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Kim Jeana

I groaned in frustration, thinking of what I just got myself into. Jin told me that BTS needed one more make up artist and since he knew I could do art, and I don't have a job he decided to tell his manager that I needed the job badly. His manager accepted me because I was Jin's sister.

I'm frustrated because I will be Jungkook's make up artist. Honestly, I don't know how this will turn out. Jin told me that Jungkook doesn't know a thing, which is even worse. My interview is in a few hours and I don't know how to react in front of them.

Even worst, I am working for them starting tomorrow. I took my time picking an outfit which in the end I chose a classic black skinny dress pants, paired with a tucked in button down white blouse, with black flats.

I drove to the building which took almost an hour but I arrived on time. I asked the lady at the information counter where I was suppose to go and she explained. I walked towards the office door and knocked on it after taking a deep breathe.

"Come in!" a man hollered. I slowly opened the door and saw 7 boys seated down on a chair, back facing me but soon turned around when I shut the door.

"Annyeonghaseyo" I greeted and bowed eyeing the 4 boys who I knew.

"Ah, you're Kim Jeana right? Jin's younger sister?" the man asked, politely pointing to Jin.

"Ne." I replied softly.

Taehyung and Jimin started waving at me with much enthusiasm, I shyly nodded at them.

"You know Taehyung and Jimin?" the man asked again, which I now assume as their manager.

"Ne. We met at school. I was close friends with them" I nodded and tucked my fringe behind my ear.

"Great! Then, you must know Jungkook, right?"

I looked at Jungkook who was still staring at me with his mouth wide opened, "u-uh no, i've seen him around school before but we've never talked" I lied.

Taehyung and Jimin gave me a weird and confused look, they were about to speak up but I gave them eye signals to shut up, which they soon did.

"Oh, weird. Okay, you know why you're here right?" the manager asked me.

"Ne. I've packed my things, where do I go?" I questioned.

"Jin will bring you tomorrow" he answered, "you guys can go hangout or something."

"A-araseo" I agreed and leave the room as soon as possible, trying to escape but Taehyung and jimin ran after me and gave me a hug.

"JEANA! We missed you!" Taehyung said, still hugging me.

I laughed and awkwardly pat their back, "I missed you guys too"

"I didn't know you were working here" Jimin said.

"Ah, Jin wanted me to work here"

"Okay, let us introduce you our members!" Jimin and Taehyung dragged me to the 5 boys who was waiting in front.

Jimin pointed to a very tall guy with dimples, "That's Namjoon, also known as Rap Monster"

Taehyung pointed to a very pale guy, "That's Yoongi, also known as Suga."

"Lastly, this is Hoseok, known as J-Hope"

"Yo, I'm J-Hope. Your hope" Hoseok said, which made me giggle.

"Annyeong! I'm Jeana" I told them excitedly.


We all soon leave the place and I was walking alone at the back while everyone else was walking and talking about their own things.

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