11 ♡ edited

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Kim Jeana

"What is this?" questioned Jungkook with a scowl plastered on his face.

I peeled my eyes off his face and faced his phone. It was a photo of me and Mingyu when he was holding my back to remove the moth.

"Oh, he was just removing a moth on my back," you explained.

Jungkook's expression didn't change, in fact he took back his phone and swiped once and showed me another photo when Mingyu was wiping my lip while I was smiling at him.

"You liked it didn't you?" he asked, not  giving me a chance to explain.

"Like who?" I asked, "Mingyu?"

Jungkook didn't answer, in fact he simply stared at me with anger in his eyes. "Seriously, Jungkook?"


"It's only my second time meeting him!" I exclaimed, "I can't and won't have any feelings for Mingyu,"

He rolled his eyes, obviously not satisfied with my answer, "Whatever it is, Jeana. You weren't suppose to be that close to him!"

"We're just friends, plus, it's a fake relationship,"

Jungkook stared at me for a minute before mumbling a, "I am very disappointed in you Jeana,"

He walked towards the bathroom, making me stand there, dumbfounded. I changed out of my clothes to shorts and a t-shirt.

I laid down on the bed, sighing. I was sure I didn't do anything wrong, Mingyu was just a friend, who I get along very well.

I heard the bathroom door opened, making me face Jungkook who ignored me and charged his handphone before laying beside me, leaving an incredibly big space in the middle.

I wanted to apologise first but it wasn't my fault, although I didn't want this fight to continue.

I turned to faced Jungkook who was staring at the wall above him. I rolled on the bed and threw my arm around his stomach and nuzzled my face in his neck.

I wanted him to know that I still love him although I wasn't apologising first.

Jungkook turned his body around, making his back face me, I frowned and pulled him to face down again.

After a few minutes of silence, Jungkook spoke, "this position is uncomfortable, Jeana,"

"I don't care," I smiled and cuddled him closer.

Instead of having my arms wrapped around Jungkook's body, I woke up with Jungkook's arm around my stomach.

Remembering our fight last night, I gently pushed his arm away and got ready. BTS had an interview in the morning and a concert in the afternoon and after that, leaving the country.

When I left the bathroom, Jungkook was already awake, sitting on the bed, staring at the wall blankly.

"You can go in now," I spoke.

Jungkook faced me, "Okay," his voice was really deep and raspy. His hair was in a mess and his chubby cheeks. I had to restrain myself from running up to him and squeezing his cheeks.

When BTS was ready, we all drove to the studio for them to do the interview. I did their hair and such, before they went in.

I waited outside with their manager and workers. As usual, Jungkook didn't talk as much.

"So, does any of you have a girlfriend?" the interviewer asked, making me choke on my own saliva.

"Are you okay, Jeana?"

I nodded. At that same moment, Jungkook answered almost immediately, "No we don't,"

I was a bit disappointed but it was all just for the fans. Sighing, I rested my back against the wall.

"Oh, I heard that Jin's sister is on tour with you guys?" asked the interviewer.

"Yeah, she's outside," answered Jin.

I bit my lip, hoping they wouldn't want me to go in but soon, I heard one of them calling me in.

I shook my head, but they didn't listen and pulled me in. As soon as I was in, bright flash filled up my eyes.

"There she is!" someone said.

The flash soon went down and a camera pointed at me. I looked around and everyone was smiling at me. Jin handed me a headphone, I put it on and sat beside Yoongi.

"Hello, Jeana!" the interviewer said happily.

I smiled, "hello,"

"Sorry this is pretty last minute, but we saw you out with a guy," he raised his eyebrows.

I blushed deeply, "Yeah,"

"Mingyu, fans have been up all night trying to figure out if you both are together, do you have anything to say?"

At this point, I had to be careful of what I say since they are filming me, "We are definitely not together, we are friends, maybe a little more,"

At the corner of my eye, I saw Jungkook slightly rolling his eyes while Namjoon patted his shoulder.

"Oh, there you have it!"


"Jungkook, are you still mad at me?" I sighed, touching his shoulder.

He looked up at me then back down again, "I'm not,"

"Then why didn't you talk to me the whole day?" I asked.

"Must I talk to you twenty-four, seven?" he asked, annoyed.

I kept quiet, "I'm still your girlfriend," I told him, "if you're mad at me-"

"I am not, mad at you, alright? I just didn't like how, that...that Mingyu treated you," He spoke Mingyu's name with venom.

"What's wrong with him? We were just doing our job," I said.

Jungkook stood up and faced me, "That isn't a job, Jeana! Gosh!"

"Then what is it? I'm helping you and this is how you repay me?" I asked, pushing a finger on his chest. "I've always motivated you but you're getting mad at me because of jealousy?"

"I'M NOT JEALOUS!" He yelled, holding my shoulders, "I'm not jealous!"

"Then why are you screaming at me?!" I yelled back.

"Because you're making conclusions! I don't care what you do, I don't care!"

Tears started welling up, "You don't care?" I mumbled. "Then why did we even have a relationship in the first place?"

"Jeana, that's not what I meant,"

"That's exactly what you meant!" I said, vanom laced in my tone. "If you don't care, we will break up, and never getting back together,"

"Jeana, I-" Even Jungkook couldn't speak. All he did was stare into my eyes and took me in his arms.

"Get off me," I groaned, pushing him away, "we're just wasting each others' time, Jungkook,"

"No we're not," he said in a soft voice.

"A-and, what if your fans find out?" I questioned, "I'm dead!"

"Jeana, don't say that,"

I looked up at him, "Bye Jungkook,"

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