21 ♡ edited

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Kim Jeana

Ever since the encounter with Jungkook, Mingyu and I had hit it off. We began meeting each other more frequently, we would go get dinner together. Sometimes he would wait for me until I've finished work just so we could hang out. I would be lying if I said Mingyu wasn't a gentleman.

Although, Jungkook had stopped talking to me. I knew I was too harsh on him but he really did annoy me. I had to admit though, I missed his presence, how he would always cling onto me. Shouldn't I be grateful? Didn't this was what I asked for?

"Jeana," Someone called me, making me shake myself out of my thoughts.


"Namjoon is calling for you,"

"Ah, Ne,"

I sighed and grabbed my phone, along with his health report. It had been 3 weeks since Namjoon's surgery and everything was well. It was already confirmed that he can leave in a week.

I sauntered towards his ward and greeted him. "Feeling better?"

Namjoon nodded with a big smile on his face. "I'm leaving in a week right?" I nodded. "Thank god, hospital food tastes horrible!"

"Yah!" I exclaimed, hitting him lightly on the arm. "Anyway, have Jungkook visited you?" I blurted out without noticing.

"Wae~?" Teased Namjoon. I squint my eyes at him. "Ani, he haven't visited me for almost 2 weeks now,"

I hummed and nodded in response. "So, you guys are going to back to touring right?"

He shook his head. "No way! We're old now, we're actually planning on quiting already,"

I nodded. It was true, Jin was already in his mid thirties and I don't think they would want to continue dancing. Plus, they rarely get to meet their family members and this was their chance.


My head whipped to the sound of voice, shocked to see Jungkook and Jimin running in the ward. My cheeks started to turn red when Jungkook noticed me staring at him for too long.

"Hyung~ How are you?" Asked Jimin, sweetly.

I quietly left the ward, not wanting to intrude or anything. I couldn't help myself but thought of Jungkook. He doesn't seem as busy yet he didn't disturb me for weeks. Did he give up?

My phone ringing caught me off-guard. I fished out my phone that was in my pocket.

'Mingyu 💖'

A small smile formed on my lips as I accepted the call. "yeoboseyo?"

"Ah, Jeana!" Mingyu exclaimed. "Well, I don't have much time to talk to you, but I just want to say that I won't be seeing you as often now,"

I had to admit it saddened me a little. Mingyu was like my best friend, though I had to understand, he has a job. "Ah, is it because of your work?"

I heard him sigh. "Ne, I'm sorry,"

I shook my head. "It's okay, anyway, I have to get back to work now, I'll talk to you later," Shouldn't have said that since it would be a few days until we would take again. Mingyu's group had gotten so big for the past 12 years, I was really proud of him and the other members.

I started walking down the busy hallway. Nurses and doctors were either running or casually walking. It was difficult, becoming a doctor. Many incidents had happened, like a patient escaping or patients who didn't want to take their medication. Though, I got used to it after 12 years of working here.


I seized and turned to the other side. The voice was loud and clear but I couldn't see who it was. I only noticed the person was wearing a white sweater with black skinny jeans, and if i'm not wrong, glasses around his neck. He was running towards me, just then I could see the person clearly.

"Jimin," I nodded. "Why were you running?"

"Ah, well Jungkook insisted that he wanted to take care of Namjoon Hyung so I came to you to ask you a few questions," he answered.

A frown set on my lips once he replied. I knew it would be about Jungkook, who else would it be? I sighed, "Alright, let's go to the cafeteria,"

He nodded and we both walked towards the cafeteria. Jimin had looked more mature ever since the last time i've seen him. He sure got taller.

"So, how's everyone?" I questioned, trying to make a conversation.

He got my question off-guard, he stared at me with wide eyes before humming, "they're healthy,"

"That's good to hear," I replied, unsure what to say next. Jimin used to be my best friend, but ever since I left, things got awkward.

"How are you? You know, with your job and all. Must be busy, huh?" Asked Jimin after a few minutes of silence.

I sighed and a fake smile plastered on my face. "I'm... good, I guess. I've just been stressing over my work and Jungkook a little,"

Jimin's head craned up to look at me. "Jungkook? I thought he stopped texting you?"

"How did you know?" Quite embarrased that I accidentally said the last part out loud.

He chuckled. "In case you forgot, Jeana, Jungkook lives with me and he's my best friend,"

I nervously laughed. "Right... it slipped my mind, sorry,"

"It's fine," he brushed it off. "Why are you stressed over Jungkook, anyway?"

Should I tell him or not? Yes, he was my best friend but how can I trust him? What if he told Jungkook what happened? What if, what if, what if.

"Can I trust you?" I blurted out the question. "Promise you won't tell anyone?"

Jimin gave me a sweet smile. "Of course, Jeana, you're my best friend, right?"

It was sweet of him that he actually cared of me and still thinks that we're still close friends. It made my heart flutter a little, not in the crush way. I was really proud that I had someone like him since I haven't told anyone about it.

"I felt... different, lonely, when he doesn't text me," I explained. "It's like... I'm craving for him to text me, but whenver he's there, I just get mad and starts scolding him, I feel bad," I frowned.

"You miss him?"

I bit my lip. Do I? I told myself I won't and I never will but I can't block my feelings. "It's.... complicated,"

He nodded. "You should talk to him," he adviced. "He misses you, you know? He stopped texting you because he saw you and the other kid together and he's tired of always trying to make the first move all the time,"

"He's jealous? Mingyu's just a friend, nothing more, never will," I explained.

"He really can't help it, you know," he shrugged. "He really loves you, Jeana. Don't you love him back?"

I was shocked when Jimin asked me that question. I really didn't know how I feel towards Jungkook, he was sweet and nice but sometimes I just want to punch him.

"I don't know," I answered honestly.

"Give him a chance," stated Jimin. "Anyway, I need to go, I'll talk to Jungkook,"

We both stood up from our seats. "Thank you so much, Jimin,"

I was thankful for Jimin being there for me.

A/N: without jimin, this freaking book wont even go on istg

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