22 ♡ edited

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Kim Jeana

I took Jimin's advice, making the first move. I grabbed my mobile as I clicked the chat with Jungkook. I was quite nervous to be honest. I had never made the first move towards Jungkook once after 12 years.

Jeana: Hey

I bit my lip as I sent the first text. Taking a deep breathe, I continued typing.

Jeana: Are you okay? I heard that you're not doing so well...

I saw the bubble text at the side, indicating he was typing. Soon enough, the bubble dissappeared. A frown set on my lips. Was he ignoring me on purpose? I was about to send another text but I didn't want to sound too clingy. I shrugged as I placed my phone on my lap, waiting for a reply.

A few minutes later, I felt my phone vibrate on my thigh. Looking down, I grabbed my phone and noticed that Jungkook had reply.

Jungkook: I'm fine.

Why wasn't he being open with me?

Jeana: ayee

Jeana: you don't have to be so secretive you know (-:

Jungkook: what is that smile for huh?

Jungkook: i knw you dont like me. Stop acting fake.

I took a deep breathe. I deserved it, for all the time I was mean to him, I deserved all of this.

Jeana: im sorry. But can we talk tomorrow during my break? It's at 2pm. Please?

I waited for his reply for a long time but it never came. I sighed and put my phone my away. Whatever it is, I will talk to him.

The first thing I thought about when I woke up was Jungkook. I didn't know why I wanted to meet him badly. I don't need him in my life, right?

I let out a long sigh as I checked my phone. A smile was on my lips when I saw a text from Jungkook. It was a simple 'okay'.

For half of the day, I worked happily. I brought food for my work mates. Jaehyun noticed something different about me but he brushed it off. Soon, it was already 2pm. I walked towards the cafeteria in a fast pace, finding a vacant table for me and Jungkook.

I fished out my phone to text Jungkook.

Jeana: you're coming right? (-:

Jungkook: otw

I smiled to myself and put my phone away. I hope he would accept my apology and let me explain.


I immediately looked up and saw Jungkook with his hands tucked in his pocket, taking a seat in front of me.


"What did you want to talk about?" Asked Jungkook, avoiding eye contact with me as he fiddled with his fingers.

"I'm sorry," I apologised as my smile was replaced by a frown. "For... leaving you,"

"Why did you do it?" He asked, this time he stared at me, hurt and anger evident his eyes.

"I didn't know how to deal with my ex-boyfriend working with me," I sighed. "It's awkward,"

"You could've told me, Jeana," he glared at me. "Did you know how I felt? Did you care about how I feel?"

"Of course I do!" I answered quickly. "I was young back then. I wasn't matured, but I am now. That's why I want to settle this like an adult."

He sighed. "What are we then?" He asked. "Friends? Best friends? Acquaintances?"

"Do you have feelings for me, Jungkook?" I blurted out without thinking.

Jungkook kept quiet, biting his lip. "Of course I do," he whispered. It was so soft that I might have not heard it but I did. "If not, I wouldn't have chasing after you, right?" He let out a dry laugh.

"I'm willing to try,"

"I want to date someone who loves me as much as I love that person, Jeana," he sighed.

"Capture my heart, then," I shrugged.

A small smile spread across his lips as he bit his lip. "Okay,"


"Tonight at 8?"


"I'll fetch you," he winked before walking away.

"What?" I mumbled to myself.


I closed my eyes as I threw myself on the bed. I was really tired since someone had to have a surgery and I was incharge. The surgery was 6 hours long but it all went well.


I jumped up from the bed, to see Jungkook standing at the door. "Yaaahh," I whined. "You could've knocked, you know,"

"Sorry, I texted you but you didn't reply so I came here,"

"Two questions, what time is it now? And how did you know where my dorm is?" I asked, laying back down on the bed again with my eyes closed.

"It's 10p.m and I asked around, I told them I was your boyfriend and they told me," he chuckled.

My eyes widened in shock. "Yah!"

He laughed loudly. "What? It was the only way for me to get here, okay?"

I sighed and pouted at him. "Fine..." I then remembered that he wanted to meet me earlier. "Oh my gosh! I was suppose to meet you just now, Jungkook, i'm so sorry!"

"Chill, Jeana," he sauntered closer towards me. "I understand. You're tired,"

"I'm sorry," I sighed. "I feel guilty for leaving you for 2 hours. I promise I didn't mean it,"

It was true. I was too caught up with work that I had forgotten about what has happened outside the hospital.

"I barely get to meet my mother now a days," I sighed again. "I miss her you know, but because of work, I barely leave this place. It's like... my home now. All I want to do is to meet my loved ones," I frowned.

"Hey..." I looked up at him. "Don't be sad. Why don't you take medical leave for a two days?"

"Why two days?"

"The first day is for you to hang out with your mother, the second, with me," he spoke with a grin on his face.

I thought for a while. Well, it wasn't a bad idea... I reluctantly nodded my head. "Okay, when?"

He chuckled. "Why ask me? It's your job,"

I smiled cheekily. "Sorry,"


I managed to get a few days off. After persuading my boss for two days off since I wanted to visit my mother, he gave in and gave me a week off. I immediately texted Jungkook after that, telling him the good news. His reply was really fast, it was a simple "DHEJSVWJSWNESDSI YAY".

I decided to seperate the week evenly. For the first day, I wanted a day to myself, just shopping for clothes. Anything and everything that I liked. In the end, I will be hanging out with my mother for 3 days and Jungkook for another 3 days, before I go back to work.

It was already the second day of my 'medical leave' and now I was heading towards eomma's house that I used to share with her. I chuckled to myself as I entered the house that I used to come home to everyday. "Eomma~"

I heard a gasp from the kitchen. Soon, my mother came out and saw me. I ran towards her, engulfing her in a hug. Gosh, I missed her hugs. "I missed you, Jeana..."

"I missed you too, Eomma,"

We both pulled away. She pulled me towards the couch and started asking questions. We had a lot to catch up, by the time we finished talking, it was already dinner time.

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