After Class // Light (AU Pt. 2)

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(a/n): So I'm sure you're wanting to hear an excuse why I haven't updated like "omg writers block" or "I was on vacation for Easter!!" Nah. Don't have an excuse. I'm actually overflowing with ideas. I'm just a lazy ass mofo who forgets to update his story because he's too busy staring at the wall. How the frick are ya? 😂 until the next a/n~ 🚀

After Class
Light x Reader (AU)
After a few days Light Yagami, the guy you still couldn't believe was into you (and had kissed you for that matter), had decided he was ready for your guys' date.
He had it all planned out from when he'd pick you up to where you'd end up after the date was over. (This is an AU guys he doesn't kill on the first date). (He also doesn't fuck on the first date get your mind out of the gutter).
You, on the other hand, were not at all prepared for this date. What were you going to wear? What- well that was pretty much it. The rest was up to Light to come up with.
You stared at your closet before deciding to be casual. You put on your favorite outfit with some sneakers and brushed your hair you decided you were ready.
Although you weren't fixed up like you were going to the Grammy's or something you didn't look half bad. And certainly Light wouldn't think you looked bad either.
At 8 o'clock sharp Light knocked on your door. He was so on-time you wondered if he had just stood outside your door until the clock struck eight.
You playfully inquired this at him to which he denied, but come on this is Light Yagami, he appeared perfect so why shouldn't his timing be as well?
The night consisted of a nice dinner that Light cooked you himself along with a movie of your choice. He had taken you back to his place but since his parents weren't home it wasn't a problem. There was one thing he forgot to factor in, though.
"(Y/N)!!" Sayu squealed as she ran up and hugged you. You let out a small laugh and hugged her back.
"Hello, Sayu." You smiled at the tween girl as Light mentally cursed himself. How could he forget his sister would be here?

When the night was over, you were absolutely sure you were falling head over heels for Light Yagami. He walked you home, the first alone time you two had all that night.
"Thanks for this, Light. I really had a nice time." You break the silence as you swing your arm with Light's, as you two were holding hands.
"You're welcome, (y/n). I'm sorry my sister kind of got in the way." Light awkwardly chuckled and scratched the back of his neck with his free hand.
"It's totally fine," you inquired, "Sayu is so sweet and you're really well with her. She really seems to look up to you."
Light smiled at this comment.
"I'm glad you didn't see her as a bother."
"Of course not."
You walked up to your house and turned to him. You thanked him once again for the date and you two even shared a small kiss.
"So.. Does this mean we can go out on another date?" Light asked.
"Name the time and place and I'll be there." You said and kissed his cheek. Light smiled.
"What if I said now and in your room?" Light got a playful smirk on his face.
"I would say goodnight and see you after class, you perv."
You would definitely continue to see Light Yagami.


"A sexual remark after a first date where a younger sibling is present? I have never in my life seen something more repulsing than Light Yagami's face itself." Ryuzaki mumbled as he pouted into an ice cream cone.
"Don't worry, Ryuzaki. I'm sure there's someone out there for you!" Matsuda remarked cheerfully to the detective.
"Yeah. And with my luck that person is you." Ryuzaki replied to which you could almost hear his eyes rolling.

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