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A/N : Hey guys! sorry I didn't post this christmas special yet, I forgot all about it tbh.😂It feels weird not posting this on christmas buttt Idc. I hope you all will have a great 2017 by Jan, and have your new goals ready to achieve!

Enjoy peeps!

Calmly opening your eyes, your (eye color) orbs shifted around the space you were in. Darkness was the only thing that you were able to notice, though your eyes had adjusted so it was able to determine particular objects surrounding you. You curled yourself into a ball on the wooden surface you laid on, which was slightly occupied by a reasonably medium sized sheet which allowed you to lay on the unswept floor to keep you separated from the unwanted dust. You heard footsteps hammering down the stairs. " (Y/N)!!"

"Great..Just what I needed to hear the first thing in the morning." Light enveloped the space you were kept in, forcing you to squint at the sudden action. Including your ears to allow the sound of the sound of the door screeching open as it slammed against the wall. "GET UP NOW YOU IDIOT! YOU WERE MEANT TO WAKE UP 3 HOURS EARLIER." Gazing up your eyes met cold emerald ones. She, your aunt was the one looking down at you in pure hatred. Ever since the death of your parents your aunt was responcable for taking you in, you never really considered naming this place 'home' more rather a prison. You were basically the cinderella of the house, completing chores, verbal insults being committed at most hours of the day, you wishing you were out of this hell hole etc. Not mention that today was christmas which made it even better.

"(Y/N)! SNAP OUT OF YOUR DAZE AND GET UP!" Her skinny fingers wrapped around your wrist as she jolted you up with immense amount of force -you nearly tripping as she did. You had been dragged across the corridor, down the stairs passing the living-room -where a huge christmas tree stood at a corner- and into the kitchen where you were told to make breakfast. Rolling your eyes you hurriedly scurried into the bathroom to wash up and to brush your teeth.(A/N : Okay I think I'm being too specific 😂 )

heading back to the kitchen you started to make breakfast "Good morning loser~" You didn't even bother turning your head to see the sight of your annoying cousin, Maddie. (A/N : If thats your name, then comment so I can change it) Out of all the people in the house, you hated her the most. "What no reply?" She asked while marching towards you pulling your hair so you would face her. That smirk she wore always irritated you, you grabbed her arm and gave her a lifeless glare telling her to let go in a threatening tone. She scoffed letting go of your hair admitting defeat, storming away mumbling colorful words. A few minuets later your uncle and aunt headed towards the kitchen. You placed the meals onto the table and headed out with your own plate, you never wanted to eat with them anyway plus they have no obligations anyway.

"JUST WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING?!" You stopped in your tracks. "Anywhere but here... " You muttered. "WHAT WAS THAT?"Her voice echoed through out the house 'Jesus how doesn't she get a soar throat?' you questioned yourself in your thoughts. She stormed her way to you and grabbed your plate of food rising it into the air far from your reach. "Hey!" You yelled while you looked at your aunt with the same amount of anger. "Listen. You may have your breakfast IF you go christmas shopping for us." She said showing you a whole list of things that needed to be bought you only stared at her with mixed emotions painted on your face. "In what way is that fair?! Why can't I eat and then go out?!" After yelling the logical opinion of the spectrum, her face gave you the answer that she couldn't have cared less. Groaning in annoyance you snatched the list and grabbed your coat. "Hey idiot. You forgot the money. What are you gonna do? Go to the store and expect everything is for free?" Once this was said she bursted out in laughter. You looked at her and said "Do you want your christmas present or not? just give me the money, its not like santa would visit you any time soon anyway." her laughing seemed to die down as she placed the money in your palm harshly and replied "Its not like santa exists." She smirked once again turning as she pranced away. "Its not like your manners do either." You said, immediately opening the door and slamming it before she would be able to reply.

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