17 ♡ edited

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Kim Jeana

"You're J-jungkook?" I stuttered. My eyes grew wider and my fingers were glued onto the keyboard. I was too shocked to even bat an eyelash. He was Jungkook the whole time? Why was it so difficult to identify him? I scrutinized him and he has changed overall. I could finally see his whole face and those eyes reminded me of when I bumped into him. It was him all along and he was the person who stared at me at the counter just now?


"U-uh, I need to check on my other patients." I said after a few minutes of silence. I got up on my feet and sauntered to the other side of the door.

"Wait, Jeana!"

I halted in place when he hollered my name. My heart throbbed and memories flooded through my mind. The way he called my name reminded me when we were together but all those memories should have been vanished from my life.I'm already starting anew but the cycle repeats. Why did destiny bring us together now when we have no more special relations? I ceased and bit my lip. My eyes turned watery and biting my lip was the only way I could prevent my tears from falling.

"Y-yes?" I managed to croak out.

"We should talk," he said which make me clench my fist. I heaved a sigh and replied sternly.

"There's nothing to talk about."

"There is!"

I got startled when he raised his voice. What does he want from me? We're over now and we can't repeat history. I don't want to meet Jungkook nor look at him but why did he have to be here in this hospital? Out of all the places, why in this antiseptic smelling hospital?

"I don't-"

"Give me your phone."

I narrowed my eyes on him and folded my arms.

"Why do you need it?"

He ignored my question and instead, he reached out his hand for my phone which was in the front pocket of my gown. I was fatigue to argue with him for his rude action so my mouth were sealed and I only watched his every move. He dialed in his number on my phone and clicked on the green call button. His phone rang when he took it out from his back pocket of his jeans and he saved my number on his contacts. Afterwards, he slipped my phone back into its place and craned his head up to face me.

"Reply me when I message you. Answer my call when I call you. Meet me when I told you to," he ordered.

Am I dog a now?

"I'll talk to Namjoon hyung about the surgery and please, don't run away from me."

He formed a small smile and sauntered out of the office afterwards. He has became more rude.

I froze on my spot, letting it sink in. Should I block his number or not? Do I listen to his orders?

"This isn't the time, Jeana," I mumbled to myself. Shaking my head, I snapped out of the thoughts of Jungkook and left my office.

I couldn't help myself but think again, what does Jungkook really wants from me? I understand he wanted to know where I dissappeared to but he doesn't have to be so possessive.

Shaking my head, I checked on my other patients. Time soon passed by and it was the end of the day.

Walking in a fast pace, I hurried towards my dorm in the hospital. Today was a tiring day. More than usual people came today and many doctors weren't here, resulting a lot of time taken. I didn't had the chance to get my break on time.

"Finally," I sighed as I jumped on the quite comfortable bed. Laying down for a minute before I changed into my pajamas.

Snuggling under the blankets with a gigantic smile, I slowly laid down on the pillow.

Just as I was about to close my eyes, a 'ding' was heard from my phone. I widened my eyes once again.

"Maybe it was just something related to Instagram," I told myself. I snatched a pillow behind me, cuddling it as I started to close my eyes slowly.

Again, a 'ding' was heard from my phone. I clenched my fist in anger, but soon unclenched it again. "It's nothing important,"

"God damn it!" I mumbled to myself angrily as I threw my blanket away from my legs as I reached for my phone that 'ding' for the third time.

Allowing the home button to scan my thumb print, I checked my messages to see and unknown number texting me.

Unknown: Hey.

Unknown: It's Jungkook.

Unknown: Are you asleep?

Jeana: I freaking was but you decided to text me!

Jungkook: Oh sorry. I'll text you tomorrow then

Jungkook: Goodnight, sleep tight!


I gasped out loud when I saw what he sent me. I squealed as I threw my phone on my lap as I stared at the text over and over again.

What was that heart suppose to mean? Was it a good thing or not? Should I ask him about it?

"Oh my god!" I gasped.

I was going ignore it. Staring at the phone with wide eyes, I slowly grabbed it and switched it off, placing it on the table.

Breathing heavily, I slowly rest my head on the pillow. Shaking my head, I closed my eyes. I would rather stress about it tomorrow.


"He's staring at you again,"

I lifted my head to meet Jaehyun's gaze. Dropping my pen, I raised my eyebrows. "Who?"

"The guy yesterday, you met him right? Because of Namjoon?"

I nodded. "Yeah, don't mind him,"

Jaehyun gave Jungkook one last glance before looking back at me. I continued doing my work, waiting for Namjoon to call me again.

"Why are you so chill?"

I hummed. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Oh yeah, are you free later? I want to get lunch with you!"

Just as Jaehyun was about to open his mouth, his eyes darted behind me. I scrunched my eyebrows and turned back.

I tried not to show my nervousness in front of him. "Yes, may I help you?"

I then remembered the heart he sent me last night. Oh god. I bit my lip as my hands clenched my gown.

"Can we get lunch together?" Asked Jungkook.

"Sorry, but i'm getting lunch with my colleague," I rejected his offer. I simply didn't want to have any contact with him anymore.

"Um, Jeana, I'll be busy, you can eat with him," spoke Jaehyun from behind.

I looked down, my hair covering my face. Biting my lip harder, I cursed under my breathe. Looking up once again, I met Jungkook's gaze, "It will be very late though, I don't think you'll wait,"

"N-no!" Exclaimed Jungkook. "I'm free today, I can wait,"

I sighed heavily. Thanks a lot Jaehyun.

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