6 ♡ edited

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Kim Jeana

I groaned as I left the van. Seriously? Whenever I don't think I need a jacket, the weather decides to be cold.

"Aish," I muttered and wrapped my hands around my arm to warm myself.

The boys decided to do some touring around the city just before their concert. I stood at the back since they were chatting among themselves.

I simply followed them while scanning the beautiful yet crowded place. We were in the mall. Namjoon wanted to do some shopping and the others agreed.

"Hey, we haven't talk properly before," a cheerful voice said.

I turned my head, "Hoseok, right?" he nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah, we haven't talk properly,"

He laughed, "why are you standing here alone?"

I shrugged, "I'm not really close to you guys,"

"Just follow us- yah, are you shivering?"

I gave him a fake smile, "yes but i'm fine,"

"No, no. Jungkook brought an extra jacket, let me ask him,"

"Ho-" I was about to call him out but he already walked towards Jungkook and pointing towards me.

Oh god. I looked at the tile floor, avoiding eye contact with my ex-boyfriend.


I looked up, expecting Hoseok passing me the jacket, but no. It had to be Jungkook.

"I'm fine,"

"I didn't ask you if you were fine or not, take this jacket,"

"I don't need a jacket," I snapped, "just- just go away,"

"Why are you being so rude?" Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed, "i'm trying to be nice but here you are treating me like a garbage,"

I glared at him but snatched the jacket anyway. I quickly put it on, which actually covered my whole body, and walked faster than Jungkook.

"As if you've never cuddled this trash yesterday," I heard Jungkook mumbled.

"What the hell?"I hissed at him, turning my whole body around.

"What?" he said, innocently.

"Seriously, Jeon Jungkook? You weren't-" I groaned mid-way, "I did it because I was cold, alright,"

"Yeah sure, whatever you say, Jeana," Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Everyone knows you still like me,"

I frowned, "you weren't like this. What happened to you?"

He simply raised an eyebrow at me. "Nothing happened to me."

I sighed and walked away. I'm only wasting my time on him. I pulled Taehyung, who was waving at kids, and started chatting. Just so Jungkook knew that I do not like him.

"Hey did you know that we are not the only performing later?" Taehyung asked.

"Really? Who else is performing?"


Before he could even continue, I started squealing, "OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS?"

"You're a fan?"

"BIG ONE!" I said loudly, "Gosh, Mina is such a beauty,"

"Speaking of Mina," started Taehyung, "A lot of fangirls ship Mina and Jungkook,"


I tried not to show any emotions on my face, "really?"

"You don't care?" asked Taehyung, "Do you not ship them?"

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