3 ♡ edited

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Kim Jeana

Once all three of us entered the room, I immediately asked if they wanted snacks. Honestly, I was aiming to ask Taehyung only but it was rude if I ignored Jungkook.

"Do you have Choco pie?" Taehyung asked eagerly.

I tip toed to open the cardboard and scanned if I do have the snack he wanted. I did, it was at the very top, where I couldn't reach.

I tried reaching for it again but a hand slipped past mine and I felt my back hit someone.


I turned around and snatched the box of snack from Jungkook and walked away. Before I could, he already held onto my hand.

"Can I help you?" I asked, turning around.

"No, thank you?" he questioned.

"Thank you," I mumbled, "next time, you don't have to help me because I am capable of grabbing something by myself," I tell him.

"With that height of yours?"

I frowned and crossed my arms, "what's wrong with my height?"

"Nothing. Your height is adorable," he grinned and ruffled my hair lightly before walking past me.

I stared blankly at the wall. I quickly walked towards the mirror and saw that my cheeks were burning red.

"Ah!!" I groaned, annoyed. I slapped my cheeks a couple of times, trying to ignore the feeling of embarrassment.

I left the toilet and walked towards Taehyung who was laying on Jin's and I, used to be neat bed.

I wanted to scream and yell and pull my hair out because he actually ruined my bedroom but I couldn't. I could just stared at him while I saw Jungkook staring at me with a smile on his face.

"Hyung, get out of her bed, she doesn't like anything messy," Jungkook said and continued watching the television.

Taehyung looked up at me, "Oh? Come sit with me,"

I stared at him for a while, "fine,"

What was the point of sitting somewhere else when the bad is already messy? I sighed as I walked towards Taehyung and placed the snacks on his lap.

While I was watching the TV, I noticed that Jungkook turned to look at us and soon jumped on the bed to sit beside me.

I was shocked for a moment but then I squeezed towards Taehyung's side. Not wanting to be any closer to Jungkook.

My phone then rang, on the bed side where Jungkook was sitting. I sit up and tried to reach for my phone but my hand was too short. I placed my palm on Jungkook's thighs and tried to reach for it again but failed miserably.

"Jungkook, can you get my phone, please?" I asked.

He grabbed my phone and passed it to me. When I grabbed it, my fingers brushed his which made me snatch it away from him and turned the other side.

I answered the call, "annyeong, annyeong annyeong,"

"Yah, Jeana, can you ask the boys to come down now? The van is waiting for us," Jin said, quite rudely.

I huffed, "Kay, but you could've said it nicer,"


Jin then hung up and I stood up and jumped off the bed, "we have to go,"


I nodded and picked up my purse, waiting for the boys. They soon left the room and I shut it.

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