Chapter 10

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"Thanks, Eijirou. I really needed this, you helped a lot." You said trying to let go of his grip on your legs so you could get off. He didn't budge. "Yo, you can let go now Eijirou, I'm fine." You said in your normal cold tone. "Nope! we're headed to my place!!"He said, a goofy grin on his face. "What? why?" You asked looking at his red locks. "Because I can't just leave you like this! I have an aid kit at my house. I can get you all fixed up." He spoke, you just looked at him with no emotion found on your face, as you were going to open your mouth to protest, something caught your eye, blonde hair, red eyes, though something wasn't right. Pink hair? a girl? When Eijirou passed by, you saw the scene as clear as day. There was a pink haired girl kissing that crimson eyed male. Your eyes widened in a confused and angered manner. She slowly leaned back and stared at the male with desperate half-lidded eyes. Then that blonde went too far, he grabbed the female's waist where her blue jeans were and connected their lips once again. You  just turned your head to the direction of where Eijirou was headed and ignored the scene. You wished you could punch the living light out of that bastard, instead you just looked ahead. Instead of a stab in the heart, you felt as if it was ripped apart. You buried your head into the crook of Eijirou's head. "We're here!!" He said happily running to the door with you on his back. He opened the door and closed it running to his room and placing you on a bean bag. "Stay here. I'll get a first aid kit." He stood up giving you a heart warming smile and then left the room. You just stared at his celling wondering what will happen after the weekends when school is back on track? Do you talk to him and ask him about that girl? 'Fuck. Why is it always me?' you thought playing with the hem of your shirt that belongs to bakugou. 'Great. Now I have to return this fucking shirt to him.Perfect.' You heard the door to the room shut and you faced the door, where Eijirou was at. 

He knelt down to where you were at. "Give me your hand," He stated, pulling your hand up you flinched. Now it looked like a serious burn, you clenched your teeth,fighting the pain, some blood oozed out, you put your head down, it wasn't any normal burn. If it was then you wouldn't care, and you wouldn't feel any pain. But this burn was different. It had this painful feeling, the burn, had gone past your skin, katsuki had actually done this to you. Why? Warmth enveloped around your wrist, it was some new bandages that were being wrapped around the wounds. His action made you take your arm away from his and look out his window with light pink hue on your cheeks. 'Whats the point  of blushing?' You thought to your self. Standing up slowly, you realized you were wearing the shirt that Katsuki gave you. "Hey.. do you happen to have any shirts?" You asked looking at him placing the things back into the kit. "Yah! And I got a great one for you to wear!" He said placing the kit on his bed and running to his closet. "This one is great!" The threw a tight red dress in your direction. "I said shirt. Not dress you idiot." You said plainly, he laughed. "I know! I know! I'm only messing with you!" 'Why does he even have a dress in the first place..?' He grabbed a shirt that said E.I.S and tossed it to you. "Wear it. Its comfy." He informed as you looked down at the shirt he had. It was a plain blue shirt that had the letters E.I.S in the middle. Looking up at him with a questioning look you asked "What's E.I.S?" He only smirked and said. "I'll tell you if wear it." He clarified, still looking at you. "Okay, give me another shirt." you said lazily with a bored expression. "Sorry, but all my other ones are in the wash. So you'll have to wear it in my room." You just glared at him, thinking it was his plan all along. "Fine." You steadily took your shirt off and he was there to see the whole thing, your hair fell and you took his shirt, you looked at him and saw that he was blushing madly, his face was almost as red as his hair, thank god you had the bandages around your body. You took the blue shirt in your hands and stared at it plainly. You liked plain, it was like it was a part of your personality. You didn't need him. You stood strong on your own. You rolled down the shirt and it was perfect, you did actually feel comfortable in it. "Now tell me. What's E.I.S?" his blush was now on his cheeks as he started of a fit of laughter. His laughter died down and he stood in front of you and looked down, he was about the same hight as Bakugou so you had to lift your head  up half way. "It stands forr....! EIJIROU.IS.SEXYY!!" he posed while exaggerating each word. You just stared at him, then you rolled your eyes in a joking manner, a tiny smile visible on your lips. "Well, I guess I'm stuck with this." You gestured towards the shirt you were wearing. He nodded still looking down on you, gazing up at him you asked "What should we do to pass time?" He thought for a moment before an idea came to his mind. "WE SHOULD GO DING DONG DITCHING!!" Eijirou said with some playful laughter following at the end of his recommendation. 

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