Subway // Matt

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(a/n): holy frick guys. Just a few chapters ago I was thanking you all for 1k reads- and now we're up to 11k reads! Like 11 THOUSAND people clicked on this dorky little story and that blows my mind. I don't even know 11 people much less 11k. I love you guys! 💟 Thanks for all your continued support, it really makes me happy. Now, enough of my loud mouth. On to the story! Until the next a/n~ 🚀

Matt x Reader
"No we are not taking the subway." Matt grumbled, much like a child.
"Yes we are. Your car is in the shop because you 'dinged' it and the motor blew up." You roll your eyes at his excuse of a 'ding' he tried to use on you. "So I am not walking all the way home. We're taking the subway."
Truth is, Matt had completely totaled his car. You warned him many times about going out late at night and driving fast around the city. Especially since he spent his life in a half drunken state. But did the dumbass listen to your warnings? Of course not. And that's why you were standing here now.
"Come on. Let's go." You said and grabbed Matt's wrist, dragging him down the steps to the subway. Once you were settled in- or as settled as you could be with 20 sweaty bodies shoving into you and barely being able to hold on to the railing. But you managed.
"This place looks and smells like a damned pig sty." Matt mumbled, scooting closer to you to get away from the people shoving into him.
"So does your room. You should feel at home." You said, to which Matt glared at you.
The ride was fairly good along from the 2 times Matt fell down. Then when he tripped getting off of the subway. You had tried not to laugh but you couldn't help but let a small giggle escape your lips.
Now you were walking the rest of the way home with a less-than-happy Matty.
"Oh come on it wasn't so bad." You say as you walk up to your shared rental place.
"I fell. 3 times." He said. "I embarrassed myself like a damn fool."
"Come on everybody gets embarrassed. Don't be such a baby about it." You reply.
"Maybe I wouldn't be such a baby if you kissed me and made it better."
There was a long silence.
"Have you been acting grumpy that whole time just so you could use that awful line on me?"
"......No?" Matt said sheepishly.
"Goodnight Matt." You say and walk inside, closing the door behind you and locking it.
"Hey!" Matt says and beats on the door. "Don't just leave me out here!"
But you did. You wondered how long it would take him to realize he had a key to the door in his pocket.
He sat on the porch, defeated. He sighed and pulled out his phone, dialing a number.
"Yeah, subway? I need to place an order."

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