Chapter 5

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A/N : SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED, I WAS SO BUSY DURING THE COURSE OF THE WEEK. I'm packing to go to my country and my time writing will be limited there, BUT I WILL UPDATE NORMALLY!  6(0u0 9 )

And soon the spoilers of the manga will end after one or two chaps, cause the story will take a interesting root.


Katsuki placed your body onto the bed, staring at your figure. Izuku and Uraraka were already asleep. You wish you were awake to go take snaps of them sleeping on the same bed, Katsuki wondered why she didn't sleep next to you because thats the most appropriate way, though once he came to think of it sort of was, preventing him from blowing Izuku's head off in his sleep.How was he going to change you into your pajamas? you were sleeping, and so was everyone else, he took a deep breath as he changed first and then he grabbed some of his clothes to change you into. He was starting to blush, he gulped and held the hem of your shirt and started to pull up slowly, he got up to where your bra was and his ears were now steaming with red cheeks he finally pulled your shirt off and just stared at your chest, he had to go outside and take a deep breath before proceeding to the next step. Taking your shorts off he shuffled it down to where your underwear was now, he tried not to explode because of your orange panties that resembled his quirk whenever he would make an explosion. Shit he now had you with only your bra and panties on the bed. If he got caught then he was in big trouble. He grabbed his shirt he was going place on you and carefully made you wear it. Knowing this was the last time he was going to see you in your sports bra he took his finger and.Poked.It. He knew that you'd be incredibly pissed off if he did anything like that. He can imagine you punching him in the face and ripping him to pieces before walking away like it never happened. He shook the thought of, getting out of his day dream before continuing with making you wear his shirt, his red orbs met your (e/c) coloured ones. You had the look of death in your eyes. "Katsuki?" You said calmly which terrified Bakugou. "Wh--what?" He said. "Care to explain why I'm in my sports bra and underwear in front of you?" With each word you said with more aggression. "I WAS ONLY GETTING YOU IN MY CLOTHES!" He whispered loudly. You kicked him in the face with your foot and he fell to the floor. " You should have woke me up." You stood up as his shirt rolled down your body, it went up to your mid -thigh. He was now fuming at the sight. This was a moment in history where he'd never forget this moment. "Tch, where are shorts?" You asked still glaring daggers at him with your lifeless eyes. He failed to speak as he regained his composure. He said that he didn't have any shorts that were your size and that they would fall off. You grunted in response and went on the bed, getting under the covers as you slowly started to drift off into sleep again. Looking out the window his calm features gazed at the stars as he soon fell asleep beside the window.


Days passed and you all trained and suffered through the course of those days. And as each hour passed you all became stronger than the people you were before you came.


You stood there in shock watching Katsuki with a kitchen knife and a carrot, he was slicing through it like a professional, "W-Woa.." you blurted out while Uraraka spoke up saying " Woa Bakugou, your damn sight with a kitchen knife! I wasn't expecting that!!.." She said while sweat dropping "WADDYA MEAN YOU WEREN'T EXPECTING THAT, WHY WOULD I BE GOOD OR BAD WITH A KITCHEN KNIFE!!?" He protested loudly now slicing roughly with the knife. You smirked while you thought of a way to tease him. "It'll make him a great husband!" you said aloud while your eyes were shut. You knew by this time that his eyes were staring at you intently, while staring at you a blush was evident on his face. "WHAT ON FUCKING EARTH (L/N)?!! YOU WANT ME TO CUT YOU WITH THIS KNIFE INSTEAD??" He shouted while still infuriated.He almost cut his own finger off, not to mention the poor wood as well. "woa, woa Katsuki, clam down we wouldn't want your finger to get cut off now would we? You said while holding his hand to stop him from nearly slicing his finger, and grabbing the knife. That devious smirk which was on your face never faded, katsuki's blush was getting the better of him as he tossed his head to the side avoiding your (e/c) eyes.Four villains stood at the top of a mountain peering at the camp-sight below where all the students were training and soon eating their meals.

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