Fidget Spinners // Matt

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(a/n)- so yes hi I am back and today I bring you possibly the cringiest one shot ever written about Matt Jeevas. Also I will be deleting a lot of my 'author's note' chapters because of organization reasons. If you wanna see my regular life updates or updates about this book (that aren't actually chapter updates) go check out my 'connect with the author' book! Thanks! Now, onto the story. Please don't roast me too much in the comments. 😂
Until the next a/n~
Gotta Blast 🚀

Fidget Spinners
Matt x Reader
Mail Jeevas. Better known as Matt. Better known as your boyfriend. And even better known as the dorkiest most immature brat over 21 years of age on this planet.
You weren't surprised when Matt came home with a bag from some toy store, bouncing off the walls and shrieking about "The most awesome thing I've seen in my life, (y/n)!"
"What is it, Matty?" You had questioned him that day as you watched the boyish man pull a spinning item with 3 rounded legs on it.
"This bad boy." Matt said in a proud tone as he spun the toy around on his finger.
"And what exactly is that bad boy?" You questioned with a small giggle.
"I have no idea." Matt admitted. "But it's so entertaining to mess with."

That was 2 months ago.

Matt now knew exactly what that thing he had in his hand was, and so did you. It was a fidget spinner. And they were taking over the world and becoming cringy faster than the doge meme.
You thought Matt would just be happy with his one, but at this point Matt owned five. Yes you heard me correctly, five.
He made the excuse that "This one spins easier than this one, but this one is lighter and easier to hold. And shit (y/n) this one is shaped like the Batman logo! How cool is that!"
It was most certainly not cool to you. This wasn't just a toy anymore. It was an addiction. But was it really so bad?
Yeah, Matt didn't pay much attention to anything else other than the spinners. But he had quit ruining his eyesight by playing those video games all the time. And on top of that he even managed to quit smoking!! How great was that? Maybe this fidget spinner craze of his wasn't so bad after all.

Or so you thought.

Tonight Matt was acting different. And my god you lived with the man for 4 years now. You knew he was a horn dog.

**mild nsfw content ahead**

It was around 8pm. Slowly but surely making out on the couch had turned into something more. Matt had picked you up and stumbled back to the bedroom, not breaking your kiss once. He lied you on your back on the bed as he pulled his shirt over his head and took his goggles off. He gave you a cheeky wink before crawling over you on the bed and kissing gently on the side of your neck.
You whimpered in a pleased manner as you ran your hands down his bare torso, your fingers tracing every muscle that they went over. Everything was going so well, when
A damn fidget spinner appeared,
When Matt pulled the spinner from his pocket to do who knows what with it, that was your last straw.
"Mail Jeevas if you don't get rid of those damn spinners right now I  never having sex with you again!"


Long story short Matt ended up living on his own on the street with his enormous fidget spinner collection. He became homeless when you kicked him out but he was too distracted by his fidget spinners to care. He now goes by the name "Fred the Fidget" and hosts illegal underground fidget spinner fights.

No I'm totally messing with you.

Matt was so threatened by the statement you made he got rid of every fidget spinner he owned. And afterward got laid. Everything was great for the both of you. Matt got some loving and you never had to stare at another damn fidget spinner again.

[extended ending]
Tonight was date night and you were particularly excited because this was yours and Matt's first time going out since you got engaged. Your fiancée glanced at you as he drove down the road.
"Babe, can you hand me a tissue from the glove box?" Matt asked and you nodded.
You reached out and opened the glove box to get a tissue when something fell out.
You reached down to the floor to pick up the mystery item that fell.
You sat back up in your seat to look at the spinning item in your hand.
"MAIL JEEVAS!" You shrieked and Matt nearly swerved out of the lane.

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