Chapter 4

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A/N : SHOULD I CHANGE THE TITLE OF THE BOOK? It will still say 'katsuki bakugou x reader' so should I?  (T^T )


After everyones baths you headed to your dorm. You remembered who you were with, and sighed, your ears already receiving the loud vibrations from the shouting and explosions. Opening the door you saw Izuku frightened  yet firm, standing up against Katsuki's aggressive behavior which in Izuku's reaction was as if he was adding more wood to the fire making it thrash as the flame grow. The flame was just like Katsuki, trying his best not to burn out with that fury that boiled up in him. Shifting his head in your direction he stormed up to you and grabbed your arm. " I'M NOT STAYING IN THIS CABBIN WITH A SHIT HEAD LIKE YOU DEKU!" Uraraka was in the cabin as well, blinking a few times as she saw the scenario escalate fast. She stood beside deku, looking at the door dumbfounded as the door shut, Izuku realized that he was alone with Uraraka he suddenly started blushing madly while Uraraka smiled at him, asking him if he'd like to play some games on her phone. Katsuki dragged you where the woods were.Now this is when you regretted listening to all those creepypastas. He hesitated before bringing his arm down to envelop your arm, intertwining his fingers with yours, you weren't walking directly beside him, so you weren't able to notice the crimson colour rushing to his cheeks, and across his nose, his grip was so comforting he reminded you of when you were a kid holding your loved ones hands ever so tightly while in your trance a shade of pink dusted your nose and the corner of your cheeks, he kept your hand intertwined with his for a while before releasing your hand now met with the could touch of the wind instead of his continuous warmth. "Do you hate him that bad?" You questioned the short-tempered male. "Tsk. I hated him my whole life, that useless bastard can rot in hell for all I care. He doesn't have a quirk, until one day he fucking got one. What the hell?! it came out of no where!! He fucking messed with me, so I'll mess with him. " He said while his arms were at the back of his head, supporting them. "Aren't you misinterpreting the whole situation? I think that Izuku looks up to you, he's just another helping hand you choose not to take. And do you know why?" His deadly, questioning gaze looked into your calm gaze that your (e/c) coloured eyes held glowing slightly in the moonlight. "Because your selfish." You finished. Katsuki looked at you his eyes boiling with hatred. "Is this how you want to mess with me? shut the fuck up. You know nothing about this. Fucking dumbass." He said walking ahead. Your hand clenched into a fist. Your hair covering your eyes, falling onto the ground you covered your palm with your forehead. Your feelings were in a mess. 'Fuck...' Tears stung your eyes. A warm presence surrounded you, grasping your hands pulling you up, it placed its palm on your cheek, it with gentle force, raised your head. You met his eyes once more..

"Sorry Shouto.." You wiped the corner of your eyes. "You know you look prettier when you aren't sad."He blurted out.You smiled weekly. "Was that a confession right there?" You questioned. His face was now flushed with a rosy hue, his eyes looking away, he regained his composure."What makes you think that?"His normal expression and voice asked, though he still wasn't able to fight down his blush. He placed his hands in his pockets. "No reason. You just seemed concerned, unlike Katsuki and his disrespectful attitude." You said sternly. Sighing you noticed Katsuki was storming to both of you, his quirk going crazy, your able to see the steam drawing out of his ears. You grabbed Shouto's hand, trying to get away from Katsuki you lead him into the woods. "WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU TWO THINK YOUR GOING??!!" He said in a scarce tone. "Away from you!" You replied, although this only made matters worse, it was just like a game of tag, just that your trying not to get killed by Katsuki.  Shouto was going to use his quirk though you shook your head disagreeing with the idea. Finally losing him you both were at the edge of stone,sitting down you took deep breaths. "Man--losing Katsuki in---the woods was--harder--- than I thought.." The male you ran with nodded. "Who knew he'd be that jealous?" He blurted out. Noticing what he said he took one hand and covered his mouth. "S-sorry." He mumbled looking down while scratching his head. "It's fine. I don't get what you mean by jealous though." You closed your eyes lifting your head up. He sat by you, you opened one eye, eyeing him noticing he was looking at the ocean below. "(Y/n).. do you have feelings for Katsuki?"His face was inching close to yours. "Because if you do I--" He was interrupted by Katsuki grabbing your arm once again and pulled you up. "Stay the fuck away from her you fuck-tard." He walked away with you. Glancing back you saw Shouto turning his head to witness the waves clash against one another. You faced Katsuki, you were both now far away from where You were with Todoroki. Bakugou stopped in his tracks as you bumped into his back by accident. " Why the hell did you run of with him?" He said darkly not moving. " Maybe because your a fucking jerk and Shouto is way more better than you'll ever be." Flinching slightly katsuki's grasp tightened as your arm started to burn a little. Your hand was now aching. "Can you stop Katsuki? Before my whole fucking hand burns off!" Shaking under his grasp was an idiotic idea, it made him grow quieter. "So.. your saying that you'd choose him over.. me?...." His eyebrows lifted up in a sad manor his lips formed a little frown and his now, lifeless eyes looked as if they were pleading. The burning on your arm stopped. You were blushing at the sight of him like this, he looked adorable, as if he was a child that had lost a puppy, you know that, of course, is a bad thing though the look he gave you was undeniably adorable. Your hands slowly moved up to his cheeks and your eyes shone with affection. Your free hand grabbed his collar and you pulled him down to your height. And you kissed him on the cheek. His eyes widened and his cheeks were burning red, your lips parted from his smooth cheek and your hand was still on his cheek, as you were about to let go, Katsuki grabbed your and and kept it on his cheek. His hand slipped around your waist and pulled your body towards his, as yours touched his you failed to look him in the eye. You have never been in a situation like this before, it was incredibly awkward to you. From the corner of your eyes you could see his face drawing towards yours. Your breathing hitched as his hot breath touched your skin. "You still didn't give me an answer." He whispered in a husky tone. You were beginning to question if this was a dream or not. "I'll take that silence as an option that you choose me, also since your not speaking up to say your against it either." He smirked slyly. His face was now just less than a centimeter away from yours, noses touching, you gulped. You can't do this. No, you made a promise.. but his face was so close you didn't want to shove him away from you. Your heart was beat was increasing each second he drew closer. A sound emitted from the bushes you both turned your heads to see a rabbit jump out and soon hop away. Night was drawing closer and you gazed up at the stars, they were all together.. just like a family, glowing as brightly as ever, twinkling in the moonlight like mini rays of hope poking through the darkness. You brought your gaze to Katsuki, and he was smiling slightly with empathy evident. He leaned in and captured your soft lips, yours moved along perfectly with his, tightening his grip on your waist he licked your bottom lip. You being a tease and a fighter neglected his opportunity. He forcefully pushed you against a tree, making your mouth open while you said ouch, then he was able to gain access, he left no area untouched while roaming your mouth. You now wanted this to stop, being that it was late and you were new to this. Pulling the back of Katsuki's shirt,  you were trying to signal for him to stop. Once he stopped due to the lack of air you both needed, you took this opportunity to talk. "Ka-- Kah-Katsuki.. We needc to get back --- to-- cabin" You breathlessly said. He realized the state you were in and looked around and agreed. He knelt down. "What?" You asked in a slightly impassive tone. Even you were surprised of how you were able to speak like that after what just happened. " I'll piggy-back ride you to the cabin." He bluntly said. "I'm fine, I don't need you to do that for me. I'm not a five year old." You said waling past him. "Well you are to me. Now get on my back." You shook your head. "nah." You placed your hands in your pockets. "I was going to let you borrow my clothes cause ya' left your bag on the friggin' bus, but okay." He got up and walked past you. You stood there dumbfounded, did he just say that you left your stuff on the bus? but you can borrow some clothes from Uraraka, right? But you over heard her saying that her mother is strict at times and is wary if anything happens to her clothes she'd be in a huge amount of trouble. 'Why..' you thought. 'AM I SUCH AN IDIOT?!' Katsuki was smirking ever so pleasantly as he witnessed your confused face.He knew it from the begging didn't he? "you.. KNEW?!" Your anger rising incredibly. He shrugged and nodded, saying he forgot to remind you on the bus.

"So come on we haven't got all day." He said kneeling, his back facing you, waiting for you to hop on."And you'll lend me some clothes if I do this?" You crossed your arms waiting for an answer, thinking that it would be some kind of lie. "yes. I promise. Now will you hurry up?" You walked towards his back and placed your legs around it and your hands on his shoulders. He stood up and started heading towards the cabin. Your eyelids grew heavy as you, tried to keep awake, though failed in the end. Were you actually falling for him? he seemed as if he was growing to like you every moment he spent with you. Your eyes dulled as you shut them completely, there was no such thing as love to you any more. It is just a word, it has no great meaning, even so..through all your judgement even a little part of you guessed that, some promises were meant to be broken.





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