12 ♡ edited

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A/N This will be in 3rd POV unless stated otherwise.

Jeana walked out of the room with eyes filled with tears. Running towards her brothers' room, which was just 3 rooms away.

Knocking on the door loudly, when the door was opened, she ran in and hugged her brother.

"O-oppa," she cried.

Jin was shocked. Who wouldn't? This wasn't the first time Jin had seen his sister cry her eyes out. The last time was when Jin took her homework and won't give it back.

"What?" mumbled Namjoon.

Jin simply looked back and forth at Namjoon and Jeana.


"Jungkook," Jin mouthed to Namjoon.

"What does this have to do with the maknae?" asked a confused Namjoon.

After hearing his name, Jeana cried even louder, clutching her brothers' t-shirt. Namjoon nodded and ran towards Jungkook's room.

Entering it, he saw Jungkook sitting on the bed with his head down, noticing the little tears that was sliding down his cheek.

"Why are you and Jeana crying?"

Looking up, his eyes met Namjoon and more tears rolled down his cheeks. "She's crying?"


"It's all my fault," Jungkook mumbled, "I-I shouldn't have gotten jealous,"

A confused faced was plastered on Namjoon's face, "What? What's going on between you and Jeana?"

"Hyung, I-I-"

"What are you saying? Are you keeping something from the group?"

"We were together," Jungkook finally admitting. "For a month, and she had to fake date Mingyu,"

"You mean the guy from Seventeen?"

Jungkook nodded, "I got jealous and... burst out at her,"

"And you guys broke up?"

More tears rolled down his face. Nodding, he burried his face in his hands.

"Hyung... she means so much to me,"

Namjoon sighed, how come didn't he notice it in the first place? Of course he had thoughts about it but he did not want to jump to conclusions.

"You know, I don't like her,"

Jungkook's head shot up, "That's not my problem. I love her,"

Namjoon rolled his eyes, "Jungkook-ah, can't you see she's only using for your fame? She want's attention!"

Jungkook knew Jeana wasn't like that, "I don't think she have that intention, hyung,"

"Yah, Jungkook, she came into your life just like that. After 2 months, you guys dated. Is it not obvious?"

While Namjoon and Jungkook were arguing, Jeana was crying a river in her brother's arms.


"Ne, I'm here,"

"I can't believe he would do that,"

Kim Jeana

It was difficult to avoid Jungkook, since im working for him. Many thought flooded my mind, wanting to quit this job and never seeing him again but I can't do that.

I still have to pretend to be Mingyu's girlfriend. I still work for BTS.

"How are you feeling?" Asked Jin.

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