt, you and I both know if you wanted to see me you'd already be at my place."
Matt chuckled.
"Now back to the reason I called you," He began. "Your window to your fire escape is locked."
"You're on the fire escape?!" You squeaked. "Matt what in all hell is wrong with you, it's freezing out there!"
"Yeah I know that why do you think I called you?" He chuckled.
You sighed and hung up your phone, walking over to your window. You unlocked it and opened it and sure enough: there's the red-headed smoker sitting right outside.
"Get your dumb ass in here." You step back from the window and Matt climbs in.
"It's about damn time. You talk a lot." Matt grins at you, a teasing tone in his voice.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever, Matty."
"Don't call me that."

~time skip brought to you by Matt's goggles~

After getting Matt warmed up, you two decided to just sit and talk. You had gone to Wammy's with him, Mello, and Near. But after you three left and Near went off to be the next L, you didn't get to see each other as much. You were currently sitting on your couch side-by-side, chatting about your days at Wammy's Orphanage.
"No fucking way!" You laugh. "I call bullshit!"
"It's true!" Matt was in a laughing fit along with you. "Mello got drunk after getting into B's liquor and seduced Near!"
"Oh my god! I wish I could've seen that." You say, wiping a fake tear from your eye. "That totally sounds like Mello."
"It was hilarious. But if he knew how many people I told that story he'd have my ass on his fireplace mantle." Matt chuckled.
You sighed contently and smiled at him, calming down from your laughing fit.
"Hey (y/n)," Matt began. "Remember when you first came to Wammy's?" He was leaning his head back against the couch, staring at the ceiling and you mimicked his action.
"Kinda. Why?" You ask.
"When you first came to Wammy's," Matt said, propping up on his elbow and turning on his side to face you. "You would sneak in my room during thunder storms because you were scared."
You blushed, recalling the memory.
"We were silly as kids." You sheepishly said. Matt nodded. A long moment of silence passed before he spoke up again.
"I miss having you in my arms." Matt said in nearly a whisper.
You look over at him and you lock eyes. Matt's goggles had long been off of his eyes after the wine glasses came out.
Maybe it was because you had drank too much wine, or maybe it was because you had missed each other for far too long, but the both of you leaned in slightly.
"I miss that too." You whisper, mustering up only a small bit of confidence. Matt's gloved hand reached out and touched your cheek. What happened next was unexpected.
Matt kissed you.
First on the forehead.
Then on the nose.
Then finally on the lips.
His lips pressed against yours in almost a shy way. Matt had always acted so confident, but secretly he was shy and insecure about certain things. Kissing being one of those things.
You let your eyes close and you put your hand atop his. You had kissed people before, but never like this. Never had you had such emotion in a kiss. Neediness, loneliness, passion, lust.
Before you knew it, Matt was slowly but surely leaning you onto your back. He put his knees on either side of your legs, leaning down with you. Not once did he break the kiss before your back was on the couch cushions.
He leaned away, pressing his forehead against yours and silently catching his breath. Nothing was said as you gazed into each other's eyes. Nothing has to be said.
You slide your hands atop his striped sweater, his vest had been lost somewhere with his goggles. You rest your hands against his shoulders and tilt your chin up, kissing him once again.
Nothing was rushed, you had waited far too long for this moment so you were determined to savor it.
You felt Matt's hand at your waist, ever so gingerly sliding the side of your shirt up. You lean away from the kiss and slide your hands up his upper body, pulling the sweater with your hands. Matt took in a sharp breath to the coolness of your hands touching his skin.
"(Y/n).." Matt whispered. "Are you sure?"
You tug his sweater over his head, tossing it aimlessly across the room.
"Never have I been more sure." You reply, a cheeky smile grazing Matt's features when you do.
Next comes off your top, Matt's hands caress your sides as he presses kisses down the side of your neck. You turn your head at an angle, allowing Matt better access to your neck.
His hands slide up to your breasts, his long fingers massaging them slightly- only enough to make you squirm in desire.
He kisses up to your jaw, chuckling a small bit.
"I waited on this for a while.." He whispers, whilst nipping the skin of your jaw with his teeth.
You run your hands down his stomach, sliding your fingers across the low waist of his pants.
"Me too." You whisper back, capturing his lips in a heated kiss. Your fingers find the button to his pants and after a bit of fumbling, and a little chuckling from Matt, you unbutton his pants. You slide them down his thighs, trailing your fingers across the tops of his thighs. He shivers to your touch.
"(Y/n).." He mumbles under his breath. "Fucking tease." He grins down at you after saying this.
Matt then moves off of you. He stands up and slides his pants off. When you're expecting him to climb over you again, his arms link under you and he picks you up bridal style.
"No fucking way we're making love on a damn couch."
You giggle as he finds his way to your bedroom. (Which was fairly easy as the only other room down the hallway was a bathroom, and it's door was open.)
Matt kicks open the door to your room and steps inside, kicking it closed behind him.
"Don't abuse my door." You tease.
"Oh you know I can't play by the rules, (y/n)." Matt replies while he lies you on the bed. He crawls over you. "It doesn't go along with my bad boy image." He winks, causing you to giggle.
Matt slides his fingers into the waistband of your shorts before sliding them down your legs and off. You blush, looking up and locking eyes with him, you both only being in underwear.
Matt leans down and kisses you. You kiss him back and wrap your arms around his neck. Matt's tongue slips into your mouth without permission, causing you to slightly moan in surprise.
After a long while of passionate kissing, Matt leans away and once again presses his forehead against yours to look into your eyes.
"I love you." Matt whispers, capturing your lips in a kiss before you could answer. You smile and hum contently in response, arms slipping around his neck.
Matt's hands slide your underwear down and off your legs. Soon after, he was taking off his own underwear, revealing himself to you.
You blush and look up into his eyes for another time that night. Your hands slide to his cheeks and you cup his face in your palms.
"Damn you're beautiful." Matt whispers, leaning his cheek into the touch of your soft hand.
He leans down and gives your lips a quick peck and his eyes graze yours. You nod to his silent question, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Matt leans down and kisses the crook of your neck, mumbling sweet nothings into your skin.
He then slowly pushes into you. Your head rolls back as you hum quietly to the new feeling. Matt continues lining your neck up and down with sweet kisses. He kisses toward your ear.
"I love you." He whispers, repeating himself from earlier. "I love all of you." He says as his tongue grazes the side of your neck/jaw area.
Slowly, Matt moves his hips to thrust in and out. You gasp lightly, but your gasps soon turn into breathy moans.
"M-Matt.." You breathe, sliding your fingers through his already-messy red hair, only making it messier.
"Mail." He mumbles, pressing soft kisses across your collar bone. "My name is Mail." A soft groan escapes his lips as he picks up one of your legs, putting it over his shoulder.
"Mmm- ah." You get slightly louder with your moans, gasping lightly between them.
"Fuck (y/n).." Matt whispers, kissing all over you, wherever his lips can reach.
The sensation from not only physical actions, but emotionally are heightened. You slide your hands to his back and lightly grip his skin.
"Mmm- ah," you gasp lightly. "F-fuck Mail. I l-love you so- ah."
Hearing those words finally fall from your lips, Matt speeds up the movement of his hips. He kisses all over your neck as you throw your head back.
"Fuck (y/n) you're fucking amazing." He says with a slight growl, his hands wildly sliding up and down your sides.
You moan, scratching at his back a slight bit before moving your hands to the bedsheets, gripping them. Matt bites your sweet spot, only heightening your pleasure.
"M-Mail!" You gasp. "Oh fuck, right there." You bite your lip, feeling your climax get closer.
Matt grunts as he thrusts, hearing his name coming from your lips only turned him on more.
"Shit (y-y/n)." He bites at your sweet spot. Your chests rub together with each movement.
"M-Mail-" You gasp, your climax unraveling unexpectedly. You cut yourself off with a loud moan. Matt, feeling you tighten around him, climaxes soon after.
Matt pulls out and flops onto the bed next to you, lying on his stomach. You both are out of breath.
"W-wow." You breathe.
"We should've done that years ago.." Matt chuckled breathlessly, rolling onto his side. He pulls you against his chest and smooths out your hair. He kisses the top of your head.
"I love you, (nickname)." He whispers.
You smile.
"I love you, too, Matty."
"Seriously don't fucking call me that."


"MATT I SWEAR TO GOD ANSWER YOUR STUPID ASS PHONE!" Mello screamed from the speaker on Matt's phone.
Matt was lying in bed with you, his arm around your shoulders, and he was checking his many voice messages from Mello.
"MATT YOU DUMBASS WHERE ARE YOU?!" Mello's voice rang out from the phone's speaker.
"Maybe you should call him back." You say, kissing Matt's chest as he plays with your hair.
"Nah." Matt says and tosses his phone across the room.
"He's gonna kill you, Matt." You say.
Matt pulls you into his lap and smirks.
"Well I guess we'll have to make my last day alive count." He wiggles his eyebrows and you giggle.
"Maybe we will." You say and give him a peck on the lips.

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