Shut Up // Mello

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(a/n): hiiii it's leigh again.
This is going to be my first requested one shot. It was requested by my friend and I'm very excited to see how everyone likes it! Feel free to request, my requests are always open! Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy! ❤️✌🏻️

Shut Up
Mello x Reader
Mello rolled his eyes at you.
Currently the both of you were in a bar in some random city, and you decided it would be fun to make Mello dance with you (or at least try to make him). You were supposed to have been where Matt is two days ago, but with you and Mello; nothing was ever done on time.
"Come on, don't be like that!" You said to Mello over the music, twirling around and dancing. Mello just folded his arms over his chest and shook his head, staring at you with the same cold look he always had. You giggled.
"I am not dancing." The blonde had a hint of a growl in his voice. You smiled up at him.
Over the years you and Mello had been friends, you had learned one thing: tough love. As much as Mello acted like he couldn't stand you or your silly and childish ways, you knew he liked you. If he didn't like you he wouldn't put up with you all the time.
"C'mon!" You giggled and tugged on Mello's folded arms. You bounced on your heels trying to get him to dance. Mello tightened his jaw, rolling his eyes once again. But this time his jaw wasn't tightened in anger: the man was trying not to smile.
You loved it when he fought a smile around you. He was always so stern and angry but when you got him to smile (or almost smile for that matter), you thought it was the best thing you'd ever done. It was like you'd taken a bird with a broken wing and made it fly again.
"No, (y/n) I'm not dancing." The blonde said, his voice a lot less harsh than before. He unfolded his arms and rested his hands on his hips.
"Come on, please! The song is gonna end." You fake pouted. Honestly, you didn't care if he danced with you or not. It was fun to act silly around him and tease him.
Back when you had first met, Mello thought your silliness was just a phase. But here, almost three years of friendship later, Mello had learned that your silliness was most certainly not a phase. You would always hide his chocolate, tease him for his choice of clothing, prank him, just about any silly or pranking act you could think of: you'd done to him. He never seemed to be too mad, though. When you'd hide his chocolate he'd run around the kitchen slamming cabinets and throwing pots and pans until he found it, but he'd never get mad at you. When you'd tease him about his leather and tight clothes, he'd do this little smirk like he was almost smiling, and he'd tell you to shut up in a playful way. When you'd prank him, he'd just get you back by tickling you or pranking you back. As mad as he seemed to get at everyone else, it was like he held it all back around you.
You were snapped away from your thoughts when you felt gloved hands grab your own. Mello.
You looked up at him to see him looking away, but it didn't stop him from pulling you over to him. He slipped his arms around your waist and held you close to him, making a dark blush cover your ears and cheeks.
"Well are we dancing or not?" Mello mumbled harshly under his breath, almost like he was- shy? You reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck, not taking your eyes off of him (no matter how much as you wanted to hide your blushing face).
"Y-yeah sure." You said and you swear you saw a smirk cross his lips: but only for like half of a second.
Mello averted his gaze down to you and looked at you. He seemed to be flustered and fighting very hard to hide it. The gruff look on his face had returned.
"You know you d-don't have to do this, I was just t-teasing." You mumbled, moving your eyes to the side, looking at the floor space next to you.
"Shut the hell up, (y/n)." Mello said, his voice still softer and less harsh than normal. His comment made you giggle a little. "You know, you piss me off a lot."
"Gee thanks, Mello." You smiled and rolled your eyes.
"No, I'm being serious." He said and pulled you closer, leaning to your ear so he could speak to you softly. "Because as much as I try to hate you, I can't do it." With that, he spun you outward. You blushed brightly and soon you were back in his arms again, your back against his chest.
"S-sorry?" You stated, although it sounded more like a confused question.
"I think I'm in love with you, (y/n)."
"Don't make me say it again."
"I-I love you too Mello." You said and turned in his arms to face him again.
"I know, I'm pretty sexy aren't I?" Mello smirked down at you, making you giggle and shake your head.
"Kiss me, you fool." You said.
"You're never gonna let me forget you made me watch that with you, are you?"
"Just shut the hell up and kiss me."
"Fine, geez."
And with that said, you shared your first kiss with Mello; in a run down bar that was located in a random town several hundred miles away from where you were supposed to be.

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