Just One Night Couldn't Hurt // L (Pt. 2)

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(a/n): *drum roll* finally part 2 is here! Thank you for all the positive feedback on part 1! Request anytime~
Gotta Blast 🚀

Just One Night Couldn't Hurt
L x Reader Part Two
"Sleep with her? You? You as in Ryuzaki? Sleep? With a woman?" Light queried and stared at the raven-haired man sitting in front of him.
"Yes. No need for so many questions, Light-kun." L replied, tapping his spoon against his bottom row of teeth.
"How do you plan to get her to agree with that?" Light folded his arms over his chest.
"Watch and you will learn." L said, standing up and walking over to the girl. Light got dragged along from the damn handcuffs.
"Hello." L said as he sat directly in front of the mystery girl.
Oh god, (y/n), please run while you still have a chance Light thought.
"Uh.. Hi?" The girl looked up at him fairly confused as to why he just invited himself to sit down.
"Would you say brains or brawn is more important?" L asks out of the blue.
The girl pauses, not expecting such a question to escape his lips.
"Well, brains obviously." She replied after a moment, Light was rolling his eyes.
"Good. Because that means I'm a perfect match for you."

~time skip brought to you by Light's misery~

They had quickly gotten into a conversation about (favorite subject) right after he had introduced himself. She had been slightly taken aback by his straightforwardness; but, it was nice nonetheless.
Light had sit there the whole time, bored out of his skull. He had listened to L try and woo the woman.
He's not even flirting with her, yet she's completely into him... Why? Plus she isn't even creeped out by our handcuffs. Light had asked himself in his head.
After talking and L offering to serve her coffee, things were going quite smoothly for the genius.
They were currently sitting in L's office and talking to one another.
"And that is how I solved the case of the missing sugar cube. Matsuda had eaten it." L said, (y/n) was in a fit of giggling. "What's funny?" L asked.
"Well it's just cute that you'd use your deduction skills to find out who stole your sugar cube." (Y/n) said and smiled at L.
L offered her a rare smile and popped another sugar cube into his mouth.
Light was being forced to sit beside L and listen to all his flirting and nonsense. Light wasn't exactly happy about this.
"Ryuzaki, why don't you just uncuff me so you two can talk?" Light pleaded.
"I cannot do that Light-kun. The only way I can release you is you somehow prove you aren't Kira, or either confess to being Kira." Light said. He rolled his eyes at L.
Isn't it a little strange she's so comfortable around him? She hasn't even asked about the handcuffs or the task force or the Kira case... Light battled with this thought in his head as more time passed.
As soon as the clock struck midnight, Light had had quite enough. He decided to interrupt this mind-numbing torture.
"Hey, (y/n).." Light spoke up, interrupting their conversation.
"Hm, yes Light?" (Y/n) asked.
"Aren't you curious as to what's going on here? Like with the handcuffs and Ryuzaki being a detective and all?" Light asked.
"Well..." (Y/n) paused. "I am, I just didn't want to be pushy."
"You wouldn't be pushy." L chimed in, looking at her. "But first we must as-"
"What do you think of Kira?" Light interrupted, staring at the (h/c) haired girl.
"Kira?" (Y/n) asked. "You mean that awful bozo who's killing everyone and is probably ugly as all hell?"
Light was very tired, and very annoyed, so without thinking; it popped out.
"Kira is not awful or ugly! He's ju-" Light cut himself off by slapping his hand over his mouth.
L quickly took off his own handcuff and used the chain to tie Light to the chair.
"Watari you got that?" L asked, and looked over to the corner to see Watari hiding there with a camera. He gave L a thumbs up.
"What the hell is this?!" Light yelled. "Who are you?!" He looked at (y/n), who was seemingly unaffected by the whole situation.
"Light Yagami, this is (f/n) (l/n), and she is known as what most people would say: a 'grifter'." L said. "She is also my wife."
"Wife?! Grifter?! You set me up you son of a bitch!" Light screamed.
"Watari I assume the police have been called?" (Y/n) asked.
Watari simply nodded.


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