Chapter 9

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You laid there in the darkness, while your hands still trickling will red liquid staining the rough surface of the earth. Footsteps rushed towards your figure, 'probably some drunk bastards' you thought. And you were right. They walked up to your figure, as a middle-aged who was wearing sunglasses with a stain on his white shirt and green pants knelt down to your figure. He grinned steadily yet slyly featuring his heavy breath and yellow teeth, and some where out of shape or missing. You cringed but it hurt once you did. You head was now pounding. "Looks like we got a f-ff-reshh one pals.." His cocky grin still plastered on his face. You glared at him with your (e/c) warning for him not to mess with you. He got the message, though he only fell onto his back, which angered the man. Turning your head you were able to see two other men, one was reasonably sim though the other wasn't. You felt someone grab your thighs and with wide eyes the hand trailed back to the man. "Wh-WHAt,  Do YoU ThiNK youR DoiNg?!" Your voice was still broken but this time it was because of slight blood loss. "He..he..he." He laughed in his crooked voice, at some moments sounding as if he had ran out of air. You squirmed and forcefully sat up, only to be held down by two of the other men. "Doon'tt worryy~ we'll take exellent care of you." One of the men said in a seducing voice, which you hadn't found attractive at all. The man with sunglasses reached for the hem of your shirt and started pulling it from your shoulders down to your chest'their fucking drunk,alright.' ,he was pulling it down slowly, to tease you and torture your feelings. You had tried pushing the two men away with your legs, but one of the men were holding them down and you do that your arms move as well, and their badly burnt making you groan in pain. "Enjoying it alreadyy?~" The man asked while you stared at him with all the hatred a person on was able to muster in a painful situation. The man rushed and pulled your shirt all the way up to your chest - where your bra was covering it-, not bothering to remove your whole shirt. 'This is it..' your voice echoed in your mind. 'I'm gonna get r-' Your thoughts were soon vanished as a familiar male voice echoed through the tunnel. 

'r-rescued?' Your eyes wondered to the running figure. "HEY YOU BASTARDS LEAVE THAT GIRL ALONE!" white strands were seen, and pale white skin. "K-katsuki?" You weakly said as your eyebrows rose and your eyes were full of relief. Then they went back to their normal state once you realized that it was Eijirou. Though your eyes were still filled with  a pinch of delight to see someone there, you felt a slight stab in your heart, 'out of all people.. why isn't he here?'. Eijirou took all three of the men out huddling them all into a corner then dusting his hands with a smile on his face. "Phew, that was close. Are you alri---" Silence filled the air for a few moments until he broke it. "(Y/N)??!" He shouted, running to you then he stopped once he was crouched down to your level, you were now sat up. But the problem was.. you hadn't pulled up your shirt so he was able to see half of your top chest line perfectly, because those drunk wannabes took it off. Thank god he saved you before they did anything with you. You realized his face was turning red and you follow his gaze up to your shirt. "Oh.. sorry about that." You said pulling your shirt up back to the way it was. "N-no it's fine. It was-sn't a b-bad sight at all." He blurted out. You looked at him while a hand was in your hair. You had your normal expression on your face. "Thanks.." Your (e/c) eyes trailed down to the street floor. "O-omydod! I didn't mean to sound perverted!" He waved his hands and was blushing. You smiled slightly, you too waved your hands, but he stopped being flustered and his red orbs focused on your bloody wrists. He grabbed them and took a look at the bandages that surrounded your hands which were slightly burnt. Oh that reminds you, you were still recovering because of the wounds Dabi gave you, and that there were bandages around your top half, up to your chest, and your arms, including your wrists. You also gazed at your wrists and the burnt marks that lay there on the white bandages. "Did those men do this?" He asked in a commanding voice. You shook your head, "No. It was someone else. But its fine, I'm okay.." Your eyes widened slightly but the look of normality still in your eyes. Why was the fabric of your bandages getting wet? Your eyes met Eijirou's teary ones. "(Y--Y--/-N) WHO-- EVER D-DID THIS TO Y-YOU WILL PPAY!" He said in between sniffs and stuttering. You smiled and your eyes shone with care at his childish behavior. 'This is a little awkward meeting him in this state.' He grabbed your back and brought you into a hug. His tears met the fabric you were wearing, soaking it. " Where did Katsuki go? why'd he leave you..?" Your eyes widened, remembering what transpired between the two of you.You should tell him the truth.. "He...said that his mom had texted and he was going to be a little busy,he'd come to see me in a few days or so..nothing to worry about.." You said maintaining my calm voice, you instead lied to him, not wanting him to hate Bakugou, (A/N : BCASE AUTHOR SHIPS DEM XD okay continue reading) it was just a small argument. Nothing to worry about. After you were done hugging him back she placed her hand on the wall she attempted to rise to her feet, though with no avail. "Shit." Her knees met the ground. "Here." Eijirou said, his eyes gazing into her own as his back faced hers. "What..?" You asked slightly confused. "Get on my back! come on, we haven't got all day! Your wrists are going to get infected." He replied with a smile and gestured for her to climb onto his back. "You won't mind..? I'm a little heavy.." You said rubbing your arm and looking away from his gaze. "Why the hell would I care if your heavy? and I doubt you are! You have a beautiful form! besides even if you think your heavy, your not. Aaand, I want all the guys to know that I have this beautiful form on my back." Your eyes were wide and you face was coated in pink. "Okay..." you said while placing your feet on this sides and your body stuck to his while your hands grasped his shoulders. He stood up slowly making sure you didn't fall off because of your wrists. "You liar! you barely weigh anything!" He notified. "Thats probably because you haven't had a person on your back, comparing me to those extremely heavy objects to me explains it." He completely ignores your statement and said " Your so warm~" You blush once again at a comment he makes about you. "Th-tahnks.. I mean thanks.." You blush out of stuttering as you mentally argue with your self.

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