I'm leaving. I'm sorry.

2.9K 61 18

Hello everyone.

I seriously don't know how to start this letter.

I came on Wattpad when I was only 12 years old (2014). I was introduced to the world of many different genres of stories.

When I came on Wattpad, I had no background of writing. When I first started writing, I was terrible. I barely got any reads. I only had 2 followers (which were my friends). Slowly but surely, I got better with the help of the other readers.

I finally gained more experience in 2016. I wrote my first K-POP based book, Connected. Surprisingly, it was a big hit! I couldn't have done it without the help of you guys. All of you were so kind to meㅡ voting and commenting on my book on a daily basis. Then, I wrote a 2nd book, Connected 2, a continuation of Connected. Again, it became a hit.

At that time, I barely got hundreds of notifications from all of you. In 2017, I started writing more books. Imagines, Monsta X and much more. I started getting more recognition. From only 50 notifications a day, it turned into 100-200 notifications a day and much more. I was glad to say that all my hardwork was put into good use.

In 2018, I slowly started slacking. I barely updated, I took breaks that I didn't need. I held my books just because I wasn't interested. Sad to say, I have no more interest in this account.

After thinking thoroughly, for weeks, i've finally come to a conclusion that I do not want to continue this account anymore.

It wasn't because of YOU. I gradually started losing interest and stopped reading fanfictions on this books. Looking back to my old books, I realised that I have put 0 effort in it. I've definitely questioned myself, "why do you all even read my books? It's ridiculous."

I loved writing. And I still do now. I never had thoughts about me leaving this account before, because wow, I've made so so much great memories here, on this account. I started from a nobody 5sos account to a 300k reads book account. I have made memories with YOU.

I feel like, not putting enough effort in this account definitely just ruined everything. I have not made any progress for months.

I definitely won't stop writing, of course. I'll continue writing on tumblr (tumblr.com/nct-taetaeyong), just that I won't be updating as much.

Yes, I will still be leaving my books here, just in case you would still like to read it.

I would like to thank every single one of you who has voted, read, commented on my book. I can't thank you enough because you are the reason how and why I got where I am today.

Lastly, I will be deleting KAKAOTALK, but, you can message or follow me on Instagram. My personal Instagram is instagram.com/naemchi . If you want, you can DM me there.

I hope all of you understand where I am coming from. I'll work harder in the future to make all of you happy. Please have a good day or night!


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