7 ♡ edited

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This book is not on hold anymore (-:

Jeon Jungkook

My eyes widened as I stared at the director. Why the hell are they so chill about this?

"What the hell?" Jeana muttered. "I didn't agree to this,"

The director frowned, "What? Do you want Jungkook to get the attention he needs or not?"

Jeana gulped. "I-i-"

"SERIOUSLY! CHOOSE NOW," the director yelled, making Jeana jump.

Knowing Jeana, she would burst into tears if someone yelled at her and that was what she did. "Yah, you don't talk to a lady like that," I spoke up.

"Mian, mian,"

I rolled my eyes, "give us time,"

I grabbed Jeana's shoulder and gently pulled her towards somewhere private.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to, you know," I said.

She looked up and wiped her tears, "B-but you won't get the attention,"

"I don't need the attention, Jeana," I sighed.

"I-i'll do it," she mumbled.

My eyes widened, "Are you sure? You don't-"

Her head snapped up and glared, "I said i'll do it, will you just shut up?"

I frowned, "okay, whatever,"

We both got back to the scene, where the director was walking back and forth with his hands on his head.

Once he saw us, he came towards us, "So...?"

"We'll do it," I answered for Jeana.


"Jungkook, put your arms around her waist,"

I placed my arms around Jeana's waist, making her tense a little.

"Jeana, closer, less tense."

She sighed and shuffled her feet closer to me. It's adorable how she keeps on looking down.

"Now, kiss,"

Her hold on my waist tightened. Probably scared. She didn't make the first move so I decided to do it instead.

I grabbed her cheeks and made her look up at me. I noticed her pupils started shaking, so I caressed her cheeks. I turned my head sideways and went nearer.

"Yeah, keep going," the director said.

I was about to place my lips on hers when she squeezed my t-shirt.

"Jungkook, i'm scared," she mumbled.

I sighed and pulled away. "Take 10,"

"What the hell?" the director asked. "I'm incharge of taking breaks,"

"We need to practice," I simply said and pulled Jeana with me.

Once we reached somewhere a little more private, "Are we really going to practice,"

"Don't be scared," I tell her, "confidence. Confidence is key,"


"Do it like you're kissing your crush," I tell her, "your lover,"



I was cut off by someone's lips on mine. Knowing who it was, I kept still with eyes wide open.

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