Chapter 2

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Over time you and katsuki got to know each other well, that past event from the very beginning is how you two met which is now a mere memory, and Katsuki's feelings were all jumbled up. How you made him feel when you looked into his red orbs that one time stating that you weren't some helpless girl really set a spark to his flame, you were that one thing, that person who was different, he liked that about you, the way you dress, the way your (h/c) flowed, he wanted all of that for himself, no other guy was allowed to have you. (A/N : Sorry but he isn't going to be a yandere) You came over to his house many times, went out to the arcade, you secretly took pics of him when he was sleeping on the couch. You did a peace sign while smirking, you had to be in the picture - how could you not treasure the memories with him?-he'd then hear the sound of your camera and you turn to look at him but then he's already up and almost lighting the house on fire.You laughed together a majority of the time surprisingly. Seeing him laugh for the first time was well.. cute to you. You found it nice that he had an interest in you, But not the interest of love or anything like that..You promised that to yourself.A buzz suspended your thoughts, you observed your surroundings, eyes scanning the room, until you spotted your phone, and Katsuki was calling you. You picked up.

"Yellop"You said boringly.

"Yellop? seriously?" His husky voice echoed throughout the call.

"Got a problem with that?"You said.

"Yea. I do." He said.

"Well fine if you want to be that way then I'll just cut the call-" you were Interrupted by his nagging voice.

"OKAY! OKAY! jeez, i just wanted to know if you were free today, can you come over? I'm really bored."He stated

"Ya. I am free. I'll join you soon." You said.


You got dressed in your favorite clothes, and headed out.You knocked on his door."Kats! I'm here!"You yelled hoping for him to hear you. You whistled, he did have an admirable house, 'he's a lucky one' your foot tapped onto the ground. "Come on its cold out here."Oh did i fail to mention that its winter?You shivered as you slowly sat on the bare cold surface of the chilly concrete, rubbing your hands while their pressed together - creating warmth- your red scarf wrapped around your (s/c) neck. Your cheeks stained a rosy colour. You heard the door unlock as it creaked open.

Katsuki looked down at you he held a white blanket as he wrapped it around your frozen frame. You gazed up at him and realized he was blushing, though you brushed it off as the winter coldness."Lets go inside.." He said as puffs of air came out of his mouth. He guided you into his room, as you trailed behind. You sat on the couch beside the raging fire that danced in the wind as it sat in the fire place. You, then stood up looking at the kitchen Katsuki was in.He was making something, so you decided to go check out what it was.As you entered the kitchen he spotted you. "What are you doing in here idiot! go back and sit there! I'm.. I'm.. making something for-----you-right-now."He said, at some stage he paused to say some of the words that dared escape his mouth, while blushing he looked away. "Okay.." You said while turning around to go to the living room where you had sat by the fire place. You were all dirty and cold. You needed to take a shower, though Bakugou was making you something and you were debating wether or not to go take a shower.

You were sitting on a bean bag, until you felt something the bean bag add some pressure on your right, you turned to see Katsuki holding a mug, "Here." Katsuki gave you a mug, "Wha-" You were interrupted by his calm voice "Its hot chocolate. And I made the mug myself. You can keep it." Your eyes widened, you never knew that Katsuki were able to do these things. You thanked him as you took the mug out of his hands - you touched his by accident- you flinched slightly then grabbed the mug. You blushed while sipping the cup, looking away from Katsuki. He just stared at you, at your features. Its been a year since he's known you, and well it would be the last thing he said but he was starting to love you.

"Want to watch a scary movie?" You said, smirking while looking at him.He smirked back.His features seemed even more attractive with that devilish grin of his, as his lips pressed up wards and his eyes full of mischief and hunger really set you off blushing like a wild fire had just occurred.

You both chose a movie and you told him you'd get some pop corn and you dashed to the kitchen due to the hunger. You returned to the living room to find Katsuki angry. "TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH (y/n)! GEMME THE POPCORN!" he snatched it out of your (s/c) hands. "Hello beautiful.." he said while looked at the popcorn. "Im gonna eat you up tonight." He said holding back laughs. You looked at him for a few seconds, then laughed your head off. "HAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT THE HELL KATSUKI! 'Im gonna eat you up tonight' YOUR SUCH A PERVERT!" You laughed harder as you clutched your stomach "WHAT THE HELL!! I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!! STAP!DAMN IT OLD LADY WILL YOU STOP IT?!"He said anger visible in his features. "Unless.." your eyes trailed up meeting his, he abruptly pinned you by the wall, his red, crimson orbs filled with determination "You'd want me to eat you up." It didn't sound like a question, it appeared a demand.Your gaze still fixated on his with a serious expression you said "You do realize your saying you would sleep with a grandma, right?" His eyes widened and a blush invaded the normal tone of his skin out of embarrassment. "CREEP!!" You shouted while you escaped his grasp and ran behind the couch laughing non-stop. "OIII!!! NOW YOU PISSED OFF LORD EXPLOSION MURDER!!"

He started chasing after you around the couch he then jumped over the couch and pushed you down so you were situated beneath him. You giggled lightly informing Katsuki that he can get off of your form, but before you could finish your sentence you felt the warmth of his lips press against your own, subjecting you to a passionate kiss. Your mind went hay-wire. He was kissing you.For the second time, though this is the fist time he did it intentionally.His hands made his way to your face as he creased your cheeks, then deepening the kiss. You kissed back, this was your first time so you just did what you could. Your lips parted as Katsuki gazed into your half - lidded (e/c) coloured eyes.


You both flinched and turned your heads towards Katsuki's television, as a scene from the horror movie you both chose was playing. Laughing quietly about the fact that you both forgot that the movie was playing. Katsuki grabbed the blanket and lazily sat down on the bean bag. You joined him and took the end of the blanket and wrapped it around yourself , now both of you were cradled by the blanket as you steadily fell asleep, he placed his head on-top of yours and drifted off to deep slumber.

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