Chapter 14

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A/N : Yo, sorry I wasn't able to post. I was again on a family vaca trip again, and after the vaca trip I was at my aunts house, yes. The one which had no internet, to prepare my cousin's birthday party. It was at her house and we had to make basically most of the stuff our self. Cupcakes, cookies, muffins, jelly, wrappers, the tables. So yah, it was a busy week, but it was fun, not gonna lie. Moving on.. . (,,P > ~ < 9,,)

Jesus i feel like my book is getting a little cheesy, 😂


ııı Chapter 14 : {insert title here} ııı


"O-Oh! (y/n)! How are you? Sorry -- I.. I didn't see you there.." she said taking some tissues and wiping her eyes carefully, making sure not to ruin the makeup she was wearing. You walked up and sat on the chair beside her. You brought your hand up and started patting her back"'s okay.. I mean, this kind of stuff happens to people." You smiled reassuringly. "Ha.. looks like I'm the one who needs therapy huh?" She said calmly as she took a shaky breath, due to her crying earlier. You didn't know how to respond at the time, so you just stayed quiet. "I'm.. I'm so, so sorry (y/n)! "She placed her hands at the surface of her face, as she started crying silently. 'Well.. this is something you don't see everyday, at someone else's house you've never been to,I mean.' You were just staring at her with the look of pity in your eyes. "Mrs Venda.. I have a question." You said as she looked up at you with tears still falling from her eyes, you handed her a tissue and she started wiping away the tears on her face once again. "Yes, what is it sweetie?" She asked looking up at the moon, as some clouds were invading the gorgeous glow. "Uh.. Why.. Why did you say me and Jen were alike?" Her blue eyes went wide. "U-uh! Well.. you two just seem that way!! Uh.. w-with the way you talk and.. and um.. the way you dress! hahhahaha!!" She said all those things in a quick pace. You blinked. "Well that was quick." You mumbled 'She went from incredibly sad to her normal self, well i think this is her normal self at least..' Sighing you knew you couldn't get it out of her, so your only option was to ask the pink haired female her-self. 


"Thank you for coming here. I really do appreciate it (y/n)." She said pulling you into a hug. The hug lasted for a few minutes before she recommended something.

"You should stay here for the night! All of you should!!" 

"Yah, okay... WAIT WHAT?"


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