A Very Happy Birthday // Mello

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(a/n): hiya, time for another update, how's that sound? Haha. This is just a mini Mello x Reader. This one is dedicated to my sweet Axis, I hope you have an amazing birthday, cornflake! Enjoy~

A Very Happy Birthday
Mello x Reader
You glanced up from your laptop as you heard the door opening to your apartment, you had been sitting on the couch. You didn't remember anyone saying they were stopping by, and you were about to be concerned until you heard the obvious giveaway of boots clonking on your floor.
Mello had been your boyfriend for quite some time now (not that he acted like much of a boyfriend), and you were happy when you got to see him- as the mafia really didn't give him days off.
"(Nickname)?" You heard Mello's voice call out.
"In here." You replied, hearing Mello grunt in acknowledgment, then more footsteps, and finally, your chocolate-loving-inappropriately-dressed boyfriend was standing in front of you. You smiled up at him.
That was until you heard him growl.
"Why didn't you fucking tell me?" Mello gave you his signature angry glare, his blue eyes piercing into yours. You were confused as to what he was talking about and why he was angry.
"What do you mean?" You raised an eyebrow, looking at the man that stood before you.
"The date." He grumbled.
"Huh? What date?"
"Today's date."
Finally, it clicked in your head.
It was your birthday.
"Oh. You mean that." You mumbled.
You never really celebrated your birthday. It seemed to be just another day of the year, and it was nothing special. So why make a big fuss about it, right?
Although, you were worried that Mello would be angry with you about not telling him. He did have tendencies to get angry about odd things such as this.
"Yeah. That." He said before taking away the laptop that sat on your lap and closing it. He moved it to the coffee table before easily scooping you up into his muscular arms.
"Mello, what are you doing?!" You squeaked, not expecting the sudden gesture.
"What?" He said as he adjusted you to where you were bridal style in his arms. "You didn't think I was gonna let you get away with not telling me, did you?" He smirked, causing you to blush.
"W-well no, not particularly-"
"Good." He interrupted, a smirk still playing on his lips. He leaned to your ear and whispered in a deep voice, "Get ready for a very happy birthday, (y/n)."
And with that, Mello slung you over his shoulder and carried you toward your bedroom door.

It was going to be a long night.

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