You're Hurt // All

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(a/n): this was a request originally for an imagine where the reader gets hurt. But since I'm awesome (that's a lie) I decided instead of doing just one character, I'd serve all the needs of my fellow DN fans and do all of them! I hope this doesn't suck lmao. Until the next a/n. Gotta Blast~ 🚀

You're Hurt

"Ow!" You pouted as you looked at the blood bubble from the cut on your finger. You were chopping up some (favorite fruit/veggie) to nibble on when the blade of the dull knife you had pierced your thumb.
"(Y/n)?" You turn to see L, peeking around the corner into the kitchen where you were.
"Yeah?" You took a paper towel and hissed at the slight sting of it touching your cut. It wasn't a deep cut, just deep enough to draw a little blood, which made it sting.
"Are you alright? You sounded distressed." L queried as he stepped around the corner in his usual hunched position.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You smiled lightly at the detective, who was walking toward you.
"Is that blood?" L tilted his head to the side, staring at the napkin you held to your thumb. It had stopped bleeding now, but there was still a slight bit on the napkin.
"Yeah, I just cut my finger. It's no big deal." You said and reached for your knife to finish chopping up the food, but L grabbed it before you could.
"No." L said.
"No, what?" You chanced.
"I'll finish this. I don't want you to cut yourself again." He said as he took your place, chopping up the (fruit/veggie).
You giggled and rolled your eyes, ruffling the detective's messy hair.
"You protect me too much." You teased.
"I would rather be safe than sorry, (y/n)."
You kissed his cheek and smiled at him.
"I know. You're too sweet, Ryuzaki."
"You are what you eat."
You started laughing at this statement.
"You're so lame."

"No, (y/n)." Light said once again, for probably the 5th time in 3 minutes.
"C'mon I'm-a-gay! Please!" You pouted, trying to reach for your (favorite sweet snack), which Light had so rudely taken from you.
"Calling me names isn't going to help your situation." Light let out a soft chuckle, holding the snack above your head as you tried to reach for it once again.
"I just want my snack! You took it from me." You playfully pouted at him, trying to get him to give in and give it back to you.
"No, (y/n). When you fell you broke your tooth. And the dentist said if you eat sweet things, where he fixed it, could break off again. Then you'll talk with an annoying whistle." Light argued, and you let out a long and dramatic sigh. "I'm only doing this because I love you. And I know you'd freak out if you had to go have the dentist redo that procedure." He added.
"Fine, fine." You gave up and flopped back down on the couch. Light put your sweet on a high shelf and went to sit beside you. He slung his arm around your shoulder.
You sighed and lied against him. "Thanks for taking care of me." You mumbled. Light kissed your head. "It's my job."
"Actually, your 'job' is the exact opposite of taking care of people."
".......shut up."

You sighed and leaned against your boyfriend's chest. He was lying next to you in your bed. Ever since you had that falling accident and hit your head, someone had to stay with you and make sure you didn't get dizzy.
Nothing was seriously wrong, just a mild concussion which caused you to get dizzy sometimes and the occasional headache.
"Don't worry (y/n), the pain medicine you were given and the way you're healing, you'll be better in no time!" Matsuda said cheerily, kissing you on the temple.
Seriously, how is he so positive all the time? You thought.
Matsuda is the sweetest, he has stayed right by your side the whole time; literally catching you when you fell. He made you dinner every night and he always was sure to remind you to take it easy and relax; as well as, take your medicine. And getting well soon- that's exactly what you were afraid of.
You had gotten used to him spoiling you and you knew as soon as you got better that he'd have to go.
"Hey, Matsuda?"
"Yes, (nickname)?"
"What do you think of us moving in together?"
There was a long moment of silence.
You look at Matsuda to see his face beet red.
"You mean it? Seriously?" He asked.
"Yeah." You smiled.
"Yes!" He suddenly jumped up and did a little happy dance, causing you to laugh.
"What are you doing?" You asked.
"I've gotta tell Ryuzaki!" He said and pulled out his phone. "He said you'd never ask me to move in because I was being stupid."
"He said what now?"
"Nothing. He said nothing."

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