After Class // Light (AU)

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(a/n): Just something short and sweet for not uploading recently. Enjoy 🚀

After Class
Light x Reader (AU)
Light Yagami. The most sought after boy in all of your high school.
Light was devilishly handsome. He was charming and gentlemanly and had a laugh that could make your ears tingle in delight. You, just as most everyone else, had fallen for him. And you fell hard.
It all started when you first heard there would be a new transfer student. You were excited as your small school didn't get many new students, especially not transfer students. The thought alone of someone coming all the way to (hometown) from another culture excited you.
And you only got more excited when you heard this student was from Japan.
You secretly had prepared yourself, learning your basic hellos and goodbyes and how-are-you's in Japanese. You wanted to make the student feel welcome and wanted to give them the best experience (country) had to offer.
You were not at all prepared for this student to be Light Yagami. Your Japanese learning had gone to waste, Light was extremely intelligent. Hell, he spoke English better than you did.
In the 4 months Light had been at your school, you had talked to him twice. The first time, he had asked to borrow a pen. You nearly shrieked when he said your name. The second time was when he asked you for help. It was obvious this boy didn't need help he was passing with flying colors in every class he took, and the reason he had asked you for help that day still baffled you.
Until now.
Light had smiled at you when you walked into class, causing you to become immediately flustered. You shyly waved at him and took your seat. A few moments later, Light had moved and taken the seat next to you.
"Hey (y/n)." Light had said as he sat next to you. You squeaked in surprise but kept your composure best as you could.
"Hello, Light." You had said, trying to be audible as your subconscious was telling you to hide under the table.
"Can I talk to you after class?" He had asked and you blushed. You had simply nodded in agreement.
It was currently after class and you stood outside where Light wanted to meet up.
What does he want with me? You thought. What kind of cruel joke is this?
You looked up when you heard footsteps and saw Light. He smiled in a friendly manner at you as he walked up.
"Hi Light," You greeted. "Y-you wanted to talk?"
"Yes." Light said. "More or less."
"Wh-" You were suddenly cut off by Light wrapping his arm around your waist and kissing you.
You blushed vibrantly and nearly fell over when he had pulled away.
"Wh- you kissed me?!" You squeaked in embarrassment and noticed he was blushing as well.
"Uh, yeah. S-sorry about that." He said and scratched the back of his neck. "My friend said if I didn't do it soon he was going to ask you out and I couldn't let that happen." Suddenly, Light's confidence had returned in his speech.
"Wh-why?" You were trying to piece together the puzzle in your head.
"Well I thought it'd be kind of obvious that I liked you. I mean I asked you for help in Japanese class didn't you find that odd?" Light asked. You half giggled.
"I did but I didn't know.." You faded out and looked at Light.
"Anyway," Light began. "Would you go on a date with me (y/n)?"
You blushed and nodded your head shyly. 
"You should've asked sooner." You said. Light smiled.
"Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow after school, okay?"
"Okay." You smiled. Light leaned down and kissed you on the cheek.
"See you tomorrow, then." He said and jogged off.
You stood there and stared in front of you, leaning back against the wall. You were still trying to process what had happened.
Meanwhile, Light pulled out his phone and called his friend.
"(Y/n) agreed to the date! Take that, Ryuzaki!"

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