∫•∫ § Øne shøt § ∫•∫

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A/N :Hey guys! Sorry if your disappointed that this isn't chapter 14. I'm working on it so far, but I'm not in the mood to write something that continues the story. In chapter 14 It says why I wasn't able to update, so yah. This is only to stall for chap 14.

Hope you enjoy this long one shot!


ııı The Thief ııı

Your footsteps echoed through the empty street, "Damn it." You whispered. You, (y/n) (l/n) is an orphan. You never had parents, nor knew them. You were a poor person, and you were starving.  Right at this moment of you running, is because you were being chased by a teenage boy, due to you stealing his lunch. Rewind to a few moments ago, you saw a blonde male talking to a shorter male with frizzy green hair. It looked as if he was threatening the poor boy, soon lunch came and you had followed the angry male, your stomach growled at the sight of his sandwich he took a bite out of. You couldn't take it anymore so you decided to swoop in and swiftly grab the sandwich. Your plan worked and the results you would receive normally was shouting, or a confused person. But this guy was tailing you the second his angry orbs met yours, he was shocked at first but that didn't stop him, and you could see that. "OI FUCK FACE! GET BACK HERE WITH MY GOD DAMN SANDWICH. NOW." His voice was deeper than you thought which made you blush slightly, but your got rid of it as soon as it came. He was incredibly close now and you shouldn't have judged his physical state. His arm reached out and nearly grabbed the collar at the back of your shirt but before he could grab you, you turned and his face met a pole. You laughed at him as you stopped and just stood there, taking a bite out of the sandwich you held. "Mmm. Not bad hot shot, thanks for the sandwich.you placed the sandwich back in the wrapper around it and put it in your black bag you had placing it around your shoulder. You were wearing a (f/c) shirt that framed your body, and (f/c) skinny jeans. "Oh. And you deserve it. How dare you bully that dude." You said as you walked away from him. You took one look back and saw that his face wasn't damaged, though it was getting red out of anger. "OI YOU FUCKING BITCH! HOW DARE YOU LOOK DOWN ON ME!!" You saw that he was chasing you once again. 'You've got to be fucking with me. He still wants to chase me?' You cursed under your breath as you continued running. There was a fence ahead and you jumped over it, he did the same and you were beginning to get tired, looking around you observe your surroundings to see if you can find a way out. That ended when you were cornered at a dead end, you heard the foot steps behind you stop as the male took deep breaths. "Tch. You think a little girl like you can out run me?" He smirked as he walked closer to your form. You had no sign of fear in your eyes. You were a panting mess as you just took steps back, he brought his palm up and had done some explosions, as he brought his head up slightly, and his eyes were looking down on you. "Yep. See ya." You said as you kicked him in his sensitive area and fled. He went down on his knees and just glared at your running form.

"I WILL GET YOU FOR THIS YA' LITTLE FUCKER!" He shouted, and from the day you started it you were robbing him as a little thief like you would do.Once you stole his phone and went into his contacts and spotted a chat between him and a girl, it was't like the rest. The person kept on flirting with him, and he never replied. 

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