Chapter 11

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A/N : Sorry about chapter ten's late update. (rhymes ouO) I was at my aunts house with my family and the place had no internet. So I couldn't update the story. And I'm going to go somewhere so I'm not going to be able to update for a while. Apologies for that. (' - . -) 


You backed away and moved away a little, you just kissed Eijirou. On the lips, not the cheeks, not his forehead, his lips. You turned your head to look at Eijirou and saw that he had the hood of his jacket over his head, he held the jacket while looking down, his hair wasn't the spiked crimson hair that he had a few moments ago, is down and he was blushing with a small pout on his face. You tapped his shoulder and he awkwardly turned his head towards you. "Y-yah..?" He asked his eyes focused on you for a few seconds before looking at the ground again. You looked ahead and sighed, it was quite cheesy. But none the less, you had to keep things the way they were. "We came out here to do some ding-dong ditching. So what are we waiting for?" 

You stood up patting the dust off your clothes. He stood up as well and put this hood down. After he did his hair went back to his normal spiked hair, his smile returned onto his features as he took your hand and ran to the door you two quickly abused the bell before running off into the bushes, you peeked between the green leaves as the door opened revealing muscular figure, it was all might wearing a bathing suit. Your eyes grew wide and you placed your palm over your hand, as you stifled up some quiet laughs. Your gazed turned to Eijirou and saw that he was on the ground laughing as loud as possible. "Dude! He's gonna know we're here!" You yelled, it was too late Eijirou stopped laughing once he saw all might's figure behind the bushes, standing while looking down on us. "It's not very nice to make fun of people young ones!! Now go! Before I make you!" He stated loudly in his heroic voice. Which turned into a voice that dripped with poison "And don't tell anyone." We walked down the street remembering what had happened a few moments ago and Eijirou shivered slightly while you just shook your head.


"Bu-" Your protesting of how boring it would be was interrupted once he dragged you across the street to the next house.


"I see. So you have feelings for the girl...(y/n) was it?" He nodded in responce. "And you had an argument with her, just because she was talking to another boy?" 

The eldest female recapped her arms still folded beneath her breasts as she leant back in her chair. Katsuki nodded slowly as he kept his gaze on the circular table. Jen looked at Katsuki with a sad expression visible on her face. 'He cant have feelings for her... he can't! the girl he has feelings for is probably just using him. Yah.. and I'll prove it. So he'll pick me in the end!' 

The pink haired girl had a fake worried expression on her face, she was rocking back and forth on her seat. Venda looked at her daughter and the blonde haired boy deep in thought. There was a knock on their living room door. "Come in." Venda said, a blue haired person walked in, wearing a top and a mini-skirt, with black knee-length socks. The person had green eyes exactly like the blonde haired female sitting by the table. "What is it sweet heart?" She asked looking at her child. "I was wondering where my phone was. Have you seen it?" The blue haired person asked. The mother only shook her head. "No. And go search in your room. Its probably there." The mother stated while waving her hand with a fed up look on her face. "Oh.. well.. have you seen it?" The person said while walking up to the ash-blonde and whispering that in his ear. "Fuck no. Now get lost I came here to get advice from your mom not you Michel." The male said in an annoyed tone, "Ahh~ I'm so glad you remember me katuki!" Michel said while her fingers were intertwined and her eyes were shut in a dreamy manner. Katsuki grew angrier by the minute. "My name isn't Katuki." He said. "Its Katsuki." He emphasized. 

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