Chapter 3

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A/N : Some chapters will have spoilers on the manga, so if you haven't read it.What.Are.You.Doing. Though if your busy I can relate. I guess you could say spoilers are included . But you get the drift.

⬆️ Please read author's note first ⬆️

                                               🌸 [ READ FROM THE BEGINNING]🌸

You woke up, as your (e/y) coloured eyes scanned the room, you brought your (s/c) hand to your eyes and you rubbed them carefully, yawning while doing so. You tried to bring your head up though the pressure denied access to do so. "Mmn" A masculine voice murmured, your eyes widened remembering the past events that occurred. You tried to stand, but you were on a bean bag which sunk you in further, it seemed that the only option you could think of was waking Katsuki up. Placing a hand on his muscular shoulder you gently pushed him, wanting to get away from the cheesy scene, though it was a little adorable to you, you could live with it.Seeing Katsuki's face as he inhaled while his eyes were shut in a peaceful demeanor rather than his angry,hateful manner. "Katsuki, wake up" You said in a light drowsy voice. He shuffled, groaning while doing the action, turning his head in the opposite direction a small bit of anger now visible in his face. 'Great, he's probably not going to wake up' "Yo, Katsuki where are your parents?" You questioned.Knowing he was at least half-asleep you decided to ask him the question. "Their at their honey moon in Italy." He bluntly stated. "Cool." You set your sight outside and realized it was quite early in the morning, this was surprising to you due to the fact that you normally wake up late on weekends. Thats when you realized.Its not the weekend. "Oh shit.." You woke Katsuki up. "Come on! we have school! get ready!" 

"DON'T GO GOD DAMN IT." Katsuki yelled as he grabbed your legs,him still on the beanbag, and you almost tripping. 

"Quit it."

"No." He said smirking. His mouth perked up, his devilish features perfectly outlining his face. "Katsuki, do you want to miss the trip to the forest lodge?"His smirk faded as his eyes widened. He lwt go of you."SHIT!" He dashed to his room. You told him your going home to get ready and that you'll meet him at school. And he agreed.

"CLASS A, OUR BUS IS HERE! LINE UP IN THE ORDER OF YOUR ASSIGNED SEATS!" You sat next to the window in the bus, you gazed out the window. People obviously didn't care where they sat so they sat wherever they please. You felt a light tap on your shoulder, turning your head to face a guy, who's hair was pure white and the other half which was a shade of scarlet beneath the area of his red hair his eye was a perfect cast of sapphire and his other eye was a shade of hazel, what cought you off was this mark which looked as if his face was burnt. "Um, are you alright?" He spoke. You snapped out of your hypnotic trance. "Yeah... sorry about that."You said in a hushed tone, but loud enough to hear. "Is it alright if I sit by you?" He questioned. "Go ahead." You motioned for him in the space he was going to sit in. "Thank you. My name is Shouto." He said in a calm tone. "I'm (y/n)." You both shook hands. A hand slammed against the seat shouto was sitting at, "Oi. Get out of my seat." That voice was familiar to you. Looking up you saw Bakugou with a surprisingly calm expression painted on his face, he looked, well.. handsome. You just stared at him and his features. You never really focused on them that much. "Yo, I said get out of my seat." He now, said it with rage audible in his voice with each word his voice rose. " Why should I?" Shouto asked while his eyes shifted to meet Katsuki's. "We're supposed to sit next to each other." He shrugged placing his hands into his pockets of his uniform. Shouto looked at me and stood up "It was nice meeting you." He said "Yah, I'll try making it up to you Shouto." You said smiling a little. You smiling was quite rare, you only did it around people you felt comfortable with. Shouto gulped and nodded trying to fight down the little pink hue that was rushing to his cheeks. "Damn it.." He mumbled while finding a different seat.

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