Chapter 14

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“Hi sir. I’m here to visit the boss”

“Oh” he felt hesitated to let her in. “Actually, he’s sleeping”

He let her to take a peek inside and saw the old man soundly asleep on the bed.

“He just took his med”

She nodded. Then she handed the flowers to him, “Well then, I’ll just leave these to you”

“Yeah sure. I’ll pass it to him when he wakes up later”

“It’s from all of us. I mean, I’m representing the workers”

“That’s nice” he smiled. “Are you guys asking for a bonus or something?”

“No no” she shook her head with a little giggle. “Just something sincere from us, sir”

They noticed that they were already standing outside of the ward room.

“How’s the company going on without us?” concerned Yul

“Everything’s in a maintained position. Just that feeling a little empty without the bosses around. They did say they missed you and Yoona chasing each other in the morning”

“Oh really?” he laughed


All of a sudden they heard a familiar voice. Turning their heads to the side, there she was, standing firmly looking directly back at them.

“Sica” he looked a little surprised

“Jessica shi” Yejin bowed immediately

She moved forward step by step. Like a marching woman. While stomping her feet. But her arms didn’t swing like as if she was marching. And he noticed the glare on her face.

“Flowers huh?” she asked as soon as she reached beside him

“Yejin wanted to give it to uncle Minwoo but he’s asleep” he explained

“I see” she then faced at the girl. “I’m sorry if I interrupted the happy laughing chat you guys were having”

Yejin vigourously shook her head, “No it’s not like that actually. We were just talking about the company that’s all”

“I don’t think there’s anything funny to talk about work” she replied

Yul let out a sigh before gently pulling Jessica to the side.

“What are you doing, Yul?”

“Can you just let this go? She was just paying a visit that’s it”

“I know that. I was just asking her some questions. Is it wrong?”

“You were confronting her. She came here to see uncle with honesty. She’s playing a role as a staff visiting her sick boss. Why can’t you just accept that fact? Don’t you trust me?”

“It’s her that I don’t trust, not you. What if she tried luring your heart or flirt with you like what she did the night you two were supposed to be meeting a client but you didn’t”

“I told you that she was just sharing her past with me and I happened to feel sorry for her”

“I- urgh” Jessica groaned. She combed her hair backwards, “I don’t want us to have this kind of conversation. I came here to spend the rest of the day with you”

“Don’t you have work?”

“I’ll explain that later”

“Excuse me” Yejin came forward. “I think it’s best for me to clear any misunderstadings with the both of you”

Yul looked at Jessica first before agreeing, “Sure. Let’s continue this in the cafeteria”


“Thanks for the ice cream, uncle Taeng!”

“You’re welcome, cute boy” Taeng gave ruffled the boy’s hair

It was the day for Taehee and Kevin to fly back to Korea. Taeng managed to escape from his building without getting any attraction from the reporters. How he did it?

“Thank you for buying my son something sweet that will give him sugar rush later in the plane, Mr. Disguiser” Taehee approached from behind

“What?” he shrugged his shoulders. “Okay first of all, I’ll buy just anything my nephew wants. Lastly, yeah gotta agree that I don’t look like myself” he admired himself through the mirror door they were passing by

“I look like Tom Cruise instead!” Taeng flashed his grin

“Oh please. Stop it before I pull away your disguise. Seriously what is up with the hoodie, the cap and the black skull mask you’re wearing? You look like a robber. Thank God Kevin can recognize his uncle”

“Uncle Taeng no wobber (robber). Uncle Taeng is Kevin’s hero!”

“Thanks for back up lil guy” he bent forward to give a knuckle punch with the little boy

“Guys will forever be guys” Taehee rolled her eyes

“The gate to Seoul, Korea is now open. All passengers you may proceed to gate 14A. Thank you”

“That’s us alright” she said

“Aww. Is it time to say goodbye?” Kevin pouted

Taeng kneeled on his one knee, “Let’s not say goodbye then. How about ‘see you soon’? It sounds better right?”

“See you soon? Will you be seeing us soon, uncle Taeng?”

“I’ll try okay? Uncle Taeng will come to Korea when uncle is free aite?”

“Okay! Bring aunt Fany too!” Kevin jumped in excitement

Taeng’s smile dropped hearing her name. He quickly covered it by putting a fake smile to avoid any confusion to his nephew.

“S-sure kiddo” he cleared his throat. “Come here and give uncle a hug”

“Hehe. Kevin love uncle Taeng!” they shared a bear hug

“I love you too you cute guy” Taeng gave a quick kiss on the boy’s forehead before releasing him

He stood back on his feet and received a rather sad smile from his sister.

“Come on. Brush that kind of smile away please. Give me a sincere one”

She opened her arms giving him access for a hug, “I’m sorry on behalf of Kevin. He’s just a kid”

“Nah it’s fine”

“Promise me you’ll give her a chance?” she gave a demanding look to him

“Taehee ah just give me some time”

“Hey” she glared. “Listen to your nuna”


“Listen to me”

“But I-”

“As an older sister my job is to protect you from anything that will make you down. And your job is still, listen to me and do what I say. I don’t care how old you have grown but you are still under my care. Got that?” she gave him ‘the look’

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