Chapter 13

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ııı Chapter 13 : Mystery. ııı

A/N : Sorry about some spelling mistakes I make at times, I type some stuff then delete it, then when I'm typing at a certain place it suddenly starts typing in a different area. 

And thank you to those who actually read the authors notes 0u0 You have authors love forevah. 


You dived into the water and saw spotted the sakura haired female, her hair scattered in the blue and her mouth open, while she was choking on water. You swam faster to her figure. You grabbed her hand, pulling her towards you as you swam up to the surface. You took a breath and nearing the edge of the pool. Michael pulled her out of the water. But as he did the towel on Jen started falling off. 'SHITT!' you quickly held the towel on Jens body. You sighed, calming down. Michael took Jen away to the girls changing room, you looked around and noticed that you were the only one left in the hot spring. The door slammed open revealing the two boys. "We should of gotten the towel! not this huge bathrobe!" You saw Eijirou pouting at bakugou while bakugou was rolling his eyes walking to you, You hid your body and the ends of your (h/l) (h/c) hair scattered in the steamy water. Once Bakugou saw you hiding your revealing body  in the hot spring, which he could not see, he blushed slightly. Even though you were hiding your body he couldn't help but squint and try to peek at it. Though with no avail as his eyes trailed up to your questioning ones. "Like what you see? take a picture it'll last longer." you said in a bored manner, katsuki's blushing expression turned into an angry one. "WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU- YOU- UGH JUST TAKE THE FUCKING THING." He held out the white bathrobe looking away from you as you grabbed the bathrobe's end, you slowly started getting out of the water and the blonde haired teen finally let go of the towel as you put it on. Eijirou was right it was huge, but none the less, at least it was something. "Thanks." You said looking down and walking away.


"HOHOHO! dinner is ready my children!" Venda said as she placed the last plate of food onto the table. You all walked into the kitchen and sat by the table. "Mmm!~ mom the food smells good!" Michael said as he smelt the plate of pizza  "Yess! you made my favorite type of salad!!" Jen said while clapped her hands and looked at the salad with joyous wide eyes and her mouth forming a smile. You were now wearing a blue shirt with black stripes and jeans (A/N : if you don't like blue or anything then imagine some different colors, their just the colors that popped into my mind. DUN JUDGE MEH) . The shirt was for michael's male form, and the jeans were from his female form. You asked him why he didn't just give you a female form for both, he said that he thought it was a cool combination and he was lazy to fetch a different shirt. You sat down at the side of the table, by the sweet red-head. You heard a noise beside you and noticed that Katsuki took a seat by you, and Jen by him. When you were all ready you chowed down on the delicious meals the blonde haired female made. She looked at you and said "(y/n), do you go to the same school as Bakugou?" You nodded in response. "Do you enjoy it there?" She asked once again you nodded again, and she only smiled sweetly. "You seem like a wonderful person...

 You and Jen are very alike did you know?" She said still smiling but sadly this time, her head was down her eyes fixated on her plate. 'Alike? Me? her? what? no.. i don't think we are. You've got it all wrong.I don't flirt. I can swim.She acts rude to me. I just don't get how we're alike...' "I-I'm sure we are." You smiled slightly as a reassurance to the down mother. She returned to her normal state. "Jen sweetie, aren't you going to have some of the salad I made you?" Venda asked pushing the bowl of salad towards her daughter. "No. I'm not hungry anymore.." She roughly pushed back her chair and walked away without another word. "But sweetie I made this just for yo-" She was interrupted by the shouting of her own daughter. "I SAID I'M NOT HUNGRY! FUCK YOU AND THIS FOOD!" You sat there wide eyed looking at the pink haired teen in shock. "Jen! H--Honey,please wait!!" Jen ran away without and second thought. You and bakugou simultaneously drew back your chairs and ran towards the corridor where the disgruntled female girl ran through. "H-hey guys!" Eijirou shouted running towards us. Joining our little hunt on finding Jen. " Hey, i think its best if we split up." You looked at him and nodded. " It'll give us a better chance of finding her." You said, Katsuki walked up the stairs. Eijirou walked to the corridor at your left, and you continued along the path ahead of you. 

Leaving the mother and the son behind. "Do you think she will get over it?" Venda asked looking at her son. "She has before. So she probably will." Michael  answered looking up at the ceiling. "Why don't you go to the balcony to get some fresh air?" He asked smiling at his mother, she smiled back lightly as she stood up from her table. "Alright.. I suppose I need some air." 


"Girl with the pink hair who'm I forgot your name! Where are ya?" Eijirou shouted as he opened doors to some rooms. But the pink haired girl was no where to be seen. "She's probably not in her room, since we already saw it, and we would be able to find her easily.. jesus.. where are you?" He lazily asked with a tired expression on his features. "Probably not here," He said. Looking around the backyard where there were flowers occupying the area, forming a gorgeous scenery. "Woa.. this place looks awesome!"Eijirou said to himself as he walked to the flowers that were blooming full of light. He touched and smelt some flowers. Until he came upon a flower that smelt like shampoo? "Weird flower.." He whispered to himself as he brought his hand down to pick the flower. While he was picking it, it was unknown to him that a strand of pink hair was held while he was pulling it. "OUCH!!" A feminine voice screeched. Jen jumped out of the bushes taking some leaves off her hair and dirt off her shirt. "Found you! YAH!! I DID IT! I DID IT! OH YEAH, YEAH, YEAH. I'M  FRIGGIN GENEUS, DARADADADADA." Eijirou sand as he started dancing a little. The female rolled her eyes and started walking away, but the red-head prevented her from doing that. "Nope. You missy, aren't going anywhere." She looked up at him in anger. She angrily sat down without a word coming from her voice. "Now. Tell me, why did you run? don't you think that running doesn't change anything?" She looked down to her knees and sighed, tears started at the corner of her eyes. "Ugh.. no it's just th-that..." She wiped the tears forming in her eyes. "my problem is (y/n). She's all--th-this.. ah-and that ya' know?" Eijirou looked at her with sympathy nodding his head then shaking it. "Yahh... no i don't understand anything your saying." He says with a poker face. The female beside him took a shaky breath and looked up to the sky. 

"There's something you don't know about, actually.. uh--- and its that 





 You held your ears in annoyance'What the hell Eijirou?! what was that shout for? God.' you thought before sighing and calling the girls name."Jen! Jen? where are you?" You called out the girls name hoping she would respond. Though with no avail. You reached upon a door, opening it you saw a set of stairs leading to something. Before you went up them you heard a shuffling noise behind you. Quickly turning you saw no one. You thought nothing of it and went up the stairs. you reached the face of another door. Grabbing the clear golden door knob, you twisted it and you the figure was Je-

" Jen's mum..?"


A/N : 



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