13 ♡ edited

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Kim Jeana

Sighing, I put my phone down. I simply needed rest. I didn't want to deal with this, I was too tired to deal with Jungkook and the fans.

I shouldn't have agreed to this. If only Jin didn't brought me here, things like this wouldn't have happen.

"He texted you?"

Nodding, I grabbed a pillow and suffocate my face with it. "He wants to talk,"

"Talk?" Jin chuckled, "you guys are so getting back together,"

I took the pillow away from my face and glared at him. "Never. I'm promising you that. I'm never getting back together with him. Maybe we weren't meant to be together."

He sighed and took a seat beside me. "I guess," he shrugged. "Well, what about Mingyu?"

A confused expression was plastered on my face, "what about him?"

"He's hot,"

I gave him a weird look, "are you gay?"

"No! I'm just complimenting that kid,"

I rolled my eyes, "Well, he's nice, I guess. I think we'll fake date for about 6 months and i'm done,"

"What do you mean by 'done'?"

"I'm quiting this job," I sighed, "I don't want to see Jungkook anymore. He makes things difficult,"

"Jeana, you do realise that you're at fault too, right?" Jin stated. "You can't push the blame to him, a relationship consists of 2 people. Therefore it's both of your fault,"

I kept quiet. Why is Jin always right? "I don't want to talk about this anymore,"


"I'm going out. Don't bother waiting for me,"


"Mingyu..." I smiled at him.

"Jeana, how are you? You know what we are suppose to do, right?"

I nod. "Yeah, how about we go to the Zoo this time?"

About an hour after, we reached the Zoo. The both of us, immediately entered the Zoo and looked around.

Unaware of people watching us, I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the bear enclosure.

"Aww! They're so cute!" I cooed. "I wouldn't mind having it as a pet!" I giggled.

"You're crazy,"

"For you," I joked and winked at Mingyu.

"Come on, I want to see the penguins."

Jeon Jungkook

"You have got to be kidding me,"

The photos were published an hour ago, and Jeana is in her room right now. "She went out with Mingyu, again!"

Namjoon looked at me, "well, it's her job,"

"Yeah, I know that, but still!" I groaned in frustration and put my phone down. "It makes me feel like I want to make her mine,"

"What if she doesn't want to?" Asked Namjoon. "What if she had enough of the relationship?"

I bit my lip, thinking. "Then...then..."

"You can't do anything about it, Jungkook," said Namjoon, staring at me, "deal with it,"

I sighed. "I guess."


The following day, I woke up earlier than usual. Probably because I had a talk with Jeana, and it's absolutely nerve wrecking.

After showering, I tried to practice what I had to say in front of a mirror. I looked absolutely stupid; talking to the mirror, but it was a good practice.

"Why are you dressed up so nicely?" I jumped on the spot and looked at Namjoon through the mirror.

"I'm meeting Jeana, remember?"

"You guys are just talking, you like you're going on a date," said Namjoon, "and if you want to practice, practice somewhere else, you're disturbing my sleep," he groaned, and fell asleep once more.

I rolled my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror. I wasn't too over dressed, was I? Just a simple button up and skinny jeans is fine.

"Namjoon is so judgmental," I mumbled.

"I heard that, dongsaeng,"

I looked at Namjoon in horror. "S-sorry."

"It's fine, cause' I think you're annoying too," he remarked and snuggled in the pillow. "All the best for you and Jeana."

I sighed, "thanks Hyung."

I took a deep breathe before texting Jeana that I would be waiting near the exit staircase.

I waited for about 10 minutes before I saw Jeana's tiny figure walking towards me.

"Jeana," I breathed out, "hey,"

"Hey, Jungkook," she replied, looking down at her hands. "I'm sure we both have a lot to talk. I'll go first,"


"Jungkook, I- I love you very much, you know that, right?" I nodded, "but, we can't call what we had a relationship. Relationships consist of trust and a lot of commitment. If we were to break up every single time we had an argument, I don't want to be in- you know what I mean right?" She asked. I stared at her in shock. "I just don't think we are meant for each other. You know?"

"No, I don't know," I said. My speech was all a waste. She doesn't want me anymore.

"You're amazing- everyone knows that," she said, not looking at me. "But it's best we don't become more than friends, right?"

"Well, can I say what I want to say now?" She nodded, looking straight into my eyes. "I love you, Jeana. I thought, you would still give me a chance, but I guess not." I sighed. "I'm sorry if our relationship disappoint you,"

"No! No, no, no, no it didn't!"

I smiled a little, "should we stick as friends? Best friends?"

"Y-yeah. It's all for the best, right?" She asked.

"It's all for the best," I whispered, bending down a little to match her height.

Jeana threw herself on me, wrapping her arms around my waist. I didn't hesitate to wrapped my arms around her, resting my chin on her shoulder.

I couldn't help but let a few tears slip down my cheeks. This was probably our last hug. I'm going to miss her kisses, her hugs. Everything. Cliche, I know.

"You're fine, right?" I heard Jeana asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied, "perfectly fine,"

"This won't affect your idol life, right?"

"Of course not,"

Her arms around my waist became tighter, "let me hold you a little longer,"

I smiled a little, pulling her closer. "Of course,"

That wasn't a lie.


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