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Kim Jeana

I still reminisced when I left BTS. I was actually surprised when Jin didn't notice my different behaviour on that day. I gave clues almost everyday.

"I can't wait to leave this place," I would say at every countries i've been to.

"You keep saying that," Jin would say.

Sighing, I held my phone in my hand as I leaned against the glass pannel. The only person that I kept in touch with was my brother. I didn't dare to tell the others since- who knows? They would tell Jungkook, and he would find me.

My phone vibrated in my hand. Quickly, I unlocked my phone and read the text message.

Jin Oppa: I think Jungkook is coming to the hospital to visit Namjoon. Just a heads up.

I sighed heavily. It has been a week since Namjoon was in the hospital. His disease was very bad and we had to make sure he stays in this hospital for months.

During that period of time, I would try to avoid Jungkook. I've seen him in television and noticed the way he dressed. I didn't have to look up to notice who it was. Simply analysing the shoes, I knew who it was.

There were times when he tried to call for me, to ask questions about Namjoon, but I would say a simple, "Ask Namjoon," I was happy that he didn't know who I was, I didn't want him to.

I've moved on from him, why was I so scared? It was because I would fall for him once again. I didn't want to, I promised myself that.

"Dr Jeana, to room 507, please,"

I rolled my eyes and kept my phone in my pocket. I sauntered towards room 507 and opened the door. My eyes widened when I saw Yoongi sitting inside.


I cursed under my breathe. How the hell do they know who I am? Dyeing my hair wasn't enough?

"Dr Kim," I corrected. "You called?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to know-"

"Jeana? Kim Jeana? The one who worked for us 5 years ago?" Yoongi cut Namjoon off.

I chuckled sarcastically, "12 years ago, Yoongi,"

They know me now, what's the point of hiding? "You look different,"

"I'm a doctor now, Yoongi. I don't have the time to talk to you right now," I sighed, recalling the talk I had with Namjoon last week. "Your question, Namjoon?"

"When am I leaving?"

"Not so soon, sadly," I replied. "Your surgery haven't been conducted. Don't look forward to leaving this hospital so soon,"

I bowed and was about to left the room but ceased.

"Dr Kim!" I whipped my head around to see Yoongi trailing after me.


"When is your break? Can we talk?"

I gave him a small smile. "If it's about Jungkook, there's nothing to talk about. Please-"

"No, Jeana!" He cut me off. "I just want to know why,"

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, Yoongi." With that, I gave him one last glance before sauntering away.

Sighing, I walked with my head down. One by one, the boys would ask me where I went. Honestly, I didn't know if I should tell them the truth or not.

Again, I didn't want Jungkook to know. I know how devastated and hurt he would be and I couldn't bare myself to see him like that.

I fished out my phone and unlocked it, noticing a lot of text messages from Jin.


Jin Oppa: arE yOU OK???

Jin Oppa: not like i care or anything

Jin Oppa: but still, he told me you wouldn't tell him about what happened.

Rolling my eyes, I typed a reply. Not knowing where I was going, I bumped into something, hard. My body fell backwards and I landed on my bum with a loud thud, with my phone flying out from my grasp.

"Aish, jinjja," I huffed. Picking up my mobile, I rose up and looked at the tall figure I bumped into. I scrutinized him from head to toe. He was wearing a black hoodie which covered his hair. His eyes were covered by his long fringe and mouth covered with a face mask. The black skinny jeans he wore showed his slim yet muscular figure and his shoes seemed expensive.

"Mianhae," he mumbled before brushing past me and heading to the opposite side.

I scoffed and sauntered away, checking my phone for any presence of cracks but fortunately, there weren't.

Jeana: Im not planning to tell any of them. Sorry for the late reply, bumped into a giant.

I stuffed my phone back in my pocket and headed back in my office. Picking up the papers stacked neatly on the table, I scanned them carefully and tried to finish my report as soon as possible.



I jumped in my seat and craned my head up, noticing Jaehyun was standing infront of me with a cheeky grin plastered on his face and hands behind his back. I rolled my eyes.

"You scared me. What do you want? I'm busy."

He smirked at me and I knew it would be something cheeky. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Boyfriend? What?

"No, why?"

He pulled his hands back to reveal a bouquet of flowers. "Then, explain this! Who's M, huh?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and grabbed the flowers. I scanned the handwriting:

'Don't work too hard!

I laughed out loud. Working 6 months with Mingyu was easy to identify him. His handwriting was neat and a few spelling error was written but he cancelled it out with a line. However, he did improve in his handwriting. It wasn't like scribbles.

"Why are you laughing?" Asked Jaehyun.

"I know who sent me this.We're just friends," a smile crept across my face.

He gazed at me with an unsure look. Jaehyun is the type who doesn't believe stuff once he has a valid evidence. "Are you sure? Pretty sure he has a crush on you, the flowers probably costs almost hundreds,"

"He's rich," I shrugged. "He's a singer,"

I was astonished that Mingyu sent me the flowers despite how hectic his schedule was. Once, he showed me his schedule when he was actually not supposed to reveal and I got pressurised just by analysing the amount of work he has. Being a singer is definitely not easy.

Jaehyun's eyes enlarged. "Famous?!"

I nodded and inhaled the vibrant and sweet scented bouquet. "We rarely met one another but I'm surprised he thinks of me."

Out of the blue, Jaehyun slammed his hand on my desk, making me hop from my armchair. He chuckled and folded his arms.

"Noona, why are you so relaxed after receiving flowers from a guy? You don't feel butterflies?"

I shrugged. Why should I feel butterflies when I receive a bouquet of flowers from Mingyu? Its not like we had special feelings for one another.

"I told you, we're just friends."

I set aside the flowers after I was satisfied admiring them. Jaehyun shook his head from left to right, heaving a sigh.

"You really don't know about men," he remarked and exited my office. I blinked my eyes continously, trying to process what he meant. Oh well, my report is more important.

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