Chapter 6

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"Hi there"

Tiffany smiled, "Oh hello"

"You're looking fine today"

"Thank you" she blushed. "And you're looking charming today"

"Yes I am Prince Charming myself" he chuckled. "So, are there any secrets behind that beauty of yours?"

She leaned forward to whisper beside his ear, "No. Everything's just natural"

"Natural beauty, me likey" he bit his lower lip. "Are you taken?"

Tiffany proudly nodded, "Yes I am. His name is Kim Taeng"

"Oh that Kim Taeng guy? The photographer?"

"Yes indeed"

"Damn, he is very lucky to have you" he smirked.

"What about you?" she looked at him with an attracting gaze. "Is there anyone in your life?"

He straightened his jacket, "Of course, lady. She's too fine, and too hot. Too bad you can't have me coz she's Tiffany Hwang and she's taken this big heart of mine"

"What?" Tiffany dropped down her jaw. "But I still need to have you right now"

"And why is that?" he came closer

"I need him to push this trolley for me" she grabbed both of Taeng's hands and set them on the trolley.

"Quit playing already Taetae we need to do some groceries"

Did you actually fall for the scene earlier? Well, that was just a married couple trying to be flirty all over again. Taeng decided to do some little teasing here and there, so Tiffany played along.

The couple was at the market buying some stuff for the party that will be held at their house to celebrate Jessica and Tiffany's upcoming boutique.

"Hehe. That was fun" laughed Taeng

"Taetae, be serious please. We still have lots of things to buy" said Tiffany while searching for certain items

He sulked, "Fany, why can't we just pay for a party planner? You know I'm too lazy to decorate things"

"You weren't that lazy to decorate my house last time" she crossed her arms looking back at him


Taeng carefully climbed down from the ladder after finishing the last touch up on the wall. He dusted off his hands and admired his own creative work.




Those words may look simple but actually he had decorated not just the wall but the entire living room.

"What do you guys think?" he held his hips looking at another two individuals in the room

It was definitely Yul and Jessica. Taeng called them and told about his surprise plan so they agreed to help. But in the end it turned out to be only him who did everything by himself while the couple just stood at one corner and watched.

"Dude, it's awesome" said Yul

"Yeah it's nice" nodded Jessica. Then she went to back hug her new wedded husband, "But I think my seobang's proposal was the best of the best"

"Of course, Sica. Nobody can beat me" smirked Yul

"Hey guys we're not competing for the best proposal here okay so shut it" glared Taeng

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