Chapter 6

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A/n : Okay maybe the manga spoliers will end in a few other more chaps, idk, lets just see how it goes. 😂 


You turned to face the villain as you growled beneath your breath. "Give him back? What a peculiar request." Izuki started to shout out once he regained himself  "Bakugou is a boy, not an object anyone owns! he owns himself you filthy egotist!" He complained using all of the might he was able to muster in his voice. The villain sarted rambling about some topic you weren't interested in, until Shouto tried capturing the man by freezing a tree, though with no avail. It's not Bakugou who's only gone! Tokoyami is too!" shouji said while looking around him. Thst means he abducted two of all of you without making a sound?!

"I used to be an entertainer. Its a bad habit of mine." The villain continued saying the reaon why he captured Tokoyami as well was because of how well he fought and what incredible force he unleashed. "You bastard!!" You ran towards the tree the man was on, and your fist met the ground as it crumbled and opened, the tree the man was standing on fell into the huge gap you created. Though he landed onto another tree. "Ohh, miss powerful has arrived!" The man chirped. "Is it a strength quirk you have?" You were shocked your self on where this force came from, but payed no mind to it, your only priority was to save Bakugou. You were going to strike at the man once again but everything went blury, your vision started to fade, and all your wight pulled down. The last thing you heard was your friends calling out your name. Shouto swiftly let go of the boy on his back and told Uraraka to deal with him, he caught you momentarily before falling onto the ground, he carried you bridal style, knowing that he wouldn't have this opportunity again and because you would protest. And the next thing shouto did was freeze almost the entire area, but that didn't stop the man. "New genesis unit retrieval mission complete!" He shouted in a joyous voice. "It may have been a short while but with this we must close the curtains! head towards the recovery point within the next five minuets as we agreed on!" He stated, informing the other villains on the information as well. "Did he just say 'close the curtains'..?" Shouji mumbled, they came in realization that the villains were about to leave along with Bakugou. "WE CAN'T LET THEM! DO NOT LET THEM ESCAPE!!" Shouto yelled.


You were all  following the masked man, once Izuku came up with an idea to swing you, Shouto, him, and shouji to the incredibly fast man ahead. And with that you were all able to land on top of the man, capturing him. But where were you? Shouto's gaze caught your figure, he breathed in thankful that you were safe, shouji was able to catch you with one of his wings in time. Dabi ordered the masked villain to move, in which he did and he snatched you away as well. "Ouch, to think that they'd come flyin' at me. The things they come up with, I swear." He complained while holding you in his arms "Who's she? And where's Bakugou?" Dabi asked while his hands were out gesturing for the masked man to show him what they came here for " The girl seemed pretty powerful, and I bet she's capable of many things, and she kept on nagging about the boy Bakugou, so I brought her along with us, and bakugou..? but of course-" He handed you to dabi, you now on his back. The masked villain wasn't able to find where he kept bakugou and Tokoyami, "The marbles you put into your right pocket, are Tokotami and bakugou arent they, 'entertainer'?" Shouji questioned, holding both marbles in his hand, in the meantime they tried retrieving you though Dabi didn't make that possible. Shouto screamed your name "(Y/N)!!" Though Dabi only held you tighter. They all were going to run after you until Kurogiri, the huge ink-like person blocked their path. Dabi protested about leaving but the masked man stopped all his worries. By taking his mask of, and sliding his tongue out and revealing Bakugou and Tokoyami, "And with that, I'm beckoned backstage! thank you, thank you!" he said proudly while bowing slightly.A beam of flash appeared out of sight while hitting against the man's face, the man relesing both  marbles into the air, they were able to get Tokoyami back although the villains had fully captured Bakugou in the process. A pitiful smirk grew on Dabi's stitched face. "Aw, how sad, Todoroki Shouto." Tororoki's hand tried reaching yours, but failed. And soon the villains fled with the targets in hand.

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