23 ♡ edited [END]

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Kim Jeana

Jungkook had texted me the day before, that he wanted to bring me out for a date. Saying I was excited was an understatement. I was more than excited, I couldn't be more thankful when Jungkook had forgiven me.

I was wearing a black hoodie with white jeans. My hair was done in a simple and neat braid. I was waiting for Jungkook for the past 10 minutes but he wasn't here.

"Hey," my head snapped up to the sound of voice. "Sorry I'm late, there was a traffic,"

I smiled genuinely, "it's fine,"

"Let's go?"

I nodded. While we were walking, I had a sense of deja vu. I remembered when Jungkook and I was walking home after school, almost 15 years ago. At that time, I was so carefree. I grabbed his hand like it was nothing at all, but now, it was embarrassing, who knows? He might reject me.

As the both of us walked towards the crowded area, I soon realised that we were at a Carnival. God, it had been so long since I came to one of this places.

Bright lights were arranged neatly. Since Christmas is near, they had fake snowflakes plastered on the top of every booth. The simple lights and decoration had me excited like a little kid.

"It's so pretty!" I exclaimed, pointing towards the fake little snowflakes falling down from the sky.

I heard Jungkook chuckled. From the side, I could see Jungkook wasn't even looking at the scene. In fact, he was actually staring at me. I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable, so I simply brushed it off.

I averted my gaze to look at Jungkook. With a smile plastered on my face, I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the different varieties of booth stationed neatly.

During the 2 hours, Jungkook and I had played different type of games. Jungkook even won a bear, but he insisted it was for me. The both of us soon got tired and decided to leave the place and he drove me home.

"Thank you, Kookie, for bring me out," I giggled at his name. "And for giving me a chance. I really appreciate it."

A genuine smile spread across his lips. "Anything for you,"

"Well, do you want to come in?"


I was flustered by his reply. I didn't really wanted him to come but I asked anyway since it was a polite thing to do. Plus, my mother was home, what would she even think when she saw my ex-boyfriend entering our house.


"What?" He pouted. "You don't want me to come in?"

"No, no! It's not that," I sighed. "Let's just go in,"

He smiled happily as we both ambled towards the door. I unlocked the door and entered it, already smelling the sweet fragrance of cookies and dinner.

"Mom! I'm home," I hollered.

"I'm in the kitchen!"

Just then, my mother came out of the kitchen. Her eyes went wide as her mouth was slightly opened in shock. I smiled cheekily.

"Mom, this is Jungkook, if you remember," I told her.

Eomma looked at me and nodded slowly. "Yeah, I remember you,"

"Great... well, I invited him in,"

"Ah... good thing I made extra dinner." She smiled and immediately took out the food. While Jungkook and I sat down on the chair and waited. Eomma insisted that she could get everything by herself and wanted me to accompany Jungkook, which I did.

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