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Kim Jeana

Laying down on the bed with Jungkook beside me, I stared at him with a smile on my face.

"What are you staring at?" Jungkook asked, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

I shrugged, "my boyfriend,"

Jungkook suddenly turned towards me, "Babe are you sure about keeping our relationship a secret?"

I nodded, "why not?"

Jungkook sighed, "What if... what if one of them finds out? I don't want to lose you again,"

"Jungkook," I placed my palm on his thigh, "I won't leave. They will not find out. Our relationship will be perfectly fine,"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course,"

Wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulled me closer, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck.

"Thank you for being the best girlfriend," he mumbled.

"What about the kissing scene?" I asked, "are we still doing it?"

"We don't really have much time," pulling away from my neck after leaving a light kiss on it.

"So, we are left with the dance?"

"Well, our manager told me that we don't need a dance for our song," he said, "we can just sing it on stage,"

"Jinjja?!" I exclaimed.

Jungkook nodded. "Let's just go to sleep,"


Jeon Jungkook

Waking up beside your loved one is the best feeling ever. It makes you feel loved, complete.

Smiling when I saw Jeana laying on my chest, I tightened my grip on her waist. Sadly, I couldn't hold her for long since I had to shower.

I got up, grabbing my clothes, and taking a quick shower. After I did, I woke Jeana up, while she was taking a shower, I took this time to pack my bag since we are leaving tomorrow.

Noticing my black T-shirt missing, I decided to keep quiet about it since Jeana obviously took the shirt.

Once Jeana went out, she did her make up while I fixed my hair. When I got out, I noticed Jeana staring at the wall with a small smile on her lips.

I walked closer towards her and looked at her. She didn't notice I was staring at her, I took this chance to lay my weight on her.

Throwing my arm around her and hiding my face in her neck, "BABY!"

"Yah! Jungkook!"

I laughed, "what were you thinking about?"

Jeana wrapped her arms around my neck and played with my hair, "nothing important,"

I pressed my lips against her neck, "why are you keeping things from me?"

"It's nothing important trust me," Jeana said and kissed my forehead, "let's just go,"

I got off her and grabbed the bag hanging on the chair, and slung it around my shoulder.

I was about too grab Jeana's hands but the boys would see. We both got out of  the room, meeting the boys downstairs.

It was definitely annoying that I couldn't hold or touch Jeana. I'm pretty sure she felt the same thing.

"I'll sit beside Jin oppa later," Jeana explained.

I sighed while nodding. We both met the boys who was waiting patiently. We immediately entered the van, I was sitting beside Taehyung Hyung.

"Guys! We should do a VLive!" Hoseok stated.

"Again? Plus, It's 8 in the morning, I don't think anyone would be awake," replied Namjoon.

"Agreed," I shrugged.


"What's going on with the both of you?" Yoongi Hyung asked.

For the past hour, me and Jeana have exchanged glances and laughed when we're texting.

"What?" I asked, "nothing,"

"Then why are the both of you giggling together??" Jin asked.

"Giggling?" Jeana asked, acting clueless.

"Don't play dumb, Jeana," Jin rolled his eyes.

"Oppa," she whined cutely, "I wasn't giggling. Even if I was, it wasn't because of Jungkook,"

I have to admit, Jeana's acting was really good. I don't think I could do that good.

"There's nothing going on between us, I promise hyung," I said.

Jin and Yoongi gave us one last weird glance before leaving us alone.

My phone vibrated in my hand, checking it quickly if it was Jeana.

That was close -Jeana

I replied to her with a simple 'yeah'. Soon, I had to put on my costume. Quickly changing out of my T-shirt, I walked in the room to get my make up done.

I was a little disappointed whe I saw Jeana already busy and I couldn't ask her to do it for me.

I sauntered towards the lady with thick make up on her face. I never liked her because she would always try to talk stupid topics with me.

Like how she complains bras were to expensive. What do you want me to do? Talk to the president? Hell no.

Another thing I hate about her is that she pulls my hair a lot. Not sure why she can't style my hair softly but I had to deal with it.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Jeana laughing with Taehyung. She was sitting quite close to him, should I text her?

Probably not, people could see or peek. Sighing, I simply stared at them being very close to each other. Taehyung is always like that. He always claims that he aren't flirting, but he actually is.

Maybe it wasn't his intention but sometimes he gets too close to a girl and never noticed. I tried not to glare through the mirror but I couldn't help it. Call me selfish but I don't share what's mine.

Jeana made eye contact with me, smiling at me, making my heart ease a little. She pulled away from Taehyung and sauntered towards me.

"I'll take over," she smiled at the lady who was doing my make up.

"Why are you here?" I closed my right eye so she could put  the make up on easily, "aren't you tired?"

"It's okay," she mumbled, "Taehyung was clingy,"

I chuckled, "What did he do?"

Jeana secretly pinched my arm, making me hit her lightly, "Don't pretend you didn't saw it,"

I sighed, "I guess, you could've talked to him you know?"

"It's okay,"

Jeana continued doing my make up while I stared at her beautiful face. Soon, she was done and pulled away from my face with a smile.

"Guys, we have to get ready backstage now," Namjoon said.

"Araseo, you guys go first, I have things to do," I tell them.

All of them left, leaving me and Jeana alone. She raised her eyebrows at me with crossed arms, "No goodluck kiss?"

"Yah! Anyone can come in and see," Jeana exclaimed.

"A hug at least?"

Jeana smiled and wrapped her arms around my waist, "you'll do great out there. For sure,"

"Thank you, baby, I'll go now,"

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