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After 12 years...

Kim Jeana

"Noona, I've checked on patient Lee Jinhee's condition. Her heart rate is normal," stated Jaehyun.

I nodded my head and averted my gaze away from the health report. "Did you prescribed malnutrition?"

"Yes," he responded.

"Why are you being so informal with Dr. Jeana?" commented a nurse who works at the registration counter. I chuckled and resumed scanning the health report.Time sure flew by very fast. I felt nostalgic when memories of me attending school flooded in my mind. There were ups and downs but I was able to confront those hurdles. I realised how immature the students were in my school and I was always flunking major tests.

But here I am now, a doctor in Seoul National University Hospital, one of the prestigious hospitals in Seoul, Korea. I was a stylist for an idol group but I left because I wanted to.It seemed like a dumb decision for some devoted fans out there but I personally think that a job, is an area where we are experts on and where we are fully committed.

How and why did I become a doctor? I realised that the society are prejudiced for their economic background so I wanted to prove that people who have low economic background can rise to success. Furthermore, I want to save people's lives. I knew I didn't take in abundance of knowledge when I was schooling so I decided to fly overseas to have a fresh start. I took education seriously and that was where I aspire to be a doctor.

"We're close partners okay. Noona, I'm just curious but you don't have a boyfriend?" asked Jaehyun with furrowed eyebrows.

I froze for a second.


He was my first boyfriend. We had lots of argument but aren't that normal for all couples? We had misunderstandings and it was challenging to sort out. We ended up separating ways because it wasn't efficient for the relationship when Jungkook has to fully focus on his career as an idol. Morever, he signed a contract not to date at an early stage of his career. We did contact one another solely as friends but as time pass by, we were both busy with our lives. He was busy with music and I was busy studying.

He rised to fame being a Bangtan Boys member or also known as BTS. I would lie if I didn't listen to his songs but I was forced to because the nurses here are hardcore fans. He was a nice guy but those are the past.Now that he's successful, would he be the same like before?

"Jaehyun, didn't I warn you? Personal matters are to be kept confidential."

"Come on noona~ I mean look at you!You have the looks that men are dying for," complimented Jaehyun.

I tilted my head and started scrutinizing myself from head to toe. I was wearing a tucked in white blouse with a steel blue jacquard pencil skirt. Now that I'm an adult, I became more interested in wearing heels so I wore black heels. I also dyed my wavy hair brown. Aren't doctors should be dressed appropriately? I don't know if my face was that pretty.

"You're also pretty, nice, tall, slim and smart," the nurse chimed in and Jaehyun nodded his head.

If I fit all those description, then why didn't I have a boyfriend? Well there are some male patients who sent me chocolates and letters for aiding them but it stopped for awhile.

"Dr. Jeana, please report to patient room 507 immediately," the PA system boomed across the whole hospital.

Is there a problem? But I'm not in charge of the patient who is in room 507. I shrugged and brisk walked to the lift, escalating up to the room. I slide the door to the right, entering the room but I halted when a familiar person caught my view.

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