8 ♡ edited

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Kim Jeana

I bit my lip as I waited for our dance teacher to arrive. I was scared honestly because I wasn't a great dancer but I could dance to simple songs like Cheer up.

"Is he strict?" I asked Jungkook while he's warming up.

"Not really," he shrugged.

"Do you think the dance will be difficult?" I questioned.

"Maybe. He's an very experienced dancer,"

"Can you tell him not to make the dance too difficult?"

He sighs, "whatever it is, i'm sure you can do it,"

I shake my head, "Aniya... I don't dance. Heck! I'm not even that great,"

"Practice makes perfect,"

Just as he said that, a guy stumbled in. "Woah, you guys are early,"

"Yeah, this is Jeana. The girl who will be dancing with me,"

I immediately stood up and bowed 90 degrees. "Annyeonghaseyo, Jeana ibnida (Hello, I am jeana)"

The guy laughed, "you don't have to be so formal. My name is Trainer Kim."

I gave him a small smile and stood beside Jungkook. "I've listened to your song and it's going to be some difficult dance moves. Are you okay with that?"

I was about to disagree but I couldn't. I was too shy to say anything.

"Perhaps something easy yet entertaining?" Jungkook suggested.

He thought for a while, "Maybe,"

He then clapped his hands and we three started the dance. The starting was pretty difficult for me, the trainer had to help me everytime.

It was finally 5 hours and the trainee went home. I had trouble so I decided to stay back and practice.

"Seriously?" I groaned and tried to correct the steps myself.

"Here let me help you," someone said, making me startled. "You put your legs at then front. Like this..."


I was close to tears. I couldn't get the steps right and it's been almost an hour.

"A-are you frustrated?" I asked.

"Of course, not, Jeana,"

I started crying. I hid my face in the palm of my hands. "I-i'm sorry,"


"I'm sorry. I'm just wasting everyone's time. I'm sorry,"

I could hear Jungkook coming towards me. "Practice makes perfect. Come on, let's do it again,"

"But you must be tired. I'll practice by myself," I said and stood up.

"It's okay,"

"Jungkook, seriously, you have a concert-"

"I said it's okay. Will you just let me help you?"

"Fine," I huffed.

When I turned to face Jungkook, he started dancing weirdly. I started smiling at first but he soon started singing loudly, making me hit him repeatedly while laughing.

Jeon Jungkook

I smiled while staring at Jeana who was laying on the floor while giggling quietly. Soon, she started laughing again.

"D-do that again!" She laughed and pointed at me.

"Come on, Jeana. We have things to do," I tell her, reaching my hand out.

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