19 ♡ edited

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Kim Jeana

Walking through, the busy hallway. My fingers gripped tightly on the files. Many things was on my mind that I couldn't focus on work. With rumors now spending around the hospital, it definitely was difficult to focus.

I then recalled about yesterday's lunch with Jungkook. It was a complete disaster.


"Excuse me?" I asked, shocked.

He hummed. "I'm right. Right?"

I shook my head. "I don't want to remember about the past Jungkook. It was just... some stupid, dumb love,"

Jungkook stared at me. "Stupid, dumb love? Really Jeana?"

"Yes. We were seventeen back then, Jungkook. It was definitely stupid," I stated, sighing. "Just... don't remind me of that..."

"That?" He asked. "You mean our relationship?" He scoffed when I nodded. "Jeana, did you know how much that relationship means to me? I cherished it so much-"

"Then forget about it!" I exclaimed. Thank god the cafeteria was busy and noisy today.

"We shouldn't talk here,"

Grabbing my wrist, he dragged me towards my office. How does he know where my office is?

"How did you know where's my office?" I asked.

"Your name was on the door, Jeana," he sighed. I nodded. "Jeana, I came here for your explanation, not your scolding,"

I sighed. "Right..."


"I didn't want any relations with you, Jungkook. That's why. I didn't want to be the cause of you getting all stressed up, thats what I left,"

"Well, did you know I got stressed because you left, Jeana?" He asked, standing closer to me. "Of course you don't, you don't care about how I feel,"


"Jeana, did you know how much I missed you? My-" Jungkook couldn't finish his sentence when he let out a loud sob. "M-my... heart..." he tried to continue. "It hurts, Jeana. It hurts a lot,"

"Jungkook, I-"

"Just... just hold me, please," he begged, staring down at me.

I stared at him. I felt bad. I felt bad for leaving him, but it was for the best wasn't it?

Lifting my arms, I wrapped it around his waist. I slowly leaned into his warm chest. I sighed quietly when Jungkook wrapped his arms around my body and his head on my shoulder.

I didn't miss this. I know I didn't. I moved on from Jungkook. 12 years without him, helped right?

Jungkook's sobs soon died down. I immediately pulled away. "I'm sorry," I breathed out, "I'm sorry this happened,"

"No, no, don't apologise," Jungkook replied, shaking his head.

"Yeah, this was all out of friendship right?" I asked, faking a laugh, looking down at the floor.

"Friendship??" He asked.

I craned my head to meet his gaze and his eyes flickered from sadness to disbelief. I cursed myself mentally for blurting that word out because I knew Jungkook will never regard our relationship a friendship. His eyes turned watery again but his face showed he was resisting the tears from falling.

"You really don't understand how I feel don't you? I'll prove to you that my feelings for you has stay the same and that you'll come back to me."

Every word he said decreases our distance. My back hit the wall and I froze. His glares could swallow me anytime and his voice was stern enough to run down shivers down my spine. He sauntered away with clenched fist and didn't look back on me. I massaged my temples and heaved a heavy sigh. Why did destiny bring the both of us together?

End of Flashback

I groaned quietly and sauntered to Namjoon's room to update my health report. "Hey,"

Namjoon's head craned up to face me. "Hey," he nodded.

"Did Jungkook talk to you about the surgery?" I questioned, placing the health report on the table.

Namjoon nodded reluctantly and leaned against the bed with a heavy sigh.

"Yes, when is it?"

"Well..." I started. "You can either start tomorrow afternoon or the following day, at night," I answered.

"I prefer tomorrow afternoon. Thanks," he nodded. "Did Jungkook talk to you?"

"None of your business," I snapped. Honestly, I didn't want to think of Jungkook right now during work.

"Okay, okay, take a chill pill," Namjoon said, rolling his eyes.

I sighed and bowed and soon left the room. Tiredness washed over me. The tons of work I had to finish was absolutely ridiculous. I really couldn't get Jungkook out of my mind, he would always find a way to come back into my life, no matter how hard I try to avoid him.

If Jungkook didn't become famous, things wouldn't be so complicated. Heck, if I haven't met Jungkook, none of this would happen. If Jungkook didn't move houses, I wouldn't have met him. If I didn't had talk to Jungkook, I wouldn't be stressed over this matter.

Why was it so difficult? Why can't Jungkook leave me alone and proceed with his idol life? That, I have to ask. I missed him. Yes I do but it was the past now. If I can let go of it, why can't he?

I agree, the relationship was something special in my heart, every relationship was, but if I can move on, why can't he?


"Are you down for coffee?" Asked Jungkook. "As in a date,"

It was brave for him to ask me that. Just barging in my office and sitting down, staring at me for 30 minutes in silence then asked me for a date.

I lifted my head to meet his gaze. "Not today, not tomorrow. Never. If you'd understand, I'm a doctor, Jungkook. I save people lives and I'm too busy to find a boyfriend- a date even," I answered. "I spend my time in this hospital, saving people, I do not give a shit about your feelings or the date,"

I knew it was harsh. Very harsh. Heck, too harsh. But I didn't care, he deserved to know after disturbing me all this while. I have bills to be paid, I have to feed myself, I have to pay for my mom's bills since she's not working now.

I could see Jungkook was pissed, but I knew him to well. He wasn't pissed. He was hurt. Soon, his brows furrowed. "And I don't give a shit about the time you have, you're going to that date, I don't care." He replied. "I told you i'm going to prove that you have feelings for me and it's going to work,"

"Why are you confident, huh?" I questioned, almost instantly. "What makes you think I'm going to fall for you? What if I don't?"

He stared at me for a second before a smirked was formed on his lips. "I know you, Jeana. You're going to come running back to me. I know it."

A/N: i'm sorry if this chapter sucks, I really tried my best 😩

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