chapter 7

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(T x T )
And this is most likely the last bit of spoilers from the manga. The story will get better after this chap.


You just stared at Dabi in anger. The ground started to shake. "Wh -what on earth?" One of the villains mumbled. "YOU.." katsuki looked down to see you and noticed that your (e/c) orbs were no longer the calm and beautiful ones he was lucky enough to see when he see's you. You looked up at katsuki with your wet cheeks that were stained with tears a few moments ago, though some tears were building up at the corner of your eyes as katsuki brought his hand up and wiped the tears away from your face. Leaning down, he kissed your cheeks that made you blush slightly. Whenever you look at him you remain stable and calm, but you didn't have time for all of that now, your objective was to get rid of that bastard.
Dabi. Katsuki wanted you to calm down by grabbing your hand and pulling you into a hug though things took a turn. You forcefully pushed him onto the ground earning a groan in pain from him. "STAY AWAY." You looked at katsuki then to the villains with hatred in your eyes. The ground creaked open slightly. Grabbing Dabi's collar you slammed him into a wall. "(Y/N)!! S-STOP!!" katsuki rushed towards you, but you punched him in the stomach and he fell to the floor, he coughed up blood.You felt as if someone went up to you and ripped your heart out for doing that to katsuki, though your thoughts were interrupted by two of the villains grabbing you and slamming your head onto the concrete ground. "NO!" You struggled in the villains grasps. Katsuki used his quirk to confuse the villains surroundings and hearing, he grabbed you as all might's figure came into view as he smashed the wall down. The last thing you heard before your anger faded and consciousness was "I've got you (y/n)."


You nuzzled into the comfortable object that was beside you. Opening your dazed eyes, you noticed it was a large teddy bear. "Huh. Where did this come from?" You wondered as you sunk your face into its fluffy belly. " Do you like it?"  A feminine voice appeared out of nowhere as you gasped and rolled to your side to see who the voice behind you belonged to. She had short spiky hair just like katsuki's and beside her was a man who wore glasses and had a mustache, they leaned forward to examine you further. "Oh my! she's even prettier when she has her eyes open!" The woman said with a gentle smile on her face. "Your right sweetie," the man smiled at the woman. "Are you alright?" The man asked in a concerned tone, turning his head to face you. You sat up and noticed bandages that were around your chest area all the way down to your stomach, and they went all the way to the end of your arms. "Y-yah.. thank you, do you mind me asking.. wh-who you two are?" You asked in a sleepy tone while bringing your hand up to rub your eyes, though flinching in the process due to the pain. " Oh! thats right! I'm katsuki's mother, and this is his father; my husband. And your on katsuki's bed!! I never knew he went this far with a girl.." His mother blabbered on . "He got that bear for you." His father pointed out. " You were snuggling with that for the past few days!" He chimed while his mother nodded. "PAST FEW DAYS?!" You shout, your eyes widening. "Mhm, my baby child was so worried about you! he kept on doing things, like sleep beside you, and help us heal your wounds! oh he also kissed you on the neck!" She said as she stood up, clasping her hands together. You moved back slightly, as you grasped your neck, looking at both parents with your eyebrows raised in a confused manner and your eyes as well, and a blush visible on your pale (s/c) cheeks. " H- he did that..?" You said looking down, your hair messy hair framing your face. "Yep." Her mother looking down at you with a smirk on her face. The sound of the door closing was heard. "Excuse us for just a moment." She said lightly with a kind smile on her face, as she exited the room to go into the hallway ad her husband trailed behind her. "KATSUKI! GO INTO YOUR ROOM NOW! YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS AWAKE!" You heard along with a loud smacking sound. "OUCH! I JUST FUCKING CAME HOME AND YOU SMACK ME ON THE HEAD LIKE I KNEW BUT NEVER BOTHERED TO CHECK! AND SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!" He yelled back. " WELL SHE BETTER BE, SOON!" You heard footsteps march at a fast pace towards the room. You quickly covered yourself with a blanket, then realizing that was a really stupid thing to do. The door shut with a slam, hearing footsteps reach the bed your heart beat was increasing. 'Oh god..what do I do?' Cold surrounded you as Katsuki ripped the blanket off you and threw it to the end of the bed. "your awake." You sat back a little and brought your legs up and place them together. "No shit sherlo-" his arms went around your back and he brought you close to him, embracing you in a hug. "Fuck. why'd you have to go all crazy and get yourself kidnapped? you little bastard." He whispered as head was buried in your neck. You hugged him back whispering "its alright.. I'm sorry." Bringing his head up he wiped the small tears at the corner of his eyes and stood up. He was taking off his school uniform, and you were sitting there looking at him a blush crawling onto your the skin where your cheeks were. "WT- WHAT ARE YOU D-DOING??!" you whisper/yelled quite loudly. He did not respond, when he took his shirt off he wore a black tank top and he started to pull down his pants until his gaze met yours. "WHAT THE FUCK?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE LOOKING AWAY!!" He blushed like a mad-man, he suddenly fell on the floor because he tripped on the bottom of his school pants,and the funniest part was that it slipped off while he tripped so his boxers were visible, they were patterned with chibi almight's everywhere. You grabbed and buried your face in his pillow as you let out a fit of loud laughter. "OI STOP FUCKING LAUGHING GOD DAMN IT!!" But that didn't stop you, placing the pillow beside you, you looked at him, and asked while giggling "You didn't feel embarrassed buying that at a store? and I wasn't expecting something like that from you of all people!" You continued your laughing as you place the pillow in front of you and put your head on it while facing him, your smile on your face, he got up and mumbled under his breath while he walked to the bathroom and shut the door. You stood up and grabbed his comb and took all of his ash blonde locks off it, bringing the comb up to your hair and untangling knots that were present, you haven't brushed since the time after katsuki was changing you into his clothes, speaking of cothes you quickly looked down  to see you were wearing shorts and.. katsuki's shirt, you sighed . "Geez, he can be such a cute idiot sometimes.." you said out loud. 'WAIT DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD?!OH SHIT. HE BETTER  OF NOT HEARD WHAT I SAID.'  You thought as you saw the bathroom door open as a blushing Katsuki walked out wearing grey pants. "Tell anyone and I'll kill you." You smirked. "Okay..." You answered in a light tone, hoping it didn't sound that girly, he rolled his red eyes and looked at you. "What do you want to do now?" He said boredom obvious in his voice as he sat on his bed. "I don't know." You replied sitting beside him, "Oh that reminds me," You grabbed the huge bear. "Thanks for... well, this big guy." You smiled lightly, the sun reflecting perfectly on your features and your (e/c) eyes showed a slight glimmer. He started to blush, a red hue dusted on his pale white skin, he placed his hand at the back of his neck, looking away from you "I-It was nothing." He replied. Your body moved on its own, cupping his face with your hands you leaned in and kissed his forehead, he closed widened eyes and his muscles relaxed his hands grabbed your waist, making you sit down on his lap, with you facing him. Then he did something that made your heart beat increase rapidly, he started kissing your neck, he trailed the kisses up to your jaw, grabbing the side of your face where your cheeks were, it felt warm. He stopped the kisses as he looked at your flushed face. You turned your head facing another direction "Admit it, you enjoyed that." He had her head hung low as she was having a war with gaining her normal skin color back and her red; flushed face. 'Damn it. Why now..'  She thought as her arms slammed on his chest. "I'll take that as a yes." He simply stated, one of his hands still on your cheek as he leaned in and kissed you on your cheeks and slowly trailed it down to your jaw, and soon enough his lips crawled down to your neck and he started to suck on it. (A/N : DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT READER.) You were now, about to faint. You had no experience with this kind of stuff so you forced yourself to stay put, out of nowhere you felt a slight bit of pleasure in a specific part of your neck. "M-man, wh-wh-at are-you..doing?" you started to grab the back of shirt and pull it slightly. "I found your sweet spot (y/n)." You could practically feel his smirk crawl onto his face. "Well fuck you." You said in you normal tone. Katsuki started to laugh quietly. You sat there staring at him laugh, your eyes wide, he piped down and looked at you. "You've got a little something over there," he pointed in the area in the middle of your collar bones. You look down to see nothing, but you felt his hand grab your chin making you look up at him. "Fucking loser, you fell for it." He said in his calm demeanor. He leaned in slowly as his eyes were starting to shut, and his head tilted to the side, and you had done the same actions, as your lips were less than a centimeter apart, and seconds later, your lips met. He started soft, then he became more rough as he grabs the back of your head where your silky (h/c) locks lay and tangled his hands in them. He bit your bottom lip asking for an entrance, you didn't have any idea of whst he meant so he broke the kiss and grabbed your thigh and used his quirk, burning it a little. You opened your moth to say 'OUCH' but kstsuki took those words away by slamming his lips into yours andsliding his tongue in. Muffled words were all you were ableto muster and he found that adorable, though he'd never admit that. Seeing how competitive he was you decided yo over power him. You released your grip on the back of his shirt and held his shoulders, you soon dominated and pushed his back  down on the bed and it was now you ; towering over him. You broke the kiss. But when you did he brought your head down and gave you mini kisses still on the lips. He sat up with you on his lap , facing him. He brought his hands up to your your cheeks and stretched them. "Shutaup gohudam thit. (Translation : Stop god damn it. A /N : I know the stop bit looks like i typed shut up but it really isn't. XD) " he smirked. " That was some performance you did back there." He said now just maintaining his hands on your cheek instead of pulling them. You blushed slightly holing one of the hands on your cheeks and said "You should know, tgat I've never kissed anyone before..." you trailed on "your my first  ki-" he brought his lipd to yours once again, once he separateed he kissed your forehead. " I'm your first kiss." He finished while you nodded your head and looked away blushing. "And i have a fucking hard time believing that was your first kiss. Did you feel what you did back there?" He emphasized on feel you puched him in the chest again not wanting to think of what you did because you would blush just thinking of the way ge kissed you back. You only nodded in responce to his question. "Well I'll let that sip. For now.. and the sweet taste your lips are only for me. Got it?" You, again nodded in responce." Why aren't saying anything ya fucking nerd?" He  questioned looking at you. "Well, guess I'm going to have to make you speak." He leaned in wanting to capture your lips.
But you,wanting to tease him, quickly grabbed the teddy and placed it in front of your face, expecting to kiss you his lips met soft fur.

You jumped off the bed, dashing to the door. But you failed once a muscular arms wrapped around your waist pulling you down to the floor making a loud 'thud'- causing you groan from the slight impact, which was heard by both of katsuki's parents.

Bakugou's mother nearly spit out the water she was drinking. And his father almost fell off his chair.

"D-don't worry about anything. I'm sure that it's not what it sounds like."

I hope your right. Because if he is... I'll send him to a world of pain." His mother mumbled while cracking her knuckles.

"Honey you know cracking your knuckles is bad for you.." (quick note: it's been proven it's not lol but during the time I wrote this no experiment had been done to prove otherwise) katsuki's father started drinking his coffee.

Katsuki held you as he cuddled up to the crook of your neck. He was crushing you under his protective grip.

"Ngh.. katsuki! It hurts. Stop it!!" You yelled.

Both of his parents looked at each other in shock.

"GET READY KATSUKI!! YOUR DEAD!!" His mother yelled.


A/N :

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