Chapter 17

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Sorry for the late update, my school is starting soon. And I had way too many things to catch up on.


You Katsuki

Katsuki You



You shouted your thoughts wondering wildly as you glanced at the mirror. Since you were in his body he was wearing just his boxers. You blushed slightly and turned around, not wanting to face the mirror any longer. You sighed in your voice, "Don't tell me..." You held his throat. "I HAVE MY OWN FUCKING VOICE TOO?!" You yelled, the sound of loud footsteps were heard approaching the door to katsuki's room, it slammed open revealing his mother. "SHUT UP! YOUR FATHER'S ASLEEP!" His mother yelled with anger plastered on her features. "Oh sorry.." You said quietly looking down. 'Wait. I should be acting like Katsuki, damn it.' You gazed at her with katsuki's crimson orbs, once a look of anger now change to a state of confusion in her eyes. "Are you alright? What happened to your voice?" You quickly gained your composure, "NOTHING. CAN YOU GET OUT?" You said as deeply as you could pushing his mother out the door. And finally closing it. "Okay.. don't forget to get dressed. It's a school day!" Her voice spoke through the door in-between you and her. Sighing, You collected his school uniform and started wearing it. Once you were done you fully buttoned everything and looked ready. Looking in the mirror you realized how out of place his hair looked, so, you started combing it, it was pretty hard to brush through but it soon smoothed out fine, the result to this.. hilarious. You started to smile which then turned into a laugh. You looked into the mirror and looked at katsuki's smiling face, you liked it, it was.. well theres no other way to describe it. It was cute. "Maybe he thinks that smiling doesn't suit him." You shrugged as you did all kinds of funny actions with his face.


As you ate some of your (breakfast food) you were debating wether you should go to school or not. 'What happens if katsuki see's me? He'll probably think I'm some kind of monster or some shit... What am I gonna do?' You thought that hopefully, you'll figure out something on the way to school, openening the door to exit his home you called out to katsuki's mother. "Bye Mrs Bakug- I mean, I GOING TO SCHOOL. BYE." You once again tried your best to sound like katsuki but the problem was... your voice was exactly like yours, not katsuki's. "Honey, are you sure you want to go to school? you sound..well, PFT- like a.. female.. I think you have a cold." you had to act like katsuki, other wise you know she would get suspicious. "THE FUCK YOU ON ABOUT? I'M FINE, HAG! I'M LEAVIN' NOW. SEE YA'." You saw that she got furious which ended in her giving you a beautiful smack in the head. "THAT IS NO WAY TO TREAT YOUR MOTHER YOU LITTLE BITCH! Now, take your lunch money and behave at school. Bye sweetie!" she stated and you started to head out, stretching your- well , katsuki's muscles. Relaxing as you continued you were walking in the direction of the school "That woman knows how to smack." you said to no one in particular, as you rubbed the area on your head where she smacked you. Your now red eyes spotted a female figure in the distance. It was you? You heard it calling out katsuki's name, meaning she was calling to you. "Katsu-kunn!~" Jen's voice pierced the comfortable scilence you were walking . 'I was wrong. Its Jen.' you weren't up to the task of dealing with her so you just did something that just popped up in your mind, running. "Ehh?! BABE! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! I'LL WALK WITH YOU!!~ <3" The pink haired female chirped. 'NOPE.' You thought as you ran away, faster in the direction of the school. You successfully hid behind a bush without the energetic female lurking in the are you disappeared in knowing. Sighing you sat down "God. I hate this. How long am I going to be in his body?" You complained quietly. Hearing Jen's voice closer to the bushes shook you, you were crawling back not wanting to see the girl. As you were thinking of a plan to get out of the Jen situation, you were still behind the bushes and you felt a smooth hand touch yours along with your shoulders touching. Turning you saw

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