Chapter 8

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A/N : THERES GONNA BE A MAMA BAKU AND READER MOMENT. QUITE CHEESY SO BE WARNED. Oh and if it didn't make sense that Bakugou was your first kiss, then its supposed to mean that he's the first person you have ever kissed even though he has kissed you in different chapters.

But yall are smart and probably know that so...ENJOY!

Katsuki's mother came up and slammed the door open. "OHHOHOHOO KATSUKI YOUR D-" she stopped while she took a look at you both on the ground. "dead...?" she said in her normal voice and confusion leapt in with it, her eyes were wide seeming as what she thought was just her imagination getting the best of her. She sighed in relief and looked down on both of you. "What do you want mom?" he questioned his grip still on you as his left eye was open and his other was shut. "S-sorry about all of that mrs. Bakugou.." You apologised in a little bit of a quiet voice, and you could see that Katsuki loved that, he never herd you speaking that way before, it was like your shy instead of being cold and a little cruel. He leaned in wanting to capture your soft cheeks before a hand stopped him. His mom pushed him aside and now you sat up looking at her with your adorable red cheeks and (e/c) in a slight pout. She grabbed your face, turned your head to the side, and..




You were in shock. Your eyes wide, sure it seemed a little weird. But that didn't stop you from feeling welcome and comfortable. You forgot how it felt, feeling the warmth of a mother. You still had red hue dusted on your cheeks snd you stood up immediately. " M- MRS. KATSUKI- I MEAN BAKUGOU!whydidIevensayBakugou? OHMYGODWHATISHAPPENINGKATSUKISAVEMEFROMMYSELF!" You said while walking over to the bed and grabbing the teddy bear, you broght it your face to its stomach once again as you went to Katsuki and brought the bear to his lap and you laid there. Katsuki sat there looking at you and his mother was laughing. "Are you alright (y/n)? sorry about that! I don't know what came over me, I see you as a member of our family I guess." She said as she stood up. Your face rose up to see her with a questioning look.

"And is there something wrong with me kissing my daughter in law's cheek?" Your eyes grew wide and you almost squealed. Thank god you didn't, Katsuki's mother stood up and walked away slowly. " sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.." She admitted in a whisper that you heard, she sounded sad. You rose as you grabbed her shoulders and brought her to a hug. " I'm the one who should be sorry. I was surprised thats all. I don't have a mother or father. So what you did was surprising to me. So, don't feel guilty." She had sympathy in her eyes as she hugged you back. "Y- your an orphan..?" she asked and looked at you with shocked eyes, nodding your head in response she hugged you tighter.

"Okay. You two done? can I have her back now?" Katsuki said while she released her grip and looked at you. " Don't worry, we're your family now." She said smiling. You nodded again. 'yeah' you thought a small smile inviting your features. " Sorry to ruin the moment but I'm hungry." Katsuki said, grabbing your arm and heading out, you both exited the house and you both made your way to the nearest place that has food. You were still wearing Bakugou's oversized shirt and shorts that were near your mid-thigh. You both stopped at a place that looked good enough, and you entered, seeing the place, it looked nice your eyes then caught red hair, the guy looked like someone you knew, taking bakugou's arm you dragged him to the table where the red-head was at. You tapped the man's shoulder and he turned around, it was Eijirou. "Hey Eijirou."

You smiled lightly and he greeted you both with a large smile and a 'hey!' you took your seats around the circle-like table and started talking. "So, (y/n). What brings you guys here?" He smiled -his eyes were shut- while he had light pink cheeks, as he leans towards you guys. You couldn't resist blushing slightly when he did that. It was incredibly adorable. You had to resist hugging him. "W-we came here because were hungry. And we spotted you in the cafe." You explained, mentally slapping your-self for stuttering. He leans closer to you. "Cool!" He said. Bakugou sitting next to you on your left side (you were in the middle and the boys were on your left and right) came closer to you and asked, " And what brings you 'here?" Eijirou looked at bakugou and said " I'm here cause I was bored at home, and I thought everyone was busy so I didn't want to bother them. So I usually come here to pass time." You nodded in response to his answer, bakugou just responded saying 'whatever'. A person came up to take the orders, and left right after. While you were waiting for the food Eijirou had placed his chin on his palm and looked at you with his scarlet eyes that reminded you of katsuki's, you tried looking anywhere but at him, so you just looked out the window, a slight blush on your cheeks. Once the food came you ate savouring the taste in your mouth. 'mhm this is so good!' you thought while your eyes were shut and there was still a small coat of blush on your cheeks and you kept a small smile formed on your face. Bakugou was looking at you with wide eyes and so was Eijirou. Their food fell from their spoon as their cheeks started to get hot, "(Y-y/n). You have something on your cheeks."

Eijirou confirmed as he took his hand out and cupped his hand on your cheek, his thumb ran over your left cheek, wiping away the chocolate on your now pink cheek, (A/N : Cheek 😂 )you stared at him in shock and grabbed his hand and put it down. Looking at the ground embarrassed to look up. Bakugou was now furious, he grabbed your arm and forced you outside near an ally way. "WHY'D YOU LET HIM DO THAT?!" He yelled, pushing you against a wall. You groaned in pain. "Ouc--h..." You looked up at the ash-blonde boy. "He-- only wiped of some food that was on my face.." You said in a weak voice because of that push he gave you. "AND YOU LET HIM TOUCH YOU?!" You looked at him with a plain expression. "I don't belong to you. And sorry he was kind enough to do that." You said the last sentence in a sarcastic tone, his anger only rose as he grabbed your arms and pinned them to the wall burning them. You flinched, swallowing the pain. " YOU DO BELONG TO ME! YOU BITCH! FUCK, I'M DONE WITH THIS SHIT." He yelled slamming you onto the ground. And your wrists bled slightly,as your palm went around one of your wrists trying to conseal the pain "mn..." was all you cold let out as some tears kissed the cold ground katsuki pushed you on. You sat up slowly but fell again because of your bleeding and unbearable sting that made you curl up and cry silently.

'Fuck. I knew falling in love, and breaking my promise,

was a huge mistake.'

You thought laying there, on the ground waiting to crumble away, and he wasn't bothered to help you up or apologize.Not even take a look at you, he just walked away like nothing happened, You were all alone, again..




(Okay quick edit from 2020 me: I'm skimming over this chapter and I read the type of possessive behavior Katsuki portrayed. I in NO WAY condone this type of behavior AT ALL— (and if u happen to be in a relationship where you recognize someone is controlling and manipulative, and/or abusive, please seek help or try your best to leave if ur able, since it's not a healthy relationship for both parties!

Y'all idek what the hell was going through my young mind while writing this, I was trying to be edgy and dramatic with these chaps but I clearly didn't realize the weight of what I wrote. Nowadays I would NEVER write anything like this - and as I grew more knowledgeable compared to my younger self, I know for a FACT that though katsuki had an agressive and somewhat tsundere personality, he definitely has a caring and soft side as well. He doesn't feature the type of abusive, yandere traits that I gave him in some of these chapters, so please forgive me for being so reckless for portraying him as such. Ugh I cringe at my awful writing and the way I presented these characters JFFKFK KILL ME💀

But again, I'm truly sorry! I'm not really editing these chapters since I don't have the time to do so, but as I skimmed over a few parts I wanted to add this in.

Hope everyone is safe and healthy!💖

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