18 ♡ edited

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A/N: hi guys sorry I stopped updating regularly like I used to do. I simply have some troubles. T^T I know some of you have lost interest in this book but pls bare with me T^T Don't cheat on me okayyy. I'll work hard just for you guys T^T

Kim Jeana

"What's going on with you and Jungkook?" Asked Jaehyun.

I stacked the papers neatly and filed them. "What do you mean?" I asked, acting dumb.

"Well, firstly, he asked you to eat with him. He's an idol, isn't he?" Answered Jeahyun as he grabbed the folder.

I stood up from the chair. I stretched my arms while doing so. "It's really none of you business, Jae. I love you and all that but you shouldn't worry about me," I replied. I really didn't need people to know about me and Jungkook.

Within those 12 years, fans have already forgotten about me, which I was thankful for. I really didn't need anymore people knowing about my past with Jungkook.

Jaehyun sighed as he stared at me for a few seconds before sighing loudly. "Okay. Just be careful,"

"I know how to take care of myself, Jae," I smiled at him. I pressed the home button of my phone to check the time which read, 2:03pm. "Anyway, I have to go. I'll see you later?"

Without hearing a reply, I rushed out my office and head to the cafeteria. I have to say, for a hospital, they had delicious food.

I was then reminded that I had to explain everything to Jungkook. "Ahh!" I groaned in frustration, ruffling my hair. God! What if I burst into tears mid talking?

Just then, I heard someone chuckling behind me. "You okay there?"

Recognizing the voice, I faced the lady. Seohyun. She was the chairman's daughter. She had always been a show-off. Every male in this hospital was always swooning over her. In fact, she wasn't that special in my eyes, she would always try to make everything into a competition.

I restrained myself from rolling my eyes in front of her. "Yes, I am."

"Good, you looked like a crazy woman," she giggled, staring at her pink nails. "Want to get lunch together?" She smirked. "You know, as friends. That is if we are?"

Before I could reply, the elevator made a sound. I took long strides and entered the lift and immediately closed the door, not letting her in. "Bye!"

Seohyun and I never got along. Ever since the day I applied here, she's been treating me like a dog. Always ordering me to get this and that. I could always ignore her but this was my only job and I didn't had the time to find a new decent job.


Jeon Jungkook

My eyes glistened in happiness once I saw Jeana sitting patiently, waiting for me. I ambled towards her and took a seat opposite my ex-girlfriend.

"Sorry, I'm late,"

Jeana's head snapped up to face me, a fake smile plastered on her lips. "It's fine. I didn't wait for too long. What do you want to eat?"

"What do you recommend?" I questioned, staring at her.

I had to admit, I was a mess when I heard Jeana quit being our stylist. It really broke my heart into pieces. Months, I would question myself what did I do wrong? Was it Mingyu? Was it the boys?

Until about a year later, my group got more famous and never had the time to think about Jeana. That was until about 3 years later when I headed home and saw her face plastered on the bus.

She was a famous doctor. I would be lying when I said it didn't hurt me. She left without any explanation. I would ask Jin Hyung about her but he would simply shut me off.

I was shocked when I met her. After 12 years, I met her again. Jeana was something special. It wasn't like the other girls I dated before. No matter how much I tried, it was difficult to simply forget about her.

I'm surprised that she actually came. Was I too harsh on her? Oh well, I should be thankful she's already here.

"Their Kimchi Noodles are amazing," stated Jeana.

I nodded. "I'll get that. Go get whatever you want," I took out my wallet and took out 41094.40 won (50 Dollars).

Jeana stared at me then at the money then back at me again. She pointed at the money. "Don't you think that's too much?"

"Oh, sorry I don't have small notes," I apologized.

"It's okay, I'll just buy for the both-"

"Ani!" I cut her off. "Just use this,"

She stared at me for a while before sighing. Nodding she stood up and walked away to buy the food.

I took out my phone and scrolled through Twitter. I really should start learning english.


My head snapped up in shock, scanning the lady that was not Jeana. "U-um, do I know you? O-oh wait! Are you a fan?"

"Fan?" She asked. "I'm Seohyun,"

"I'm sorry...who? Am I suppose to know you?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Ani," she giggled. "I'm Jeana's colleague,"

I nodded. "Right. Why are you here? You should go, Jeana's coming back," I said, trying not to sound rude.

"I will, soon," she smiled. "Anyway, who are you to Jeana? Her cousin? Friend? Boyfriend...?"

Boyfriend? Absolutely no. Friend? I doubt she wants us to be friends. Ex-boyfriend? Pretty sure she doesn't want anyone to know about our past.

"Boyfriend," I joked. "Just-"

She gasped, cutting me off. "Jeana has a boyfriend?! This is such big news! Tots' telling everyone!" She exclaimed, soon sauntering away.


My head whipped to the voice, noticing Jeana was there, staring at me with a tray on her hands.

"Jeana! I-I'm-"

Jeana closed her eyes and breathe in heavily before walking closer, placing the tray on the table. She sat where Seohyun used to sit.

"What did you tell her?" She questioned, eyebrows scrunched together.

"Well... I told her that i'm your boyfriend," I answered, quickly adding, "But in a joking manner!"

"Oh my god."

I watched as she closed her eyes for a moment and massaged her temples. Good job Jungkook, things are going bad in our first encounter. She distributed the food and puts away the tray on a vacant table behind her.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking through when I said that," I apologised.

Jeana pricked the noodles with the metallic fork, head hung low. Now what, she doesn't accept my apology. Oh god Jungkook, why are you so stupid?!

"Can we just eat? I don't want to start an argument," said Jeana with her eyes still glued on her food which has not yet been eaten.

"But its true. I was your boyfriend before."

Jeana craned her head up to me, her eyes widened.

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